PS: These are the 68 Artefacts coded as
Objects. The --- code refers to the Vertical Time Line separators. Some of the
graphic symbols are readily understood and appropriate URLs can be used to
expand their semantics. Some of the Artefacts (Earthquake Scenario, Shelter
Sites Identified, etc.) are highly relevant to Rex's interests while the
LEED, Green Roof, GIS Watershed, BOMA Calc, SMARTCodes, etc. are highly
relevant to the Environmental Assessment meeting on Thursday night).
1. Master Plan
2. Excel to OPS BIM
3. BIM Blobs (becomes an OPS
4. GIS
5. LEED Goals
6. nada (My Notes)
7. Automatic BIM
8. Schematic of a building ((??)
9. BIM - V
10. Palette (with building shapes?)
(Exist Thermal Analysis??)
11. Corazon Home
12. OPS to GIS
13. WFS
14. IFC (OPS)
15. Structure Start
16. Prop. Air Flow
17. Construction
18. Earthquake Scenario**
19. Tenant
20. Fire Stations Located
21. GIS Watershed & Catchbasins
22. Cost Est.
23. O&M - VI
24. FFE
25. HVAC Starts
26. Shelter Capacity (Number of
27. Green Roof
28. Image of House
29. Equipment Configure & Bid
30. Construction
31. 4D Time
32. Energy ( xx Sq Foot; zz kWh
33. Structure End
34. HVAC Adjust
35. Construction Completed
36. BOMA Calc
37. Adjust
38. HVAC
Xx? 1st Physical Building of
BIMStorm 10 hours
39. SMART Codes
40. Check
41. GIS Standards (OGC)
42. 1124 Buildings
43. +2 Mil Parcel Shapes & Data
Linked Zoning Tax Data
44. O&B - V2
45. GSA BIM Guide IFC Files
46. BIM - V2
47. GBS
48. Reports
49. Shelter Sites Identified
50. 11 Countires, 123 Players, Zero
51. Energy / building image
52. 3D Model
53. 4D GE
54. BIMStorm Image
55. 420: IFC, KML, CSV, GBXML Files
56. One Physical
{OPS Collective}
57.Image is Relevant?
58. WFS
59. Image
60. Image (Report)
61. Image
62. Image
63. BOMA
64. Cost Est.
65. Image
66. Image
67. Image
68. BIM Reports