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[bsp-forum] Question about SAP FiremansDigitalKeybox

To: "Building Service Performance (BSP) Forum" <bsp-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Deborah MacPherson" <debmacp@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2008 11:24:30 -0500
Message-id: <48f213f30812020824g21f4536cv7be9b99402095aba@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi NIST BFRL, BSP, and David Coggeshell

Please see revised slides with a question. I added the scenario text highlighting relevant phrases in red. Now I'm trying to combine the NG9-1-1, CSAN, PSAP and BISACS Integration slide to show the whole process from both OGC/NBIMS and the NG9-1-1, CSAN, PASP and BISACS Integration points of view. 

The question is, on your slide each of the orange clouds has an SAP Standard Access Point server along with computers as if this scenario took place in a fully functional city. But, as mentioned in the call, sometimes not every component is available. If so - could there be only one SAP in the middle of an idealized cycle rather than repeated at each orange cloud? If so, the next slides would be what David and Michelle call a "Common Operating Picture" for a fully functional city. The one after that would show examples if 9-1-1 was missing, if there was no CSA monitoring the building etc. Still focusing on getting the building to communicate to the outside and vice versa.

The aim for the last slides continues to be overlays showing which formats, classifications, languages (EDXL, GML, IFC, OWL) could be used for each step or area. I will need assistance to properly locate the languages. The whole background represents OGC and NBIMS standards. Literally need to also show the context or coverage of supporting information such as the IFD-CSI dictionary. 

The backgrounds here are like the static floorplans. Also added a slide for the Static vs Dynamic steps 1, 2, 3, 4. 

Thank you for your feedback. 


Deborah L. MacPherson CSI CCS, AIA
Projects Director, Accuracy&Aesthetics
Specifications and Research, WDG Architecture


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