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Re: [ontolog-forum] [STI-community] FINAL CALL: charting the future of s

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Semantic Web <semantic-web@xxxxxx>
From: paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 16:12:58 +0100
Message-id: <c09b00eb0904060812r5bf920cci2071977f62efbfd9@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

I am not sure whether I ll have the time to write another paper before thursday,but If someone is intersted to co-author i would be happy to chip in a few paragraphs

I think the future semantic web should be open, and this openness should start by making semantic web research more distributed, accessible, transparent, co-manged,   and semantic web research access funds should be distributed and administrated via open access mechanisms.

was this announcement circulated here before? did I miss it?

how can people pitch in to make a contribution/interact with inivted keynote speaks?

anyone interested in putting together some real time paragraphs, I ll be up for it all night if necessary


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lejla Ibralic Halilovic <lejla.ibralic-halilovic@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 2:02 PM
Subject: [STI-community] FINAL CALL: charting the future of semantics - STI 3rd Roadmapping Workshop
To: lejla@xxxxxxxx

*sorry for cross-posting*


>>>Submission deadline: 9th of April, 2009<<<

3rd STI Roadmapping Workshop
"Charting the next generation of semantic technology"
Monday, June 1st 2009 co-located with ESWC 2009
Aldemar Knossos Village, Heraklion, Crete, Greece

In the last 15 years the World Wide Web has radically changed how our
society communicates, connects, does business, shares information and
performs tasks. It can be expected that another paradigm shift will be seen
over the next 15 years, in which many terms are already part of the vision:
cloud, utility, services, mobile, ubiquitous, virtual worlds etc. In the
semantic technologies community there is the expectation that semantics are
on the cusp of maturity and wider uptake, and a large body of research work
demonstrates their relevance to all of the aforementioned areas.
How will the semantic landscape look like in 15 years from now? What path
will be taken to get there? This workshop solicits submissions from
visionaries in the semantic research community as well as early adopter
industry, addressing the question of what role semantic technologies will
play in the next developments of the Web.
Our aim is to bring together experts to chart together the requirements on
research and necessary steps in education and technology transfer that exist
to ensure semantics will achieve their full potential for society and
industry over the next 15 years. In the workshop, visions can be shared and
discussed, and actions identified which will result in, after the workshop,
an expert roadmap for semantic technologies. This roadmap is expected to
form a significant input to future efforts around semantic technology.

This workshop is an action of the Roadmapping Service of STI International.
The Roadmapping Service exists to initiate and coordinate the specification
of research roadmaps for the future research and development of semantic
technologies. The aim is to provide an integrated plan for future research
and development activities, which then serves as the basis for coordinating
cross-project activities as well as for standardization work ensuring
sustainability and global impact.
The results of the previous workshop event, looking at semantics through to
2019, can be found here:

This year we expect an one day workshop consisting of:
An invited talk from Prof. Dr. Fabio Ciravegna, University of Sheffield, UK
''Six Impossible Things''
In this talk I will try to look into the future of SemanticTechnologies in
15 years time. I will start by looking at how the past generations have
looked at the possible present and discuss where they were right and they
were wrong. Then I will present my vision for the next 5, 10 and 15 years of
semantic technologies, discussing scenarios and requirements.
Curriculum Vitae
Fabio is Full Professor of Language and Knowledge Technologies at the
University of Sheffield where He coordinates the Organisations, Information
and Knowledge (OAK) Group. His research field concerns methodologies and
technologies for the Intelligent and Semantic Web, with focus on Knowledge
Management applications. He is Director of the integrated project IST
X-Media, and principal investigator in the EU IPs WeKnowIt and
SmartProducts. He isprincipal investigator in the project IPAS-XWB funded by
Rolls-Royce plc. He is also principal investigator in the ERC-funded project
Archaeotools about analysing 1m documents from the grey literature. In the
past he was director of the EU project Dot.Kom
(http://nlp.shef.ac.uk/dot.kom/) and co-investigator in the EPSRC IRC AKT
project (www.aktors.org) He has considerable engagement with industry and
user communities with projects funded by Rolls Royce, Kodak Eastman, Lycos,
and the Environment Agency.
He is part of the editorial board of the International Journal on ''Web
Semantics'' and of the International Journal of Human Computer Studies. He
is director of research of K-Now, a spin-off company of the University of
Sheffield focusing on supporting dynamic distributed communities in large
organizations. He holds a PhD from the University of East Anglia and a
doctorship from the University of Torino, Italy

We expect an one day workshop consisting of:
- An invited talk from a semantic technologies visionary
- Presentations of submissions, including sufficient time for discussion.
Where possible, presentations will be split into sessions grouped around
specific Web developments (cloud, services, ubiquity, virtual worlds etc.)
- "Stand-up" session for all other submittees/attendees of a short 2-3 slide
presentation of an idea or vision. These are not refereed.
- Interactive session charting the next 15 years of semantic technology
(group activity)

Accepted submissions will be published in a workshop proceedings as well as
acknowledged in the STI roadmap document and all other publications derived
from it.

Submissions are welcomed from any member of the research or professional
community. They should take the form of a position paper, giving grounded
reasons for a particular vision of semantic technology use in our future
society and identifying research challenges that must be met, educational
needs that must be covered and technology transfer that must take place
before this vision can become reality. Position papers should be no more
than 5 pages LNCS format and be submitted in PDF format.
Accepted submissions will be presented at the workshop in short
presentations with sufficient time for questions. All attendees are invited
to give a 2-3 slide ''stand up'' presentation of their ideas.
Submissions should be sent to lyndon.nixon@xxxxxxxx

Submissions - April 09
Notification of acceptance - April 30
''Stand up'' slides to be submitted by May 30

Lyndon Nixon, STI International, AT
Roberta Cuel, University of Trento, IT
Raphael Volz, Raphael Volz Innovation Consulting GmbH, DE

Alexander Wahler, STI International, AT
Barry Norton, Open University, UK
Dieter Fensel, STI Innsbruck, AT
Elena Simperl, STI Innsbruck, AT
Emanuele Della Valle, CEFRIEL, IT
Fabio Ciravegna, University of Sheffield, UK
Guus Schreiber, VU Amsterdam, NL
John Davies, British Telecom, UK
John Domingue, Open University, UK
Marko Grobelnik, Josef Stefan Institute, SL
Mathieu D'Aquin, Open University, UK
Michael Brodie, Verizon, USA
Michal Zaremba, STI innsbruck, AT
Rudi Studer, University of Karlsruhe, DE
Witold Abramowicz, Poznan University of Economics, PL

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