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[ontolog-forum] Proceedings: OKMDS - "Making Better Strategic Decisions

To: okmds-convene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 10:21:11 -0800
Message-id: <af8f58ac0712141021m4f9f1070ie134d12879d5bc2b@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
The 2nd event of our Ontology in Knowledge Management and Decision
Support (OKMDS)" mini-series of activities representing a
NASA-Ontolog-KMWG collaboration took place on Thursday
13-December-2007.    (01)

Entitled: "Making Better Strategic Decisions, by Asking If It Is Going
To Get Better or Worse - the SOFI Method and the System to Implement
it," the session was chaired by Jeanne Holm (NASA/JPL) and featured a
team of the State of the Future Index (SOFI) system creators,
implementors and advisors. The expert panel talked about their R & D
and Futures Research work into a collaborative open knowledge system.
They are bringing to bear the people, the process and the technology
to tackle that job. The panel described their ongoing work and plans
on how to harness some of the best legacies passed on to us, as well
as state-of-the-art approaches in information management and
technology, knowledge management, quantitative analysis, qualitative
analysis, service oriented architecture, web 2.0, Delphi, RTDelphi, as
well as semantic technologies. They explained how the use of
ontologies and ontological engineering will be central to their
approach in the next phase of the project, to enable them to tap into
virtual communities and disparate systems to come up with the
collective intelligence to provide strategic decision support.    (02)

This virtual event was offered in our normal augmented conference call
settings, and simultaneously at the NASA/JPL Explorer Island in the
"Second Life" virtual world settings.    (03)

A big "thank you" to the panel which included Mr. Theodore Gordon
(Millennium Project, WFUNA), Mr. Peter Yim (CIM3 / Ontolog), Mr. Adam
Cheyer (SRI), Professor Kenneth Baclawski (Northeastern University),
Dr. Patrick Cassidy (MICRA), Mr. Duane Nickull (Adobe), Dr. Denise
Bedford (WorldBank) and Dr. Jerome Glenn (Millennium Project, WFUNA),
as well as to everyone who was able to join us at the session and
contributed to the rich discussion at the last segment of the session.    (04)

Proceedings of the session are captured on our wiki page, at:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2007_12_13    (05)

In particular, screenshots from our virtual world venue are now
available. So are the full audio recording and the podcast of the
session. See details on the audio archive at:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2007_12_13#nid16GZ    (06)

As mentioned, this "Ontology in Knowledge Management and Decision
Support (OKMDS)" mini-series will span about 6 months, so stay tuned.
Our next event is scheduled for 17-Jan-2007 when members of the NASA
team are expected to join us to showcase some of their work involving
semantic technologies in a session entitled "Organizing Science
Knowledge for Discovery." Mark your calendars now. Details will be
formally announced, and posted on:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2008_01_17    (07)

In the mean time, Happy Holidays!    (08)

Regards.  =ppy    (09)

Jeanne Holm                           Peter Yim
Chief Knowledge Architect,            Co-convener,
NASA/JPL                              ONTOLOG
--    (010)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Dec 12, 2007 11:39 AM PST
Subject: [kmgov] Re: [okmds-convene] "Making Better Strategic
Decisions ..." - Thu    2007.12.13 sessions - a joint NASA-Ontolog-KMWG
"OKMDS" mini-series event
To: KMgov <kmgov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>    (011)

Re: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2007_12_13    (012)

*REMINDER*    (013)

The 2nd event of the joint NASA-Ontolog-KMWG "Ontology in Knowledge
Management and Decision Support (OKMDS)" mini-series is coming up
tomorrow, i.e. Thursday, 13-December-2007 (starting at 10:30am PST /
1:30pm EST / 6:30pm BST / 7:30pm CEST / 18:30 UTC).    (014)

Come to this session to join the "State of the Future Index (SOFI)
System" team who is on track to cast their futures research work into
a collaborative open knowledge system. They are bringing to bear the
people, the process and the technology to that job. They intend to
harness some of the best legacies passed on to us, as well as
state-of-the-art approaches in information management and technology,
knowledge management, quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis,
service oriented architecture, web 2.0, Delphi, as well as semantic
technologies. The use of ontologies and ontological engineering will
be central to their approach in the next phase of the work, that will
enable their tapping into virtual communities and disparate systems to
come up with the collective intelligence to provide strategic decision
support.    (015)

Ms. Jeanne Holm, Chief Knowledge Architect of NASA/JPL will be
chairing the session, and as designed for this mini-series, tomorrow's
virtual event will be offered in our normal 'real world' augmented
conference call settings, and also (simultaneously) at the NASA/JPL
Explorer Island in the "Second Life" 'virtual world' settings. [...
The latter is for those who are familiar with, or who would want to
explore the possibilities of virtual world events. (I've been asked by
quite a few, and would like to explain here, that ...) An attendee
will be able to attend the session remotely just by having phone and
Internet access. Slides and audio recording of the session will be
made available after the event too. ]    (016)

