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Re: [ontolog-admin] [ontolog-forum] Conference Call Reminder

To: "Kurt Conrad" <conrad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "[ontolog-admin]" <ontolog-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2006 11:47:33 -0800
Message-id: <af8f58ac0612071147h5a3f8c3fqded6f04102fa819e@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Thank you, Kurt ... Sounds great!

I'll start using "periodic planning and review sessions" for the non-event type sync-up calls from here on (unless we start getting more input, and the consensus ends up elsewhere).

Thanks & regards.  =ppy

On 12/7/06, Kurt Conrad <conrad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The phrase "regular weekly conference call" is breaking down, given
the increasing number of events.  Would it make sense to refer to the
calls like we had today as something like "periodic planning and
review sessions".  I don't really like the word "periodic" but they
are not regularly scheduled and are fit in as time is available.

This would also allow us to show the next planning session on our
schedule, to reinforce the topics which need to be addressed in the
current session.


/s/ kwc 2006.12.07 11:40

At 2006-12-07 08:43, you wrote:
>1. We don't have an event today, but the regular weekly
>conference call for active members will still be on. We
>won't have a heavy agenda today (as some of those who
>would usually show up are traveling), and the call will
>probably be less than 1 hour. Besides the usual
>sync-up, we could spend some time on looking back at
>2006, and discussion on what else would be interesting
>to do in 2007. I would also encourage new members to
>join us at the call, just to say 'hello' and to get a
>feel for the 'virtual meeting' setting. Please refer to
>details at:

Kurt Conrad

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