OntologySummit2014 session-12: Synthesis-II: Technical Tracks and Hackathon - Thu 2014-04-03 (4B8K)
- Summit Theme: OntologySummit2014: "Big Data and Semantic Web Meet Applied Ontology" (4B8L)
- Session Topic: OntologySummit2014 Synthesis-II on the Technical Tracks and the Hackathon (4B8M)
- Session Co-chairs: Dr. LeoObrst and Professor MichaelGruninger (4B8N)
Program: (4B8O)
- Professor MichaelGruninger - Semantic Web and Big Data Meets Applied Ontology - Thoughts on Summit 2014 ... overview slides (4B8P)
- Dr. GaryBergCross, Ms. AndreaWesterinen, Mr. MikeBennett (in absentia) - Track A: Common Reusable Semantic Content - Synthesis-II ... slides (4B8Q)
- Dr. ChristophLange, Professor AlanRector (in absentia) - Track B: Making use of Ontologies: Tools, Services, and Techniques - Synthesis-II ... slides (4B8R)
- Dr. MatthewWest, Professor PascalHitzler, Professor KrzysztofJanowicz (in absentia) - Track C: Overcoming Ontology Engineering Bottlenecks - Synthesis-II ... slides (4B8S)
- Professor AnneThessen, Professor KenBaclawski (in absentia) - Track D: Tackling the Variety Problem in Big Data - Synthesis-II ... slides (4B8T)
- Mr. AnatolyLevenchuk, Mr. DanBrickley (in absentia) - Track E: A Summary Report on the Hackathon Projects, especially on what's pertinent to the Communique ... slides (4B8U)
- Dr. LeoObrst (moderator) - Open Discussion on ideas to optimally fit the above material into the adopted Communique outline, and the positions we want to assume in this year's communique ... Communique Outline (4B8V)
- Abstract (4B8X)
- Agenda (4B8Y)
- Prepared presentation material (slides) can be accessed by clicking on each of the title links below: (4B8Z)
- transcript of the online chat during the session (4B91)
- Audio recording of the session ... [ 1:45:36 ; mp3 ; 18.13 MB ] (4B92)
- its best that you listen to the session while having the respective presentations (linked above) opened in front of you. You'll be prompted to advance slides by the speaker. (4B93)
- Additional Resources (4B94)
Abstract: (4B9I)
OntologySummit2014 Session-12: "Synthesis-II" - overview slides (4B9J)
This is our 9th OntologySummit, a joint initiative by Ontolog, NIST, NCOR, NCBO, IAOA & NCO_NITRD with the support of our co-sponsors. (4B9K)
Since the beginnings of the Semantic Web, ontologies have played key roles in the design and deployment of new semantic technologies. Yet over the years, the level of collaboration between the Semantic Web and Applied Ontology communities has been much less than expected. Within Big Data applications, ontologies appear to have had little impact. (4B9L)
This year's Ontology Summit is an opportunity for building bridges between the Semantic Web, Linked Data, Big Data, and Applied Ontology communities. On the one hand, the Semantic Web, Linked Data, and Big Data communities can bring a wide array of real problems (such as performance and scalability challenges and the variety problem in Big Data) and technologies (automated reasoning tools) that can make use of ontologies. On the other hand, the Applied Ontology community can bring a large body of common reusable content (ontologies) and ontological analysis techniques. Identifying and overcoming ontology engineering bottlenecks is critical for all communities. (4B9M)
OntologySummit2014 will pose and address the primary challenges in these areas of interaction among the different communities. The Summit activities will bring together insights and methods from these different communities, synthesize new insights, and disseminate knowledge across field boundaries. (4B9N)
At the Launch Event on 16 Jan 2014, the organizing team has provided an overview of the program, and how we will be framing the discourse - namely, to pursue that along four different content tracks that address different aspects of the issue at hand. (4B9O)
In today's session, we will roll up what has transpired in the OntologySummit2014 proceedings so far, after two rounds of technical panel sessions that revolved around the four aspects, as designated in the foci for Tracks A, B, C & D, as well as the delivery of Six (6) Hackathon Projects (our Track E effort). Track champions will present the syntheses of the discourse of each of the four content tracks and a summary of the Hackathon effort. Write-ups of the syntheses will contribute to what will go into this year's Communique. (4B9P)
One of our co-lead Editors will then moderate an open discussion, among the Track Champions and All Participants, on how we can optimally fit the syntheses material into the adopted Communique outline, and aim towards arriving at consensus positions that we would want to assume in this year's communique, as a community. (4B9Q)
