OpenOntologyRepository: OOR Team Conference Call - Tue 2012_07_10    (3C82)

This is a regular OOR Team meeting. ... please refer also to proceedings from the last team meeting at OOR/ConferenceCall_2012_06_12    (3C83)

Conference Call Details:    (3C84)

Attendees    (3CY2)

Agenda Ideas:    (3CYC)

please insert any additional items below (along with your name for follow-up purposes)    (3CYD)

Agenda & Proceedings    (3CYM)

Archives:    (3CZ1)

1. Meeting called to order:    (3CZ4)

2. Roll Call:    (3CZ8)

3. Status Review and Discussion:    (3CZB)

4. Key items for discussion:    (3CYO)

 (for better clarity, the version below is a re-organized and lightly edited chat-transcript.)
 Participants are welcome to make light edits to their own contributions as they see fit.    (3D6S)
 -- begin in-session chat-transcript --    (3D5A)
	[08:26] PeterYim: Welcome to the    (3D5B)
	 = OpenOntologyRepository: OOR Team Conference Call - Tue 2012_07_10 =    (3D5C)
	session page:    (3D5D)
	Attendees: PeterYim (chair), BobSmith , KenBaclawski, MichaelGruninger, MikeBennett, 
                   MikeDean, TerryLongstreth, TimDarr, ToddSchneider    (3D5E)
	 == Proceedings: ==    (3D5F)
	[08:40] PeterYim: == reviewing Most Critical Task(s) At Hand and priorities -    (3D5G)
	[08:42] PeterYim: asking hard questions (and playing devil's advocate) ...    (3D5H)
	[08:42] PeterYim: unfortunately, after 4.5 years, no one's work life depend on OOR yet! ...    (3D5I)
	[08:42] PeterYim: ... are we on the verge of being irrelevant?    (3D5J)
	[08:42] TerryLongstreth: Is there a Use case to demonstrate the need for an OOR?    (3D5K)
	[08:44] TerryLongstreth: Why would you need to integrate OOR into an application? 
                                 Why would you need to integrate heterogeneously defined ontologies into an application? 
                                 why would you need to integrate an ontology into an application?    (3D5L)
	[08:46] MikeBennett: There is still some way to go in educating people on the potential uses of 
        ontologies. One the one hand there are RDF based semantic web applications, which are gaining 
        traction; however the value of having common business semantics is itself a strong value proposition, 
        but one which is difficult to convey to conventional technology implementers.    (3D5M)
	[08:46] ToddSchneider: There may not be sufficient market need.    (3D5N)
	[08:49] MikeBennett: That is, we need to demonstrate technology-based benefits to hard-nosed business people.    (3D5O)
	[09:17] MikeBennett: Cognitive dissonance - worth describing in a white paper.    (3D5P)
	[08:51] ToddSchneider: How about giving out OOR install disks at ISWC?    (3D5Q)
	[08:50] MichaelGruninger: In addition to the Industry community, we also need to engage the 
        academic and standards communities that would benefit from OOR -- ontology mapping, ontology patterns, 
        standards harmonization    (3D5R)
	[08:54] MichaelGruninger: For example, Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative    (3D5S)
	[08:56] KenBaclawski: I suggest that we have one or most tasks to add more use cases for the OOR for 
        using ontologies. The use cases currently focus on development of ontologies, storing ontologies, 
        reviewing ontologies, but nothing on the use of ontologies by an application. The only use of an 
        ontology by an application at the moment is done "off-line" after downloading the ontology.    (3D5T)
	[08:57] TerryLongstreth: Does the potential market cavil at the use of the term 'Open'    (3D5U)
	[08:57] ToddSchneider: Terry, 'cavil'?    (3D5V)
	[09:00] TerryLongstreth: YCLIU: cavil/kavl/ Verb: Make petty or unnecessary objections. 
                                 Noun: An objection of this kind. Synonyms: carp    (3D5W)
	[08:58] KenBaclawski: The OOR is open source, but one can use it for a "closed" repository inside 
        a company. This could be another use case.    (3D5X)
	[09:01] KenBaclawski: What about approaching a standards body? Would OASIS be interested?    (3D5Y)
	[09:15] PeterYim: @Ken - with OASIS, we need to look more closely at the transition from XML to Ontology    (3D5Z)
	[09:02] ToddSchneider: Is there a particular market space we're going after?    (3D60)
	[09:03] BobSmith : @Ken - interesting question about OASIS (or OMG) interests. How would you find out??    (3D61)
	[09:06] ToddSchneider: Approach OMG?    (3D62)
	[09:07] BobSmith : UML advocates... as one of several bridges to Ontology (?)    (3D63)
	[09:08] ToddSchneider: I was thinking RFP for a formal semantics. I forget the name of the request.    (3D64)
