Thanks, John. (01)
> [JFS] The Semantic MediaWiki is very important work, and
> since it is available as open source, we should use it. (02)
[ppy] indeed! And, as I mentioned during the discussion, we will be
migrating the OntologWiki platform over to an instance of "Purple
Semantic MediaWiki" in fairly short order. ... so, stay tuned,
everyone! (03)
> [JFS] But one important point that Mark mentioned is that the
> reasoning capabilities of current Semantic Web technology
> is very weak. RDF(S), OWL, SPARQL, and RuleML are useful,
> but weak subsets of Common Logic.
> It's important for us to develop Common Logic as the growth path
> for ontologies and to incorporate CL in the Semantic MediaWiki.
> ... [and] should position CL as the foundation for Semantic Web 3.0 (04)
[ppy] I agree with you. Let's try to round up efforts from this (and
the wider ontology) community toward that end, either via ongoing
efforts, like the Open Ontology Repository (OOR) initiative, and other
new project(s) community members will come up with, that may help
focus resources and energy to bring it about.
... Input, ideas and contribution of resources, expertise and efforts
are welcome from everyone in the community! (05)
Thanks & regards. =ppy
-- (06)
On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 7:54 PM, John F. Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Peter,
> Thanks for posting the audio for Mark Greaves talk. I wasn't
> able to log in for the talk, but I read the slides. The audio
> covers some important points that are not in the slides:
> The Semantic MediaWiki is very important work, and since it is
> available as open source, we should use it.
> But one important point that Mark mentioned is that the reasoning
> capabilities of current Semantic Web technology is very weak.
> RDF(S), OWL, SPARQL, and RuleML are useful, but weak subsets
> of Common Logic.
> It's important for us to develop Common Logic as the growth path
> for ontologies and to incorporate CL in the Semantic MediaWiki.
> Anything currently represented in either the Semantic Web notations
> or relational databases can be mapped to Common Logic. And the
> more compact CL notation is vastly more efficient in storage space,
> transmission time, and computation time than the current Semantic
> Web notations.
> We should position CL as the foundation for Semantic Web 3.0.
> John
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