More details about this OntologySummit is available at: OntologySummit2014 (homepage for this summit) (4B9R)
Track Syntheses Material (4BE5)
- Track A: Common Reusable Semantic Content (4BE6)
- Track B: Making use of Ontologies: Tools, Services, and Techniques (4BE8)
- OntologySummit2014_Ontology_Tools_Services_Techniques_Synthesis (co-championed by: ChristophLange, AlanRector) (4BE9)
- Track C: Overcoming Ontology Engineering Bottlenecks (4BEA)
- Track D: Tackling the Variety Problem in Big Data (4BEC)
- OntologySummit2014_Tackling_Variety_in_BigData_Synthesis (co-championed by: KenBaclawski, AnneThessen ) (4BED)
- Track E: Hackathon (4BEE)
- OntologySummit2014_Hackathon (co-championed by: AnatolyLevenchuk, DanBrickley) (4BEF)
- 1. Reference data for Anime and Manga: Semantic Linking and Publishing of Diverse Data-Sets (Team lead: VictorAgroskin) (4BEG)
- 2. Ontology Design Patterns and Semantic Abstractions in Ontology Integration (Team lead: MikeBennett) (4BEH)
- 3. Optimized SPARQL performance management via native API (Team lead: VictorChernov) (4BEI)
- 4. Ontohub consolidation (Team lead: TillMossakowski, OliverKutz) (4BEJ)
- 5. Semantic Annotation of the Ontolog Community Environment (SAOCE) (Team lead: KenBaclawski) (4BEK)
- 6. An ontological catalog of ontology and metadata vocabulary characteristics relevant to suitability for semantic web and big data applications (a.k.a. VOCREF: Vocabulary and Ontology Characteristics Relevant to Evaluation of Fitness) (Team lead: AmandaVizedom) (4BEL)
- OntologySummit2014_Hackathon (co-championed by: AnatolyLevenchuk, DanBrickley) (4BEF)
Agenda: (4B9S)
OntologySummit2014 - Panel Session-12 (4B9T)
- Session Format: this is a virtual session conducted over an augmented conference call (4B9U)
- 1. Opening and General assessment and what's next (co-chairs: MichaelGruninger, LeoObrst) [5 min.] ... [ slides ] (4B9V)
- 2. Track Synthesis II (presentation of the interim deliverables by one of the co-champions of each track) [10 min/track] (4B9W)
- 2.1 Track A: Common Reusable Semantic Content Synthesis-1 (GaryBergCross*, AndreaWesterinen, MikeBennett) (4B9X)
- 2.2 Track B: Making use of Ontologies: Tools, Services, and Techniques Synthesis-1 (ChristophLange*, AlanRector) (4B9Y)
- 2.3 Track C: Overcoming Ontology Engineering Bottlenecks Synthesis-1 (MatthewWest*, PascalHitzler, KrzysztofJanowicz) (4B9Z)
- 2.4 Track D: Tackling the Variety Problem in Big Data - Synthesis-I Synthesis-1 (AnneThessen*, KenBaclawski) (4BA0)
- 3. Summary Report from the (Track-E) Hackathon Projects (AnatolyLevenchuk*, DanBrickley) [10 min.] (4BA2)
- 4. Q&A and Open Discussion: developing and building consensus on our Communique (moderators: LeoObrst, MichaelGruninger) [~45 min.] ... please refer to process above (4BA3)
- 5. Summary/wrap-up/announcements [5 min.] (4BA4)
Proceedings: (4BA5)
Please refer to the above (4BA6)
IM Chat Transcript captured during the session: (4BA7)
see raw transcript here. (4BA8)
(for better clarity, the version below is a re-organized and lightly edited chat-transcript.) Participants are welcome to make light edits to their own contributions as they see fit. (4BA9)
-- begin in-session chat-transcript -- (4BAA)
------ Chat transcript from room: summit_20140403 2014-04-03 GMT-08:00 [PDT] ------ (4BGR)
[9:12] PeterYim: Welcome to the (4BGS)
= OntologySummit2014 session-12: Synthesis-II: Technical Tracks and Hackathon - Thu 2014-04-03 = (4BGT)
Summit Theme: OntologySummit2014: "Big Data and Semantic Web Meet Applied Ontology" (4BGU)
Session Topic: OntologySummit2014 Synthesis-II on the Technical Tracks and the Hackathon (4BGV)
Session Co-chairs: Dr. LeoObrst and Professor MichaelGruninger (4BGW)
Program: (4BGX)
* Professor MichaelGruninger - "Semantic Web and Big Data Meets Applied Ontology - Thoughts on Summit 2014" (4BGY)
* Dr. GaryBergCross, Ms. AndreaWesterinen, Mr. MikeBennett (in absentia) - Track A: Common Reusable Semantic Content - Synthesis-II (4BGZ)
* Dr. ChristophLange, Professor AlanRector (in absentia) - Track B: Making use of Ontologies: Tools, Services, and Techniques - Synthesis-II (4BH0)
* Dr. MatthewWest, Professor PascalHitzler, Professor KrzysztofJanowicz (in absentia) - Track C: Overcoming Ontology Engineering Bottlenecks - Synthesis-II (4BH1)
* Professor AnneThessen, Professor KenBaclawski (in absentia) - Track D: Tackling the Variety Problem in Big Data - Synthesis-II (4BH2)
* Mr. AnatolyLevenchuk, Mr. DanBrickley - Track E: A Summary Report on the Hackathon Projects, especially on what's pertinent to the Communique (4BH3)
* Dr. LeoObrst (moderator) - Open Discussion on ideas to optimally fit the above material into the adopted Communique outline, and the positions we want to assume in this year's communique (4BH4)
