Kathryn Blackmond Laskey schrieb:
> I can't resist.
> At least some of the entities that appear to at least one observer to
> be sheep in Scotland seem to at least one observer to be black on at
> least one side at least some of the time.
> (01)
At least some of the entities that appear to at least one observer to
be mails on the ontolog-forum mailing list seem to at least one observer
to be epistemologically stupid on at least one computer at least some of
the time. Conclusion: UNIVERSAL DOUBT CANCELS ITSELF! (02)
No doubt,
Ingvar (03)
> At 2:10 PM +0100 12/11/07, Wacek Kusnierczyk wrote:
>> John F. Sowa wrote:
>>> Wacek,
>>> Your note reminds me of the story about four professors who
>>> were traveling from England to Scotland by train.
>>> As they crossed the border, they saw a flock of black sheep
>>> on a hillside. Whereupon, the English professor exclaimed
>>> "Look, all the sheep in Scotland are black."
>>> "No," replied the history professor, "the most you can claim
>>> is that some of the sheep in Scotland are black."
>>> The mathematics professor replied "No, the most you can claim
>>> is that some of the sheep in Scotland are black on at least
>>> one side."
>>> Finally, the logic professor said "No, the most you can claim
>>> is that at least some of the sheep in Scotland are black on at
>>> least one side at least part of the time."
>> ... and if I were there, I'd say "No, the most you can claim is that at
>> least some of the sheep in Scotland seem black on at least one side at
>> least of the time to at least one observer." ;)
>> vQ
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Ingvar Johansson
IFOMIS, Saarland University
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personal home site:
http://hem.passagen.se/ijohansson/index.html (05)
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