On Oct 2, 2008, at 4:01 PM, Mike Bennett wrote:
That looks very promising. I managed to create a small ontology with it but it hung up when I tried to export as OWL, and I could not find how to load an existing OWL ontology.
Theres a manual available at
http://coe.ihmc.us/COEmanual06.pdf that explains everything :-)
But I shall persevere. I like the way object properties are presented and the freedom to lay out the diagram.
Is there a way of defining a relationship between object properties, to define that one property is the inverse of another? I could not persuade it to draw a line between two object properties for this purpose, but no doubt I was setting about it the wrong way.
Its all in the way you drop things, you have to use control keys in the right way(s). And to tell you the truth, it does take a little getting used to.