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Re: [ontolog-forum] Context, at last!

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Duane Nickull <dnickull@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 12:30:25 -0700
Message-id: <42B324D1.8080204@xxxxxxxxx>
Another philosophy arises from the C pointer concept where we could 
state that x and y are both pointers to the same object, however you 
would have to restate the rule below to correctly note that it is the 
object that x and y refer to that is the same, not x and y themselves.    (01)

Duane    (02)

Duane    (03)

Duane Nickull wrote:    (04)

> Chris Menzel wrote:
>> ID: if x = y, then anything true of x is true of y.  
> Disagree.  Most things may be the same but it is still instance y as 
> opposed to instance x, therefore his axiom has a logic error.  They 
> are still two different things.  It may be better to state:
> if x = y, then x is y and both should be called x.
> Also - an important consideration of context is perceiver.  To you and 
> I, a coffee table is a solid item, to a neutrino, it is a lot of open 
> space interspersed with a few bits of solid matter (even that is now 
> up for debate - Holographic Universe; Michael Talbot, ISBN 0060922583).
> Perception is everything in context.  Who is the experiencer?
> Duane
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