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Re: [bsp-forum] Fwd: Re: BIM>GIS Semtalk and OWL

To: "BSP Forum" <bsp-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Kimon Onuma <KO@xxxxxxxxx>
From: "Deborah MacPherson" <debmacp@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 6 May 2008 13:03:07 -0400
Message-id: <48f213f30805061003v212af8fet6297fb68a8da81a4@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Bob and all -

The visual semantic tool sounds perfect - probably going from MF2004 to OCCS Table 22 "is-a" while over to the codes and performance requirements is "see-also" or "part-of" instead, UniFormat is broad and can help generalize the building systems and components.  This is the best to use for BIMstorm because its only tracking exterior enclosure or an HVAC system rather than the details in construction documents.

When I met with David Connover at ICC he explained the SMARTcodes as follows - the x axis is all the building codes, the y axis are variations by each jurisdiction. If you are complying with a plumbing code but located in a certain area, the qualifications AND the code would be retrieved based on where the project is located. Below the codes are standards such as ASTM tests to ensure the work as installed actually does meet the codes.  Eventually a model checker can match up building codes to the building model to see doors are swinging the right way in a path of egress and so on.  So - ICC will end up with this gigantic matrix to pluck from based on the building structure, use group, location, and unique architectural design. Emergency response is like a new building code but just for the models. I'm not sure what we need to comply with yet.

The propsed templates assume there could be a monstrously huge relational database of ALL codes, ALL standards, ALL MasterFormat sections, ALL UniFormat sections, ALL OmniClass tables, and a realistic survey of typical or urgent Owner and jurisdiction requirements that are not in the codes, standards, or classification systems yet.  Take all of that and assume it could be related at some point in the future.

The templates are the exact opposite. They are not every conceivable combination, they are compact portraits or sample combinations of what may be "pluck-out-able" in the future - currently the ALL, ALL, ALL, ALL is not mapped yet, plus each of these codes, standards, and classification systems are always always changing. Its an attempt to trace complete working sets - why not Orange County & Huntington Beach's Building Codes/EIR  to  a set of buildings.

I'm trying to focus on the turnover when the design and construction specifications change their purpose to operations, maintenance, and local jurisdiction or even EIR requirements. Some of the spec information will be removed or hidden, other requirements will be added.

In regards to concerns about firestopping, building structure or assemblies - someone from Underwriters Laboratories could be beneficial to talk with. They must be working on some kind of model checking too I bet. They are already experts at risk assessment.

Last, what about a kick off call - what about some time this Friday?


On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 10:00 AM, Bob Smith <bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Deborah,


Kimon's visualization of the BIMStorm processes is too complex and undefined for me to explain rapidly to an Environmental Assessment review team Thursday night, but having a simpler set of models leading up to his Artefact then onto your Template Matrix could/would be useful to them. And perhaps to this BSP working group.


Unless you have a better suggestion,  I intend to code each "Object" and each "Relationship between Object" into a visual semantic tool suitable for importing/exporting to Excel, XML XSD, and eventually if appropriate, into OWL DL.


At some point, hopefully, some light switch will turn on and the object (Class-SubClass) hierarchies within MasterFormat, UniFormat, OmniClass relevant to Orange County & Huntington Beach's Building Codes/EIR can be partially mapped  into a more useful and useable format.








PS: These are the 68 Artefacts coded as Objects. The --- code refers to the Vertical Time Line separators. Some of the graphic symbols are readily understood and appropriate URLs can be used to expand their semantics. Some of the Artefacts (Earthquake Scenario, Shelter Sites Identified, etc.) are highly relevant to Rex's interests while the LEED, Green Roof, GIS Watershed, BOMA Calc, SMARTCodes, etc. are highly relevant to the Environmental Assessment meeting on Thursday night).

1. Master Plan

2. Excel to OPS BIM

3. BIM Blobs (becomes an OPS Collection)

4. GIS

5. LEED Goals


6. nada (My Notes)

7. Automatic BIM

8. Schematic of a building ((??)

9. BIM - V

10. Palette (with building shapes?) (Exist Thermal Analysis??)

11. Corazon Home


12. OPS to GIS

13. WFS

14. IFC (OPS)

15. Structure Start

16. Prop. Air Flow

17. Construction


18. Earthquake Scenario**

19. Tenant

20. Fire Stations Located

21. GIS Watershed & Catchbasins

22. Cost Est.


23. O&M - VI

24. FFE

25. HVAC Starts


26.  Shelter Capacity (Number of Beds)

27. Green Roof

28. Image of House

29. Equipment Configure & Bid

30. Construction


31. 4D Time

32. Energy ( xx Sq Foot; zz kWh

33. Structure End

34. HVAC Adjust

35. Construction Completed


36. BOMA Calc

37. Adjust

38. HVAC

Xx? 1st Physical Building of BIMStorm 10 hours


39. SMART Codes

40. Check

41. GIS Standards (OGC)

42. 1124 Buildings

43. +2 Mil Parcel Shapes & Data Linked Zoning Tax Data


44. O&B - V2

45. GSA BIM Guide IFC Files

46. BIM - V2

47. GBS


48. Reports

49. Shelter Sites Identified

50. 11 Countires, 123 Players, Zero Miles

51. Energy / building image


52. 3D Model

53. 4D GE

54. BIMStorm Image

55. 420: IFC, KML, CSV, GBXML Files

56. One Physical Building


{OPS Collective}

57.Image is Relevant?

58. WFS

59. Image

60. Image (Report)

61. Image

62. Image

63. BOMA

64. Cost Est.

65. Image

66. Image

67. Image

68. BIM Reports



Deborah L. MacPherson
Projects Director, Accuracy&Aesthetics
Specifier, WDG Architecture PLLC

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