Logistics: (4BH5)
* Refer to details on session page at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_04_03 (4BH6)
* (if you haven't already done so) please click on "settings" (top center) and morph from "anonymous" to your RealName; also please enable "Show timestamps" while there. (4BH7)
* Mute control (phone keypad): *7 to un-mute ... *6 to mute (4BH8)
* Attn: Skype users ... see: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_04_03#nid4B66 ** you may connect to (the skypeID) "joinconference" whether or not it indicates that it is online (i.e. even if it says it is "offline," you should still be able to connect to it.) ** if you are using skype and the connection to "joinconference" is not holding up, try using (your favorite POTS or VoIP line, etc.) either your phone, skype-out or google-voice and call the US dial-in number: +1 (206) 402-0100 ... when prompted enter Conference ID: 141184# ** Can't find Skype Dial pad? *** for Windows Skype users: Can't find Skype Dial pad? ... it's under the "Call" dropdown menu as "Show Dial pad" *** for Linux Skype users: if the dialpad button is not shown in the call window you need to press the "d" hotkey to enable it (4BH9)
* when posting in this Chat-room, kindly observe the following ... ** whenever a name is used, please use the full WikiWord name format (every time you don't, some volunteer will have to make an edit afterwards) ** always provide context (like: "[ref. JaneDoe's slide#12], I think the point about context is great" ... rather than "that's great!" as the latter would mean very little in the archives.) ** when responding to a specific individual's earlier remarks, please cite his/her full WikiWord names *and* the timestamp (in PST) of his/her post that you are responding to (e.g. "@JaneDoe [11:09] - I agree, but, ...") ** use fully qualified url's (include http:// ) without symbols (like punctuations or parentheses, etc.) right before of after that URL (4BHA)
Attendees: AleksandraSojic, AlexShkotin, AmandaVizedom, AnatolyLevenchuk, AndreaWesterinen, AnneThessen, BobbinTeegarden, CalvinLiu, CarmenChui, ChristiKapp, ChristophLange, ConradBeaulieu, DennisPierson, DominiqueMariko, EdBernot, FrancescaQuattri, FrankOlken, GaryBergCross, HaroldBoley, JackRing, JoanneLuciano, KenBaclawski, LamarHenderson, LeoObrst, LesMorgan, LianaKiff, MarcelaVegetti, MariaHerrero, MarkLinehan, MartinDavtyan, MatthewWest, MichaelGruninger, MikeDean, MikeRiben, NancyWiegand, PeterYim, RamSriram, RichardMartin, SiewLam, SimonSpero, SundayOjo, TerryLongstreth, TillMossakowski, TorstenHahmann, VictorAgroskin, (4BHB)
Err:510 (4BHC)
[9:29] anonymous morphed into CarmenChui (4BHD)
[9:29] AlexShkotin: Hi All! (4BHE)
[9:29] anonymous1 morphed into SiewLam (4BHF)
[9:32] EdBernot: Good day/night! (4BHG)
[9:32] GaryBergCross: Hello, Track A is here... (4BHH)
[9:33] anonymous1 morphed into ConradBeaulieu (4BHI)
[9:33] anonymous morphed into LesMorgan (4BHJ)
[9:34] anonymous morphed into FrancescaQuattri (4BHK)
[9:36] anonymous morphed into MarkLinehan (4BHL)
[9:37] anonymous1 morphed into LamarHenderson (4BHM)
[9:37] PeterYim: == MichaelGruninger starts session on behalf of the co-chairs ... see slides under: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_04_03#nid4B8Z (4BHN)
[9:46] AlexShkotin: If we split ontology to theory and model. Theory can't be Big. Model can. (4BHO)
[9:48] anonymous morphed into BobbinTeegarden (4BHP)
[9:49] FrankOlken: Do we need to register for the face to face meeting of Ontology Summit 2014? (4BHQ)
[9:49] GaryBergCross: Yes (4BHR)
[9:59] LeoObrst: @FrankOlken [12:49]: yes, see: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014/WorkshopRegistration (4BHS)
[9:49] anonymous morphed into JoanneLuciano (4BHT)
[9:51] MatthewWest: Communique Outline: Barriers and Bottlenecks: I suggest adding opportunities for automation (a way of overcoming bottlenecks). (4BHU)
[9:52] MichaelGruninger: @MatthewWest [9:51] yes, we should have a subsection on overcoming the bottlenecks (4BHV)
[9:51] PeterYim: == GaryBergCross presenting on "Common Reusable Semantic Content: Synthesis-II" on behalf of the Track-A co-champions ... (4BHW)
[9:58] anonymous morphed into DominiqueMariko (4BHX)
[9:58] anonymous1 morphed into CalvinLiu (4BHY)
[10:00] AmandaVizedom: Slide #9 Condition 2: that "standard metadata for reuse be defined" -- is precisely the condition that the VOCREF hackathon aimed to address, by getting the foundations in place of an open-source, collaboratively developed ontology of the wide range of metadata that people may need in order to determine whether a given ontology (or other semantic resource) is reusable for their purpose. (4BHZ)
