On Nov 25, 2007, at 6:10 PM, rick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> ...
>>> Seems to me that efforts like http://cl.tamu.edu/Common Logic and
>>> would either have to a) be defined within this type of an open
>>> ended system, let's say as the natural language description of the
>>> constraints to which the axioms that make up the theory of such a
>>> system would adhere; or b) evolve into an open ended system that
>>> exhibits characteristics of transformation across languages,
>>> logics, models and theories.
>> No, neither. Common logic is simply a modernized Net-savvy
>> restatement of first-order logic, in an attempt to get past the
>> interoperability problems arising from the huge variety of surface
>> notations in use.
> But Feferman's talking about openness of language and you're saying
> surface notation. What's the difference? (01)
I have no idea what Feferman was talking about, but whatever it was, I
am quite certain it is irrelevant to CL. CL, as Pat indicates, is an
answer to a problem -- the difficulty of getting knowledge bases that
use different notations for (perhaps some fragment of) first-order
logic to interoperate. It's an engineering solution to a practical
problem. That's it. There are some cool features to CL, but the idea
is Not That Deep. (02)
> I've lumped in non-monotonicity, model theories and axiomatic
> semantics. (03)
Into what? And what does it even mean to say you've lumped together
(a) a formal property of certain logics (b) all mathematical theories
of meaning and (c) formal axiomatizations of specific semantic theories? (04)
>> LBase is (was,better, as it seems to have been widely ignored) an
>> earlier attempt to do this for the W3C family of semantic web
>> languages. Goedel's incompleteness result, which gave such a shock
>> to foundations of mathematics, has no relevance to the completeness
>> of first-order logic (which was also first proved by Goedel, by the
>> way.)
> Interesting, thanks for the info, anything you could refer me to so
> I can read up on this ? (05)
On LBase as a precursor to Common Logic? On the incompleteness
(better, perhaps, incompleteability) of arithmetic? On the
completeness of first-order logic? (06)
-chris (07)
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