Our mini-series of activities representing a NASA-Ontolog-KMWG
collaboration was launched on Thursday 08-November-2007.
Entitled: "Ontology in Knowledge Management and Decision Support
(OKMDS)," this initiative is co-organized by a team of
individuals from these communities passionate about creating the
opportunity for an inter-community, collaborative exploration of
the intersection between Ontology, Knowledge Management and
Decision Support, that could eventually lead us toward "Better
Decision Making." At the launch, Jeanne Holm and Peter Yim
presented to the participants - the objectives, the plan, the
format, and some of the questions that the OKMDS leadership team
thought we could explore over the next 6 months in virtual
lectures, panel discussions and online discourse. Community
members are being solicited to provide further input on how we
could/should proceed, and are invited to participate and
collaboratively explore the issues on the subject matter. (01)
Ms. Jeanne Holm, Chief Knowledge Architect of NASA/JPL, and Mr.
Andrew Schain, Chief Technology Officer at NASA/HQ spoke and gave
us the NASA story on the subject. (02)
This (and upcoming) virtual event(s) was/will be offered in our
normal augmented conference call settings, and simultaneously at
the NASA/JPL Explorer Island in the "Second Life" virtual world
settings. (03)
A big "thank you" to Jeanne, Andy for their talk, and to and
everyone (a huge crowd indeed) who took the time to join us. (04)
Proceedings of the session are captured on our wiki page, at:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2007_11_08 (05)
In particular, full audio recording of the session, as well as
the podcast of it, are now available - see:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2007_11_08#nid157R (06)
We have created a new [okmds-convene] forum for the online
discourse, which Kurt Conrad and Ken Baclawski will help us
kick-start shortly. I'll begin by subscribing everyone who have
already indicated interest by registering for the 10/25 & 11/08
events (if you want to opt out, please e-mail me offline). We
invite those who are interested (and have not registered) to sign
on. Details can be found at:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2007_11_08#nid15T9 (07)
As mentioned, this "Ontology in Knowledge Management and Decision
Support (OKMDS)" mini-series will span the next 6 months, so stay
tuned. Our next event is scheduled for 13-Dec-2007, mark your
calendars now. Details will be formally announced, and posted on:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2007_12_13 (08)
Best regards. =ppy (09)
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