On Jul 14, 2007, at 8:42 AM, John F. Sowa wrote: (01)
> Gary,
> In what way "humbling"?
>> Pretty enlightening and humbling to see the categories
>> in this understandable graphic.
> OWL is a very simple language, which just represents triples. (02)
Thats rather misleading. RDF is just triples. OWL is much more
expressive, though still only a subset of full FO logic. OWL-DL is a
description logic, in fact. In OWL/RDF, the RDF triples model is used
to encode the OWL syntax, but it takes a whole subgraph (several
triples) to encode a single OWL assertion, at times quite a large
subgraph. (03)
> The elements of those triples may be uninterpreted strings or
> pointers to combinations of triples that ultimately reduce to
> uninterpreted strings. (04)
Well, the fact that the strings are 'uninterpreted' is true of any
formal language, if by that you mean 'ungrounded'. But OWL certainly
is 'interpreted' in the sense that it has a formal semantics. That
is, the OWL primitives ("Logical names", in the owl: namespace, eg
owl:subPropertyOf and owl:intersectionOf ) are fully interpreted. (05)
> In choosing OWL (and many other languages), people are following
> a time-honored principle that has dominated the choice of computer
> languages and systems for the past 50 years:
> If you have a problem that you don't fully understand,
> choose a system that you don't fully understand and
> hope that it will magically solve the problem.
> This is called a "hope-based approach". (06)
OH, BS. What is this supposed to mean? That everyone working on
description logics does not know what description logics are or what
their properties are? There has never been such a thoroughly
investigated set of logics in history. And what problem do you think
the various SWeb working groups do not understand, in their
collective ignorance? (07)
Nothing useful is served by throwing around vaguely insulting remarks
which are themselves apparently based on ignorance. (08)
Pat (09)
> It is the foundation
> for many projects, which I shall not name.
> John
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