The Sharing and Integrating Ontologies (SIO) Project Homepage (2D4L)
Most Critical Task(s) At Hand: (2D4M)
- ... (insert here) (2EOS)
What's New: (2D4U)
- 2010_09_10 - Friday: Joint SIO-OOR-Ontolog Panel Discussion: "Common Logic (CL) Support for OOR" - Chair: JohnSowa - Panelists: JohnBateman-TillMossakowski, MichaelGruninger, CameronRoss, AdamPease, PatHayes - ConferenceCall_2010_09_10 (2EQ8)
- 2010-04-01 - JohnSowa's post documenting the team's consensus on the SIO project - (2D4T)
- Thu 2009-03-25 Thursday - Panel Discussion: "Getting SIO Going" - ConferenceCall_2010_03_25 (2D4O)
- Tue 2009-03-16 Tuesday - SIO Project founded! - Post-Summit session : ConferenceCall_2010_03_16 (2D4N)
Key Date(s) to Note: (2EOT)
(insert content here) (2EOU)
Project Description, Goal & Background (2D4Q)
First drafted by JohnSowa (ref.1, ref.2) (2D4R)
The SIO project for sharing and integrating ontologies was started as a community project by the Ontolog Forum. (2EQ9)
SIO is a companion to the Open Ontology Repository (OOR) initiative, which also supported by the Ontolog Forum, and is being incubated in the Ontolog collaborative work environment. (2EQA)
Various participants in the forum have discussed related theoretical issues over a period of several years. (2EQB)
Many of them have developed compatible methodologies and implemented open-source tools to support them. (2EQC)
Goal: Collaborate and coordinate the development of those tools, theories, and methodologies in support of OOR. (2EQD)
Background: Through all the noise and clutter on Ontolog Forum, some of the recent discussions have begun to converge on recommended methods for sharing and integrating ontologies. As a result of a meeting at the end of the Ontology Summit on March 16th 2010, and a virtual panel discussion on March 25th 2010, a consensus was reached on starting a project for which there is already a significant amount of resources, tools, and methodology. (2D4S)
The title of the project is: Sharing and Integrating Ontologies (SIO) (2EOW)
Following is a summary of the consensus: (2EOX)
- 1. The semantics defined by ISO/IEC 24707 for Common Logic should be the basis for the logics used to define ontologies. (2EOY)
- 2. Widely used notations for ontology should be accommodated as far as possible. Many of them, such as RDFS and OWL, can be supported as CL dialects. Ontologies written in KIF should be translated to CLIF. Some extensions to the CL semantics, such IKL, may be required to support some ontologies. (2EOZ)
- 3. The theoretical foundations of some approaches discussed on Ontolog Forum were considered compatible and complementary. These include the lattice of theories presented by JohnSowa, the COLORE system presented by MichaelGruninger, and the Bremen tool set presented by JohnBateman. A combination of these three approaches appears to be possible, and there seemed to be no conflicts with the other approaches. (2EP0)
- 4. The Toronto group led by MichaelGruninger and the Bremen group led by John Bateman have made the most progress on developing the resources and tools. Their approaches are complementary, and they can each take advantage of work contributed by the other. (2EP1)
- 5. Other ontologies, methodologies, tools, resources and perspectives that were presented or discussed by MatthewWest, PatCassidy, MikeDean, PeterYim et al. at the 2010.03.16 NIST session and 2010.03.25 virtual panel session seem to be compatible with these approaches. (2EP2)
- 6. Further work should be continued to harmonize and extend the theoretical work, to collaborate in developing the tools and resources, and to apply them in building and organizing the Open Ontology Repository (OOR). (2EP3)
Current Action Items (responsible/champion) (2EP4)
(insert content here) (2EP5)
Project Plan (2EP6)
(insert content here) (2EP7)
- Establish Definitions and Scope (2EP8)
- Approach & Process (2EP9)
- Plan & Timeline (2EPA)
- Deliverables & Deadlines (2EPB)
Project Work-in-Progress (2EPC)
(insert content here) (2EPD)
You are cordially invited to join us: (2EPE)
