BTW Ravi:
Purna is the Sanskrit name for Whole or Completeness and in Indian
Philosophies, it is difficult concept to realize but easier to conceptualize -
it is conceived as made of both numerable and innumerable combinations e.g. 1=
1/2+1/2=14+3/4=1/8+1/8+1/4 etc. but the concept of Whole is infinite because you
can take whole from the whole and still be left with whole in infinite
Which translates into my language and ideas that you have infinity, but it
can only be divided into finite parts, and all such divisions always result in
one, a whole, infinity again, if you like in a series of recursion. The finite
bit is the observer, as it has really got start and end limits and his
existence does not compare to the existence of whatever he is in, or whatever is
in him, or whatever fills in spacetime and has no problem hence passing
through bodies live or dead.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 10:11
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] just been
brought to my attention
Purna is the Sanskrit name for Whole or Completeness and in Indian
Philosophies, it is difficult concept to realize but easier to conceptualize -
it is conceived as made of both numerable and innumerable combinations e.g. 1=
1/2+1/2=14+3/4=1/8+1/8+1/4 etc. but the concept of Whole is infinite because
you can take whole from the whole and still be left with whole in infinite
This is the origin of not only the Whole Numbers but also of Decimals and
what is known in the West as Arabic numbers 1-9 as the Arabs learned it (from
their East or from Indo-European Sanskrit language?).
In terms of neurology-cognition, it is a very developed state,
On mundane level show one apple to a patient and they raise one
finger in response, two apples and two fingers, etc. --
Thanks. Ravi (Dr. Ravi Sharma) 313 204 1740 Mobile
On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 4:56 PM, FERENC KOVACS <f.kovacs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Thank you Ravi,
What I am expecting to find is that the concept
of a whole or one or completeness that must be part of the learning
exercise, whether asociated with a short tag or a long strech identifying a
chunk of reality.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 9:02
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] just
been brought to my attention
Possible neurocognition ides: transliteration, alternate expressions,
synonyms, sense change such as see and respond by talk, or text to visual
cues - these are some of the neurocognitive possible testing areas. I
am not working on these but these are some from old scripts in Upanishads
etc that I am learning from.
Implicit is the presence of observers, interpreters when the subject
responds or the sensor that measures the response to stimulus (PET
Mapping?). -- Thanks. Ravi (Dr. Ravi Sharma) 313 204 1740
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