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[iaoa-education] grants isc2012: docs

To: IAOA education <iaoa-education@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Claudio Masolo <masolo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Stefano Borgo <stefano.borgo@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2012 15:30:50 +0200
Message-id: <DE833F63-82DD-43AC-B672-2F73F8D20A57@xxxxxxxxx>
Dear education committee,    (01)

it is now time to look at the grant requests (24 requests)
all the documents are in the attachment    (02)

the following accommodations (for a total of 22 students)) are for a very low 
price and could be used to support lodging    (03)

Youth hostel:
2 single bedrooms for 26.00 Euro (one night one person)
2 double bedrooms for 21.50 Euro (one night one person)
2 tiple bedrooms for 18.50 Euro (one night one person)    (04)

Trento university:
10 single bedrooms for 20.00 Euro (one night one person) plus a fixed amount of 
37.85 Euro for cleaning after departure    (05)

Note that the early registration ends on April 16. 
We could however extend the period for those that have requested a grant if 
more time is needed.    (06)

-Stefano and Claudio    (07)

Attachment: isc2012-grants.zip
Description: Zip archive

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