I have defined "context" to be a list of
But the propositions may refer to the
Here is a list of propositions
Dick McCullough isu
Duane Nickull isu
person iss
which is the same as this hierarchy
begin hierarchy
i:Dick McCullough;
i:Duane Nickull;
end hierarchy
Dick McCullough Ayn Rand do speak od mKR done; mKE do enhance od Real
Intelligence done; knowledge := man do identify od existent
done; knowledge haspart proposition list; http://mKRmKE.org/
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2009 12:06
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] EU FP
Ontology projects
Do you see ?Context? strictly as a
hierarchic node? I see it more of an omnipotent concept covering all
other concepts. Would not a relation and action have contextual impact
on the actual pragmatics?
On 01/03/09 11:59 AM,
"Richard H. McCullough" <rhm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Azamat said I wonder how can
it cover many different views with such a narrow reading of
relationship, knowledge, and context? I neglected to make a
very important point. This entity-characteristic-proposition
hierarchy begin hierarchy tabula
rasa; existent; /
entity; # physical Entity /
group; # abstract Entity /
characteristic; # property //
attribute; //
part; ///
context; ///
sentence; //
relation; //
action; //
interaction; /
proposition; sentence; /
statement; /
question; /
command; /
assignment; /
production; /
conditional; /
iteration; /
quantification; end hierarchy tabula
rasa; is my preferred hierarchy. But the mKR/mKE
system can dynamically transform tabula rasa into another
hierarchy by concept integration and differentiation, or it can use
your favorite hierarchy instead. Dick McCullough Ayn Rand do speak od mKR done; mKE do
enhance od Real Intelligence done; knowledge := man do identify od
existent done; knowledge haspart proposition list; http://mKRmKE.org/
********************************************************************** Duane
Nickull, Vancouver, BC Canada Senior Technical Evangelist - Adobe LiveCycle
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