[10:02] GaryBergCross: @Amanda [10:00] comment - Great to know the hackathon will help contribute to understanding on the ontology metadata. (4BI0)
[10:03] AmandaVizedom: @Gary [10:02] We hope so! (4BI1)
[10:07] AndreaWesterinen: @AmandaVizedom [10:00] That is why I added the slide about VOCREF. Sorry that I was not online at the time. Blame Comcast :-) (4BI2)
[10:09] AmandaVizedom: AndreaWesterinen [10:07] Gary was necessarily going very quickly & touched really only on the meta-characteristics of the hackathon approach, not so much the content; I added the comment at [10:00] just to supplement. :-) (4BI3)
[10:00] PeterYim: == ChristophLange presenting on "Making use of Ontologies: Tools, Services, and Techniques: Synthesis-II" on behalf of the Track-B co-champions ... (4BI4)
[10:03] PeterYim: @ChristophLange - [re: slide#2] I don't think we can equate "heavyweight approaches to semantic web services have failed" with "heavyweight approaches will fail ... " (as you verbally pronounced) (4BI5)
[10:07] TorstenHahmann: Regarding ChristophLange's "heavyweight" comment and PeterYim's correction, I would go even further: does the observation that heavyweight ontologies are currently not used really means they have failed? Maybe we just haven't found the right way of using them yet? (4BI6)
[10:11] ChristophLange: Re @PeterYim, @TorstenHahmann about "heavyweight": OntoIOp (about which I'm biased of course because I'm involved) hopes to strike a balance between "lightweight" and "heavyweight" in that it adopts lightweight linked data principles but also enables translations across heavyweight ontology languages. (4BI7)
[10:12] LeoObrst: @[10:07] TorstenHahmann: I think richer (heavyweight) ontologies are very useful for certain kinds of applications, but in general not for online linked-data uses, because of many issues, including the temporal cost of computing/reasoning on the fly, etc. (4BI8)
[10:19] TorstenHahmann: @ChristophLange and @LeoOrbst: I certainly agree: rich ontologies will not solve all linked data problems, e.g., rich ontologies are not suitable for on-the-fly reasoning (as you mentioned). But they may still have their place in the larger setting of big & linked data. For example, they can be useful as tools to integrate & generate appropriate lightweight schemas (from rich ontologies). (4BI9)
[10:19] TorstenHahmann: As Christoph mentioned, striking the right balance is important. (4BIA)
[10:09] GaryBergCross: I didn't use the phrase lightweight ontologies in the track A synthesis, but we should. (4BIB)
[10:06] ... AndreaWesterinen: Sorry to be late. Finally got my cable modem to work for more than 5 mins. (4BIC)
[10:08] ... MarcelaVegetti: Sorry for my late join. Is there any problem with skype joinconference? I can't connect to the audio session (4BID)
[10:09] ... PeterYim: @MarcelaVegetti - skype issues may be more local ... we've got plenty of skype participants online now - see: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_04_03#nid4B66 (4BIE)
[10:11] ... MarcelaVegetti: thanks @Peter. Problem solved. I'm now connected (4BIF)
[10:09] PeterYim: == MatthewWest presenting on "Overcoming Ontology Engineering Bottlenecks: Synthesis-II" on behalf of the Track-C co-champions ... (4BIG)
[10:12] anonymous morphed into LamarHenderson (4BIH)
[10:16] JackRing: Has anyone devised an ontology regarding 'about ontologies' wherein we might find factors such as purpose, reuse, lattice, perspectives (designer, user, reused, etc.), size, degree of complexness, modularity, etc.? (4BII)
[10:20] AndreaWesterinen: @JackRing [10:16] I would like to evolve VOCREF into such an ontology. (4BIJ)
[10:23] AmandaVizedom: Yes, Jack [10:16], VOCREF of course doesn't cover all of this YET, after 1 weekend hackathon, but it does already cover some, and others are identified as to-do in the issue tracker, and more should be added. That's precisely where we want it to go, as Andrea said [13:20]. It is now stood up for continuing, collaborative, open-source-style development. (4BIK)
[10:17] JackRing: Slide 8, Test, test, test is grossly inadequate, c.f., the dismal results of software test. (4BIL)
[10:23] GaryBergCross: @MatthewWest [re. slide#9] On this "The first priority is identity (same name same thing) not semantics" Do we have the same things without semantics? (4BIM)
[10:30] MatthewWest: @GaryBergCross - Some of my friends talk about "a list of famous names". At the base level, you don't even have definitions of terms, which can lead to ambiguity. So a set of terms with text definitions (intended interpretations) is actually quite useful. (4BIN)