	[09:09] BobSmith : building SMART alliance (bSa) needs a Spreadsheet to Ontology BRIDGE    (3D65)
	[09:10] BobSmith : ;-}    (3D66)
	[09:11] MikeBennett: The OMG has an active Ontology SIG already.    (3D67)
	[09:17] KenBaclawski: @MikeBennett: I was one of the founders of that OMG SIG, but I have not been 
        active in it for some time. However, I am suggesting something a little different. The OMG and OASIS 
        could use the OOR as the repository for their standards.    (3D68)
	[09:11] ToddSchneider: Have to go. Cheers.    (3D69)
	[09:12] PeterYim: bye! thanks Todd ...    (3D6A)
	[09:12] PeterYim: we need to stay relevant to the "big data" movement that is happening now, 
        especially because we have a lot to contribute    (3D6B)
	[09:13] MichaelGruninger: For one category of users, we need to first convince them that they need 
        ontologies and to show them how ontologies can be used. The other category of users are those who are 
        already using ontologies; for these users, we only need to show them the benefits of the repository 
        that contains the ontologies that they are using.    (3D6C)
	[09:17] PeterYim: coming back to the list, what we have now - Most Critical Task(s) At Hand:    (17YH)    (3D6D)
	    1. Prepare and adopt an OOR system architecture    (2I9U)
	        define and adopt a set of API's    (2I9V)
	        define and adopt the set of ontology metadata (as an extension of OMV) that authors of the ontology are required to provide when they upload ontologies to the OOR    (2I9W)
	        define and adopt a core development platform    (2L0P)
	    2. set up policies and process for contributing to OOR work    (1PZR)
	        setup clear and easy policies and process to engage developers and have them contribute code    (28Q3)
	        getting ourselves into a position where team members can contribute code    (2R91)
	    3. Initiate implementation of key development priorities    (2R92)
	        build out "gatekeeping" and move from just having an OOR-sandbox to having available instances of an OOR-sandbox and an OOR-production    (23YW)
	        add CL support to OOR    (2GLZ)
	        federation    (2R93)
	    4. systematically solicit content contributions    (1VMD)
	        from the communities engaging in ontology research, development, engineering and applications    (2KTL)
	        from the communities engaging in digital content and knowledge organization structures    (2KTM)
	    5. get the work funded    (1TID)
	    6. regularly review requirements and existing standards to make sure we are on track    (1P5V)
	    7. continue with efforts in publicity and outreach    (28Q5)    (3D6E)
	[09:20] PeterYim: AA. identify compelling and relevant use cases of OOR, with the focus on 
        demonstrating the application and value of OOR    (3D6F)
	[09:22] PeterYim: AA.1 consider possibilities in: standards, bigdata, ... bridging db-schema, xml, uml, ...    (3D6G)
	[09:21] TerryLongstreth: A tool to help standards orgs integrate heterogeneous ontologies    (3D6H)
	[09:22] TerryLongstreth: For example: see the ITU ASN.1 production hierarchies    (3D6I)
	[09:44] TerryLongstreth: Here's a better view of ASN.1    (3D6J)
	[09:24] TerryLongstreth:    (3D6K)
	[09:25] PeterYim: 4. --> 4' systematically engage other communities to advance the state-of-the-art 
        as well as to solicit content contributions    (3D6L)
	[09:35] BobSmith : The one thing we know about funding is "FUNDING CYCLES" - a calendar of dates 
        would be useful at a future OOR Funding Workshop    (3D6M)
	[09:38] PeterYim: 5.1 start a regular Funding workshop series (just like Architecture+API, Metadata, etc.)
        ... KenBaclawski will champion this    (3D6N)
	[09:46] PeterYim: Michael: planning on using next Tuesday's (Jul-17) workshop slot to engage the 
        community to discuss various aspects of the IAOA "Ontology Registry and Repository" and "Standards 
        Coordination" SIGs (in preparation to the SIG meeting which be come up during FOIS (Jul-24 to 27)    (3D6O)
	[09:47] PeterYim: Michael will send title and abstract of the session to Peter, and then start 
        discussing this on the mailing lists of OOR, IAOA and Ontolog    (3D6P)
	[09:48] PeterYim: ... very productive session!    (3D6Q)
	[09:48] PeterYim: -- session ended: 9:44am PDT --    (3D6R)
 -- end in-session chat-transcript --    (3D6T)

5. Any Other Business:    (3D0U)

6. Action items:    (3D0Y)

7. Schedule Next Meeting & Adjourn:    (3D0Z)

 notes taken by: PeterYim / 2012.07.10-10:21am PDT
 All participants, please review and edit to enhance accuracy and granularity of the documented proceedings.    (3D17)

Resources    (3D18)