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Re: [ontolog-forum] Ontology-based database integration

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Pavithra <pavithra_kenjige@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 13:14:15 -0700 (PDT)
Message-id: <922531.68846.qm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hello Everybody and Dr. Sowa!
Are you all happen to be in ISWC 2009 ? 
I attended "The semantic web for the rest of us"!   Highlight of the session - Tim Burner Lee was sitting in the audience...
What can I say.   Well, British did say that he invented "Internet" or www!  ( worth my session fees..  pardon my sense of humour.. but that is "something" for people like us who used to use "ping" and "talk" facility  from one university unix servers to connect to another university server's  legally.. and type one charector at a time on black and white screen, just twenty years ago.. ) !    I am looking forward to attend his presentation tomorrow..
Anyways, the general concession about future was to have interoperability among all the  system ...
Now is there something called "working Interoperability"?  I am opimistic, yet I know that is hard to achieve in the industry..  
- most weak point of system' s  environemnt is the " integration part"  of different systems and technologies!
- and management of it. 
- Over a period of time, during maintainance,  different software gets upgraded to different versions, causing gliches and software incompatility and frustration. 
-  Most of the time, it is not he implimentation that is the problem.  Some genius will write a peace of code that will help the integration, but maintainance and version compatibility of difference peices of software is risky.     This is a problem we had years ago.  Yet I came across the same problem with SOA software implementation recenty..  which included many web products and databases and data warehouses!
That is my thesis for the day.. !!
If you have better resolution, pass it on ..  
I think smooth interoperability is still a myth.. but, i may be naive..   ( there are well funded communities like D0D  that my have homegrown products and resources that create a smooth interoperable communities)..

--- On Mon, 10/26/09, sean barker <sean.barker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: sean barker <sean.barker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Ontology-based database integration
To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Monday, October 26, 2009, 3:45 PM


Thanks for the response. Interestingly, your sides help make the
point that Semantics is just part of the picture, as much of the effort
we are making is entirely orthogonal to the subject area of the slides.
Our problems are more demonstrating the implementation path, going from
SQL to SPARQL, triple-izing database output v. using an ontology
integration tool, sticking things together as web services, integrating
geo-services, processing non-database sources, and so on. In short,
demonstrating that the SemWeb is not a theory, but can be physically
implemented on top of the last 20 years investment in stovepipe systems
(which are expected to be around another 20 to 30 years). Not to mention
all the asides such as policy-based security or trustworthiness

Sean Barker

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of John F.
> Sowa
> Sent: 26 October 2009 01:21
> To: [ontolog-forum]
> Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Ontology-based database integration
>                    *** WARNING ***
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> Sean,
> The point I have been trying to get across is that the SemWeb is just
> one technology among many.  It was explicitly designed to be a very
> simple technology that lacks a great deal of functionality that had been
> designed, implemented, and used over the past 30 years.
> SB> ... the exercise we are going through at the moment - working out
> > a migration path to integrate conventional systems to the SemWeb.
> The goal is to work out a migration path to the *future*.  The SemWeb is
> just one among many current technologies.  The WHERE clause of SQL, for
> example, has supported full first-order logic from the very beginning.
> It's used for both queries and constraints.  The EXPRESS language, which
> Matthew used for the systems he described, also has the expressive power
> of full first-order logic.
> SB> Historically, most of our interchanges have been on a bilateral
> > basis.  This leads to lots of cheap, pairwise interfaces.
> That is certainly true.  We must migrate to a future that has sufficient
> functionality to support *everything*.
> You cannot migrate from EXPRESS or SQL *to* the SemWeb without losing
> the functionality that those systems have supported for many decades.
> The goal must be to migrate *from* EXPRESS, SQL, SemWeb, UML, and many
> other technologies to a future that integrates *all* of them.
> That is why I made in those slides.  There are 128 of them, and all of
> them make useful points.  To start with the slides that address the
> issues you raised, please go to slides 71 to 92 for Section 5 on
> "Methodologies and Missed Opportunities":
>   http://www.jfsowa.com/talks/cnl4ss.pdf
> I presented those slides as a roadmap of where Semantic Technologies for
> the future will go.  I don't have the power to make them go there, but
> that is the natural direction of evolution.  The W3C has more power than
> I do.  Companies such as Google have even more power than the W3C.
> The fact that Google uses JSON notation rather than RDF is a warning
> sign.  It shows that Google doesn't consider the current SemWeb
> directions adequate to support massive amounts of data.
> John
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