[10:34] GaryBergCross: @MatthewWest, the term with text discussion sound like something to establish an informal conceptual space, but people involved in this exchange have some interpretation using their internal semantics. What I take it you mean is no attempt at formal semantics. (4BIO)
[10:25] FrancescaQuattri: "why are ontologies in English?" (from Matthew's slide#12). This opens up a huge market / demand for reusability of ontologies as developed into other languages other than English, and highlights the point of translation reliability / bottlenecks in translation of ontologies. Should we maybe also present the topic as a "challenge"? (4BIP)
[10:28] AlexShkotin: We have ontology in English and Russian with equivalentClasses for terms - it works:-) (4BIQ)
[10:29] GaryBergCross: On this english term issue, it is worth noting that Wikipedia has separate versions by language and they are not translations, but populated by native speakers. Hence DBpedias from these may vary... (4BIR)
[10:31] AmandaVizedom: @GaryBergCross [10:29] One of Wikidata's goals is to create more content reusability across the language-specific Wikipedias by adding ontology-like conceptual structures with multilingual lexification. (4BIS)
[10:32] MatthewWest: @FrancescaQuattri: Actually I think there is an opportunity for an ontology module that supports name/language pair sets for IDs. (4BIT)
[10:34] AndreaWesterinen: @MatthewWest [10:32] +1 (4BIU)
[10:34] AndreaWesterinen: @AlexShkotin and @FrancescaQuattri [10:25] Is it necessary to have 2 ontologies or 1 ontology with labels, comments, etc. in different xml:langs? I would prefer the latter since you don't want disconnects. (4BIV)
[10:36] FrancescaQuattri: @AndreaWesterinen and @MatthewWest: Andrea, I agree, the second options sounds definitely more appealing. Then a big issue to highlight in our Summary also relates to translation reliability. (4BIW)
[10:39] AlexShkotin: @AndreaWesterinen labels are not a part of logic. We use terms native for natural language and use OWL2 operations to describe relationships. It's good for us as we have bilingual dictionary. (4BIX)
[10:39] LeoObrst: @FrancescaQuattri and others: I think you will always need vocabularies linked to ontologies, with the vocabularies in possibly distinct languages (locally, these can be distinct labels in the ontologies), but we must take care not to introduce another source of discrepancy/non-reusability by focusing on the natural languages of ontologies, since really it is the logic of the latter that is important. (4BIY)
[10:40] AndreaWesterinen: @FrancescaQuattri [10:36] Yes, I have some experience with this ... adding a Spanish translation to an ontology. So, had translations only in an ontology file that built on the original definitions. All triples were loaded into the database and queries assumed that a language was set and passed this as input in each query. So, it really didn't matter what language was used to define the original as long as you had a native speaker to do the translation. Similar to any localization project. (4BIZ)
[10:41] AmandaVizedom: Francesca & all: I think there are two issues which should be separated, here. (1) is the language, if any, in which the concepts in the ontology are lexified and annotated. This is the easy part, really, because any concept can have annotations and lexificiation in arbitrarily many languages, and languages can be selected for view/use. (2) is the language, if any, in which concepts in the ontology are *named*. If developers rely on concept *names* for human readable (perhaps because of tool limitations), then one language will dominate, and it is harder to make the ontology as usable in another language. (4BJ0)
[10:41] AndreaWesterinen: The problem then comes down to MT. (4BJ1)
[10:42] AndreaWesterinen: @AmandaVizedom [10:41] I am not sure that I agree. The issue is tooling and MT. If everything comes down to documentation and metadata, the original ontology language does not matter. SMOT (simple matter of tooling) :-) (4BJ2)
[10:42] SimonSpero: SKOS mapping relations arrived via many decades of prior art, not all of which was ignored (4BJ3)
[10:44] AmandaVizedom: {continuing my [10:41])... I have worked with one project that very successfully used a very large ontology with developers / users in multiple languages & localizations. This was successful and made original language not so relevant, because the project also used hexadec concept IDs (making it impossible to rely on names, rather than labels) and had in-house built tools, for devs and users, that showed ID with label in lang-loc of choice. (4BJ4)
[10:47] AmandaVizedom: @AndreaWesterinen [10:42] I agree about tools. The tools mentioned in my [10:44] enabled making issue (2) [10:41], the original language, irrelevant. That's not so easy to do with standard tools/methods. (4BJ5)
