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Re: [ontolog-forum] "Constructivism"

To: paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Pat Hayes <phayes@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 12:12:18 -0600
Message-id: <p06230905c1daadaf5dcc@[]>
>Pat, sorry I am 'lil short
>my suggestion is ignore what you dont understand 
>(not important what i was saying there) and 
>concentrate on what you understand of the 
>discussion below, if of interest (core of 
>thread), - hopefully enough to follow the 
>K -:
>I am not using "Lethal" as an adverb to describe 
>what we do, but as an adjective to describe our 
>powerfully collective "minds" in an intended 
>provocative mash-up so that we would start the 
>very discussion that we have started here.  We 
>ontologists seem to choke on the very words that 
>we enjoy. We can certainly change the adjective.
>OK: Brainstorm is open
>first, what are we trying to do here exactly?
>pdm: design and implement a collective decision 
>making process for research to be peer reviewed 
>and published independently from journal 
>lifecycle //
>Q is this needed? feasible?desirable?    (01)

I'm all for that. The fact that so many academic 
events (conferences, workshops etc) still require 
the involvement of a traditional dead-tree-pulp 
'publisher' is a continuing mystery to me. 
Academic publishers like Elsevier should all be 
as dead as dinosaurs by now.    (02)

>K, can you give feedback on FOSS Open Journal,
>if yes then

Given the ease of distribution and the fact that 
authors produce their own publishable content, 
the main burden is the organizational effort and 
(especially) the reviewing. Reviewing has always 
been the toughest part of academic publishing, 
and will continue to be. Where do we get the 
reviewers, and who picks them? I suggest we focus 
on how to answer that question first.    (04)

Pat Hayes    (05)

>Start wiki page and continue there?
>Total Agreement:
>I certainly hope that our choice of words will 
>have implications and consequences on 
>representation and inference and behaviour. My 
>language is my land that I will not sell.
>Minor Addition:
>As part of the real challenge in collaborative 
>decision making projects NOT ONLY do we have 
>to largely overcome verbal, opinions and views 
>conflicts with folks BUT WE ALSO have to 
>overcome these challenges with  folks you DON"T 
>KNOW and may never know outside of the 
>collaborative environment.
>Modest Proposal:
>One on the great things about Wikipedia is their 
>NPOV "Neutral Point Of View" contract.  Can we 
>benefit from something similar??
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