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Re: [ontolog-forum] Goverment funding for private research?

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Len Yabloko" <lenya@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 21:35:47 +0000
Message-id: <W4937927425138461240349747@webmail37>
>Len Yabloko wrote:
>> I believe this topic may be of interest to some on this forum,
>> especially those pursuing independent development of ontology
>> applications. I am very interested to learn from experience others
>> may have had trying to get non-academic funding for ontology-related
>> research and development. What are the chances for independent early
>> stage high risk project to get funded by something like SBIR or
>> other government grants?
>Having just reviewed a couple of SBIR proposals in the area, I can say 
>that the chances are fair.  But you need to watch for the announcements.
>The NIST solicitation goes out in October/November and closes in March, 
>and the 2008 one had one or two ontology topics.  The National 
>Institutes of Health, the Department of Energy, and the Department of 
>Defense frequently post SBIR solicitations that are about knowledge 
>engineering, and they have a lot more money to grant, but I don't know 
>their schedules.  Many of the topics are very much domain-specific; some 
>are about converting existing formalizations in other modeling languages 
>into OWL or some other form that can be used by a reasoner; others are 
>about integrating reasoning technologies with other applications.  That 
>is, SBIRs tend to be application-oriented, where the challenge is to 
>mate knowledge engineering with the ugly realities of the existing 
>industrial solutions.
>-Ed    (01)

Thanks for the info. I just searched DoD latest solicitation for "ontology" at 
One topic in particular seams relevant to discussions on this forum (or vise 
versa). Here is short description:    (02)

"Develop a Database Translator (DATALATOR) device that semi-automatically 
integrates heterogeneous battlefield information sources for the urban 
warfighter and enables the execution of coherent queries over the integrated 
sources"    (03)

This looks like one of the applications suggested by this forum several times.
Is anyone interested in applying for grant?    (04)

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