[10:54] FrancescaQuattri: @AmandaVizedom: any chance to know more about the project mentioned above? (4BJ6)
[10:58] AmandaVizedom: @FrancescaQuattri, Yes and No. It was proprietary, though some aspects are not unique to them and are more publicly known within the relevant technology communities. It was for Convera, which no longer exists. The core tech and team are now part of Vertical Search Works. They have published some descriptions of the approach, with most depth in the areas where they have patented their particular take on (part of) the process. (4BJ7)
[11:00] FrancescaQuattri: @AmandaVizedom: thank you for the info (4BJ8)
[10:49] AlexShkotin: @AmandaVizedom, have a look at our bi-lingual ontology http://earth.jscc.ru/webprotege/#dic (4BJ9)
[10:22] PeterYim: == AnneThessen presenting on "Tackling the Variety Problem in Big Data: Synthesis-II" on behalf of the Track-D co-champions ... (4BJA)
[10:33] JackRing: Slide 4. More than pattern matching, pattern discovery (even if not looking for 'it') (4BJB)
[10:33] PeterYim: == AnatolyLevenchuk presenting a Summary Report on the OntologySummit2014_Hackathon on behalf of the Track-E co-champions and the Hackathon Project Leads ... (4BJC)
[10:51] TillMossakowski: Ontohub hackathon: we did mainly different bugfixes (4BJD)
[10:51] TillMossakowski: These bugfixes were mainly related to the integration of git repositories and the web portal (4BJE)
[10:53] PeterYim: see links to Hackathon details under: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_04_03#nid4BEE (4BJF)
[11:00] PeterYim: @ALL Hackathon Leads - if you are planning to do a demo during the OntologySummit2014_Symposium, please let the symposium organizers know, and make sure you take a look at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?VirtualSpeakerSessionTips#nid3IUY ... and prepare accordingly (4BJG)
[10:57] PeterYim: == Open Discussion on ideas to optimally fit the above material into the adopted Communique outline, and the positions we want to assume in this year's communique ... (4BJH)
[10:59] anonymous1 morphed into LamarHenderson (4BJI)
[10:59] GaryBergCross: [re. the Communique Outline] Under 'Sharable and Reusable Ontologies' we might include some examples of Best Practices. (4BJJ)
[11:13] AndreaWesterinen: @GaryBergCross [10:59] We have some (very few) examples of suggestions and best practices in our Track A synthesis, but we certainly could do more. Also, we could make this a work item in the IAOA SIG. (4BJK)
[11:01] GaryBergCross: The outline has no sub-topic of things like use of ODPs or lightweight ontologies. (4BJL)
[11:02] GaryBergCross: (to MichaelGruninger's verbal response on the above remark, that we will be getting to that next level of detail when we start seeing a draft of the Communique next week) Sure... (4BJM)
[11:03] TerryLongstreth: @AmandaVizedom - follow-up on your dialogue with Francesca at [10:54] - Did you discover developers memorizing the x' labels, expecting their referents to be invariant? (4BJN)
[11:15] AmandaVizedom: @TerryLongstreth, no. But even the normal way of viewing the ontology while coding would show you both hex ID and label (in selected language) and sometimes the label in that language for an appropriate parent, where the label is also a label for other concepts in that language. So, for example, in en-us, you might see a node as "gen.00BT7(Dog(Mammal))" <-- made up example, I have no idea what the ID is for that concept in that ontology. (4BJO)
[11:10] PeterYim: I have a feeling we are not addressing current "Big Data" practitioners, who could be data analytics people, adequately ... we almost haven't had a chance to see, for example, any case where an application that applied both mathematical models and semantic models, or the former taking advantage of the latter (4BJP)
[11:14] MartinDavtyan: @PeterYim, absolutely agree! There are some cases in Big Data practice which LOOK like ontology engineering, for example Graphical Models for genes, which are reused and shared and collaboratively created just like ontologies. I've spent a lot of time trying to research this exact problem and still searching. (4BJQ)
[11:15] GaryBergCross: @PeterYim [14:10] I agree that we haven't addressed Big Data issues directly enough with enough examples. (4BJR)
[11:11] TerryLongstreth: @AndreaWesterinen - how do we validate the equivalence of semantics captured by different syntaxes? (4BJS)
[11:14] AlexShkotin: @TerryLongstreth, It may be something like translation http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/agbkb/forschung/formal_methods/CoFI/hets/index_e.htm (4BJT)