*RSVP* (by e-mailing the sender off-line; if you aren't already a
[kmgov] or Ontolog member, kindly include your name, affiliation and
job title as well) if you are planning to attend and haven't already
responded.    (017)

We look forward to having you at the session. Please refer to all
agenda and call-in details on the session page, whose link appears at
the top of this message.    (018)

Regards.  =ppy    (019)

Jeanne Holm                           Peter Yim
Chief Knowledge Architect,            Co-convener,
NASA/JPL                              ONTOLOG    (020)

--    (021)

On Dec 7, 2007 12:48 PM, Peter P. Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:    (022)

> ******************* Headlines ***********************
> NASA, Ontolog & KMWG are collaborating in a 6-month mini-series
> on "Ontology in Knowledge Management and Decision Support
> (OKMDS)."  We take pleasure in announcing the next two sessions:    (023)

>    -- *Thu 13 Dec 2007* - "Making Better Strategic Decisions, by
> Asking If It Is Going To Get Better or Worse" to be presented by
> an expert panel from Millennium Project (MP/WFUNA) State of the
> Future Index (SOFI) team members and advisors.    (024)

>    -- *Thu 17 Jan 2008* - "Organizing Science Knowledge for
> Discovery" to be presented by folks from NASA - Dr. Richard
> Keller & Dr. Robert Raskin.    (025)

>    --Register your attendance by emailing <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
> offline.
> ******************** Details ************************    (026)

> This "Ontology in Knowledge Management and Decision Support
> (OKMDS)" mini-series is a collaboration between NASA and Ontolog,
> and is co-organized by a team of individuals from various related
> communities passionate about creating the opportunity for an
> inter-community, collaborative exploration of the intersection
> between Ontology, Knowledge Management and Decision Support, that
> could eventually lead us toward "Better Decision Making."    (027)

> The mini-series will span a period of about six months (Nov-2007
> to May-2008), during which we will be featuring Talks, Panel
> Discussions and Online Discourse on pertinent issues. We expect
> all the talks and panel discussion events to be offered in both
> 'real world' (augmented conference calls) and 'virtual world'
> (Second Life) settings.    (028)

> Please refer to details about this mini-series on the OKMDS
> project homepage, at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OKMDS    (029)

> You are cordially invited to join us at the following two sessions:    (030)

> *Thu 13 Dec 2007* -  Members and advisers of the (World
> Federation of UN Associations) Millennium Project SOFI team, Mr.
> Peter Yim, Mr. Theodore Gordon, Mr. Adam Cheyer, Professor
> Kenneth Baclawski, Dr. Patrick Cassidy, Mr. Duane Nickull,
> Dr. Denise Bedford & Dr. Jerome Glenn will coming together
> as a panel to discuss: "Making Better Strategic Decisions,
> by Asking If It Is Going To Get Better or Worse -
> - the SOFI Method and the System to Implement it"
> - Please refer to details at:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2007_12_13    (031)

> *Thu 17 Jan 2007* - NASA folks will be showcasing some of their
> work involving semantic technologies. In this session entitled:
> "Organizing Science Knowledge for Discovery." Dr. Richard Keller
> and Dr. Robert Raskin will share with us the vision, the
> experience and learning from some of these projects - Please
> refer to developing details at:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2008_01_17    (032)

> *RSVP* by emailing Peter Yim at <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> offline so
> that we can prepare enough resources to support everyone. (Kindly
> include your affiliation and job title if you aren't already a
> member of the Ontolog community or the KMgov community.) ... Do
> register for the Dec-13 event now, as it is just a week away!    (033)

> The sessions will be recorded. Before participating, please make
> sure you are cognizant of our IPR policy (ref:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nid32).
>    (034)

> Regards,
> Jeanne Holm                           Peter Yim
> Chief Knowledge Architect,            Co-convener,
> NASA/JPL                              ONTOLOG    (035)

> on behalf of the OKMDS project organizing committee:
> * Andrew Schain (NASA/HQ)
> * Denise Bedford (WorldBank)
> * Jeanne Holm (NASA/JPL)
> * Ken Baclawski (NEU)
> * Kurt Conrad (Ontolog, Sagebrush)
> * Leo Obrst (Ontolog, MITRE)
> * Nancy Faget (GPO)
> * Peter Yim (Ontolog, CIM3)
> * Steve Ray (NIST)
> * Susan Turnbull (GSA)
> --    (036)

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  • [ontolog-forum] Proceedings: OKMDS - "Making Better Strategic Decisions ..." - Thu 2007.12.13 session - a joint NASA-Ontolog-KMWG "OKMDS" mini-series event, Peter Yim <=