On behalf of the Ontolog community, I would like to express our
appreciations to Dr. Christopher Welty, once again, for joining us this
morning all the way from Italy, and to give us a very interesting and
educational session on "An Overview of OntoClean." Thanks, also, to Bill
McCarthy and Evan Wallace, for recommending and for inviting Chris over
in the first place. And, along with Chris, our appreciations also goes
out to the Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA) in Trento, Italy, for
paying Chris' call. Thanks also, to everyone who participated in the
session. (01)
The session proceedings, along with Chris' powerpoint slides (and
additional resources/links) are available at:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2004_11_18 (02)
As I was mentioning at the session, we were still experimenting with the
freeconference recording service. If all goes well, we'll have the phone
number for call-in replay of the session, as well as the audio files (in
mp3 format) in a few hours that we can make available persistently at
our site. So, stay tuned, especially for those who wished they were able
to come to the talk, but couldn't due to schedule conflict. (03)
Regards. -ppy
-- (04)
Peter P. Yim wrote Mon, 15 Nov 2004 16:53:09 -0800: (05)
> Further to earlier announcements,
> *Dr. Christopher Welty* (from IBM's Watson Research Center) will be
> giving a talk at our weekly conference call session this Thursday.
> The talk is entitled: "*An Overview of OntoClean*"
> *Abstract*
> The Computer Science field of Ontology has been progressing in a
> scatter-shot manner, and there has been little attempt to formalize
> the techniques used and lessons learned from research. OntoClean was
> one of the first attempts to build a formal foundation for ontological
> analysis, which helped identify the most common logical modeling
> mistakes and the justifications for why they are, in fact, mistakes.
> In this talk, Dr. Welty will present an overview of the OntoClean
> methodology for ontological analysis, and highlight the common
> modeling problems with examples.
> *Conference Call Details: *
> Date: Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004
> Start Time: 10:30 a.m. PSTime / 1:30 PM EDT
> World Clock:
> Duration: 1.5 to 2.0 hours
> Please refer to our conference call wiki page for more details:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2004_11_18
> *About the Speaker*
> Chris Welty is a Research Scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research
> Center in New York. Previously, he taught Computer Science at Vassar
> College, taught at and received his Ph.D. from Rensselaer Polytechnice
> Institute, and accumulated over 14 years of teaching experience before
> moving to industrial research. Chris' principal area of research is
> Knowledge Representation, specifically ontologies and the semantic
> web, and he spends most of his time applying this technology to
> Information Retrieval and, in the past, Software Engineering. Dr.
> Welty serves on the steering committee of the Formal Ontology in
> Information Systems Conferences, as program chair of the Knowledge
> Representation Conference , on the advisory board of IJCAI-05 on the
> editorial boards of AI Magazine and The Journal of Web Semantics, was
> an editor in the W3C Web Ontology Working Group. Chris Welty's work on
> ontologies and ontology methodology has appeared in CACM, and numerous
> other publications.
> Dr. Welty also was the first ACM SIGART Information Director, and was
> responsible for establishing the SIGART Electronic Information
> Service. He was the editor in chief of the former ACM SIGART
> intelligence Magazine, from its initial planning in 1996 through to
> its ultimate demise in 2001, and has been an active ACM member since
> 1990.
> Please mark your calendars now. Kindly sign yourself up at the call
> wiki page
> (http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2004_11_18#nid017)
> or RSVP off-line, to help me with estimating the number of lines I
> need to reserve on the conference bridge to support the call that day.
> I look forward to your joining us at this event.
> Regards. -ppy (06)
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