[11:15] AndreaWesterinen: @TerryLongstreth [11:11] I think that this is another function of tooling and testing. But, today, it is manual and just like guaranteeing that you have the right language translation. However, this would be a great topic to explore further. Could you do similarity analysis, etc.? I think so ... kind of like concept mapping. (4BJU)
[11:13] GaryBergCross: In terms of things I heard today to include in the communique I would suggest we include the point that Track C (@MatthewWest) made about addressing the level of semantics needed by various types of Application Domains. (4BJV)
[11:15] AnneThessen: [responding to the verbal discussion of @PeterYim [11:10], and the request that Track-D might develop more in their write-up to address that, and for AnneThessen's comment (since KenBaclawski is not present)] I am still here (4BJW)
[11:15] AnneThessen: Please capture that in the chat. I had to leave to get some water and I missed some of that. .... [ see: @PeterYim [11:10] ] (4BJX)
[11:15] AnneThessen: I need to not talk anymore. My voice is about gone. (4BJY)
[11:17] LeoObrst: There is an emerging "buzz" term called "deep learning" which addresses the interpretations behind big data, i.e., correlations and patterns, and these must include knowledge-based methods and ontologies, because of causal and explanation needs. Maybe Track D would contribute some input on this, if they consider it important. (4BJZ)
[11:20] DominiqueMariko: @PeterYim [11:10] I started reading this today, don't know if it could be of any help : logistic regression model for predicting the singleton/coreferent distinction, drawing on linguistic insights about how discourse entity lifespans are affected by syntactic and semantic features : http://nlp.stanford.edu/pubs/discourse-referent-lifespans.pdf (4BK0)
[11:21] DominiqueMariko: Don't have the audio plug-sorry (4BK1)
[11:26] PeterYim: @DominiqueMariko - thank you for the input ... would be great if you can capture that (if appropriate) and/or additional thoughts to the page at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014_Tackling_Variety_In_BigData_CommunityInput (4BK2)
[11:28] DominiqueMariko: @PeterYim OK. (4BK3)
[11:19] GaryBergCross: Hackathons can illustrate practices, tools and how one uses ontologies. (4BK4)
[11:21] AnatolyLevenchuk: @GaryBergCross: many Hackathon project not finished yet! Not only final reporting but actual work! But we already have valuable observation in Hackathon project content. (4BK5)
[11:23] AndreaWesterinen: I would encourage everyone to read the Track A synthesis and suggest where we should expand the topics and examples. I will update to bring in the dialog on the "reuseful" email which is getting lots of good discussion. (4BK6)
[11:24] GaryBergCross: Track A synthesis at http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014_Common_Reusable_Semantic_Content_Synthesis (4BK7)
[11:17] PeterYim: @ALL: as announced by our Symposium co-chairs, Dr. Ram Sriram & Professor TimFinin our Apr 28~29 Symposium (at NSF in Greater Washington DC) is now open for registration. Please register yourself ASAP, as capacity is limited - see OntologySummit2014_Symposium details at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014_Symposium ... Note the Apr-4 (5pm ET) deadline for reserving blocked hotel rooms for the Ontology Summit Symposium at the group pricing - ref. details under: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014/WorkshopRegistration#nid49ZL ... Register for the Symposium NOW, if you haven't already! - see: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014/WorkshopRegistration (4BK8)
[11:26] PeterYim: @ALL: Please mark your calendars and reserve this same time for the next two Thursdays, when we will be working on getting the OntologySummit2014_Communique reviewed and finalized during those two virtual sessions. In particular ... Session-13 will be up next Thursday - 2014_04_10 - Thursday: OntologySummit2014: session-13: Communique Review - Session Co-chairs: MichaelGruninger & LeoObrst - Panelists: All Contributing Editors - ref. developing details at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_04_10 and http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014_Communique/Draft (4BK9)
[11:27] PeterYim: @org-comm members, Reminder to those in the organizing committee, our next meeting (n.10) is coming up tomorrow - Fri 2014.04.04 - see: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014/GettingOrganized#nid4ANC (4BKA)
[11:27] PeterYim: Very productive session ... thank you ALL! (4BKB)
[11:27] EdBernot: Great session, thanks! (4BKC)
[11:28] LeoObrst: Thanks, all! (4BKD)
[11:28] DominiqueMariko: Thanks all! (4BKE)
[11:27] PeterYim: -- session ended: 11:24 am PDT -- (4BKF)
