Thanks Art, (01)
1. Good Cap Education. Thanks for the excellent and concise presentation. (02)
2. Excellent start, early middle good, late middle makes many good
points, but gets muddled, for me, and the run up to the end doesn't
explain how to start making sense of 5.123.456 "string" matches, just
asks the question of how to make it useful, implies that ontology
can't do it (as opposed to simply isn't yet doing it) and says its up
to us. That is, of course, true regardless of discussion, debate and
implications. (03)
However, the good start far outweighs the conclusion. I am copying
this on to the Ontolog Forum to see what kind of response it gets in
that mailing list. (04)
However, in any event ontology we care to use, the future remains to
be seen and can only be consensually categorized after it passes
into history. The one thing all addressees in these lists have in
common is that we're all engaged in consciously making history. (05)
Would you be open to be included in an Emergency Response Panel
Discussion in the Ontolog Forum, say in early-mid summer, as a voice
from the practitioner community? These are conducted via combined
teleconference and VNC-shared screen presentations. It would be the
third of an irregularly scheduled ongoing series. See for a description of how this forum is
conducted. (06)
We're scheduling a February datre for the second session on this
topic but the focus is already set, and I would suggest a May
timeframe for a session focusing on existing and planned operational
systems and how they can be semantically coordinated for avoiding
snarl-ups in GIS systems, logistics, and jurisdictional
considerations (e.g. command structure terminologies in trusted
networks across those jurisdictional boundaries/responsibilities
where commanders need to communicate to captains or commissioners or
other named EOS/Public Safety and Health System authorities) using
structured information systems. (07)
Rex (08)
At 7:33 PM -0800 11/9/07, Art Botterell wrote:
>Good evening, friends -
>For your viewing pleasure, wanted to pass along a pair of YouTube
>links some of our crowd might find interesting.
>The first is a little promo about CAP:
> >
>The second (much better) is about... well, everything:
> >
>Enjoy, and have a good/long weekend!
>- Art
>To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
>generates this mail. You may a link to this group and all your TCs in OASIS
> (09)
Rex Brooks
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Starbourne Communications Design
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