Please refer to the details below. Unless otherwise stated, the Ontolog IPR Policy is applicable. (2EPF)
Discussion Archives, Shared-File Workspace & System Development Repository (2EPG)
- Discussion (Mailing) Lists & Message Archives: (2EPH)
- [ontolog-forum] - archives to the (e-mail list) discussion by the Ontolog community, where the general issue of Sharing and Integrating Ontologies is being address. (2EPI)
- To join the Ontolog (a.k.a. "Ontolog Forum") community please refer to the membership section details at: (2EPJ)
- to participate as an observer in this virtual discourse, please subscribe to this [ontolog-forum] list by sending an empty (no message body is needed) message to: "ontolog-forum-join [at]" ; alternatively, go to the list-info/maintenance page at: ... (email <peter.yim @> if you have any question.) (2EPK)
- [sio-dev] - archives to the (e-mail list) discussion on the "Sharing and Integrating Ontologies (SIO)" project implementation and development - (2EPL)
- since the SIO project folds into the broader scope of the "Open Ontology Repository (OOR)" Initiative, those who are interested are encouraged to participate in the virtual OOR discourse as well, please subscribe to the [oor-forum] mailing list by sending an empty (no message body is needed) message to: "oor-forum-join [at]" ; alternatively, go to the list-info/maintenance page at: ... (email <peter.yim @> if you have any question.) (2EPM)
- [ontolog-forum] - archives to the (e-mail list) discussion by the Ontolog community, where the general issue of Sharing and Integrating Ontologies is being address. (2EPI)
- Shared-File Workspace: . . . (open) (2EPN)
- OOR team's work - . . . (which we have IPR on) (2EPO)
- Outside (reference) work, etc. - . . . (which we may re-publish here, but have no IPR on) (2EPP)
- content of these shared-file workspaces are open to all read access, browsers, hyperlinking and search (2EPQ)
- write access is limited to team members only, and is password protected. To gain write access, please refer to details at: (2EPR)
Conference Call, Meeting & Workshop (2EPS)
- Thu 2009-03-25 Thursday - Panel Discussion: "Getting SIO Going" - ConferenceCall_2010_03_25 (2EPT)
- Tue 2009-03-16 Tuesday - SIO Project founded! - Post-Summit session : ConferenceCall_2010_03_16 (2EPU)
Key SIO Project Documentation (2D74)
(The following sections are to be transferred to dedicated pages for further elaboration in due course ...) (2EPV)
Introduction (2D77)
Why would an ontologist, software developer and/or software agent use an online ontology repository? What are the problems he/she should be trying to solve when they contemplate selecting one of our artifacts? How will our artifacts interface with the rest of the solutions set? (2D7A)
Use cases (2D78)
In order to help everyone understand the rational for the project and to help keep focused on the goals, the following Use Cases have been developed. These show specific examples of where the artifacts created by this project will be used. (2D7B)
- shows some of the Use Cases showing the value of a repository. (2D76)
- OMG Architecture Ecosystem Use Cases (2DCS)
- President Obama's open government initiative use case (2DCZ)
... Coming! (2EPW)
- SharingIntegratingOntologies_Scope (2EPX)
- some pertinent questions ... --RonWheeler (2EQ4)
- SharingIntegratingOntologies_UseCases (2EPY)
- In order to help everyone understand the rational for the project and to help keep focused on the goals, the following Use Cases have been developed. These show specific examples of where the artifacts created by this project will be used ... (2D7B)
- shows some of the Use Cases showing the value of a repository --RonWheeler (2D76)
- OMG Architecture Ecosystem Use Cases --CoryCasanave (2DCS)
- President Obama's open government initiative use case --CoryCasanave (2DCZ)
- In order to help everyone understand the rational for the project and to help keep focused on the goals, the following Use Cases have been developed. These show specific examples of where the artifacts created by this project will be used ... (2D7B)