-- end of in-session chat-transcript -- (4BAB)
- Further Question & Remarks - please post them to the [ ontology-summit ] listserv (4BAC)
- all subscribers to the previous summit discussion, and all who responded to today's call will automatically be subscribed to the [ ontology-summit ] listserv (4BAD)
- if you are already subscribed, post to <ontology-summit [at] ontolog.cim3.net> (4BAE)
- (if you are not yet subscribed) you may subscribe yourself to the [ ontology-summit ] listserv, by sending a blank email to <ontology-summit-join [at] ontolog.cim3.net> from your subscribing email address, and then follow the instructions you receive back from the mailing list system. (4BAF)
- (in case you aren't already a member) you may also want to join the ONTOLOG community and be subscribed to the [ ontolog-forum ] listserv, when general ontology-related topics (not specific to this year's Summit theme) are discussed. Please refer to Ontolog membership details at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nid1J (4BAG)
- kindly email <peter.yim@cim3.com> if you have any question. (4BAH)
Additional Resources: (4BAI)
- Homepage of OntologySummit2014 (4BAJ)
- Links to full proceedings for previous sessions of this series can be found under the "Archives" section at their respective session pages (4BAK)
- [ontology-summit] discussion archives - http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontology-summit/ (4BAL)
- to subscribe to this discussion list: send a blank message from your subscribing email address to <ontology-summit-join@ontolog.cim3.net> or visit http://ontolog.cim3.net/mailman/listinfo/ontology-summit/ and subscribe yourself there (4BAM)
- OntologySummit2014 Ontology Summit Community Library (hosted on Zotero.org) - http://www.zotero.org/groups/ontologysummit2014 (4BAN)
- OntologySummit2014 Ontology Repository (hosted on OntoHub) -http://www.ontohub.org/repositories/ontology-summit-2014 (4BAO)
- (future) OntologySummit2014_Communique page (4BAP)
- Homepage of the Ontology Summits - see: OntologySummit (4BAR)
For the record ... (4BAS)
How To Join (while the session is in progress) (4BAT)
- 1. Call in from a phone or from skype: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_04_03#nid4B62 (4BAU)
- 2. Open chat-workspace in a new browser window: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/summit_20140403 (4BAV)
- 3. Download presentations for each speaker here: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_04_03#nid4B8Z (4BAW)
- or, 3.1 optionally, access our shared-screen vnc server, if you are not behind a corporate firewall (4BAX)
*** Please pay special attention to the start-time - of 9:30am PDT / 12:30pm EDT / 6:30pm CEST / 5:30pm BST / 16:30 UTC - as in this week, both N. America and Europe will be in Summer time, but there are still other regions that don't do daylight saving time at all! *** (4BBK)
Conference Call Details (4B5X)
- Date: Thursday, 3-Apr-2014 (4B5Y)
- Start Time: 9:30am PDT / 12:30pm EDT / 6:30pm CEST / 5:30pm BST / 16:30 UTC (4B5Z)
- ref: World Clock (4B60)
- Expected Call Duration: ~2.0 hours (4B61)
- Dial-in: (4B62)
- Phone (US): +1 (206) 402-0100 ... when prompted enter Conference ID: 141184# ... (long distance cost may apply) (4B63)
- ... [ backup nbr: (415) 671-4335 ] (4B64)
- (for phone dial-in) ... some local numbers may be available (in the US, Australia, Canada & UK) - see: http://instantteleseminar.com/Local/ (4B65)
- Skype: joinconference (i.e. make a skype call to the contact with skypeID="joinconference") ... (generally free-of-charge, when connecting from your computer ... ref.) (4B66)
- when prompted enter Conference ID: 141184# (4B67)
- Unfamiliar with how to do this on Skype? ... (4B68)
- Add the contact "joinconference" to your skype contact list first. To participate in the teleconference, make a skype call to "joinconference", then open the dial pad (see platform-specific instructions below) and enter the Conference ID: 141184# when prompted. (4B69)
- you may connect to (the skypeID) "joinconference" whether or not it indicates that it is online (i.e. even if it says it is "offline," you should still be able to connect to it.) (4B6A)
- Can't find Skype Dial pad? ... (4B6B)
- for Windows Skype users: Can't find Skype Dial pad? ... it's under the "Call" dropdown menu as "Show Dial pad" (4B6C)
- for Linux Skype users: please note that the dial-pad is only available on v4.1 (or later; or on the earlier Skype versions 2.x,) if the dialpad button is not shown in the call window you need to press the "d" hotkey to enable it. ... (ref.) (4B6D)
- Phone (US): +1 (206) 402-0100 ... when prompted enter Conference ID: 141184# ... (long distance cost may apply) (4B63)
- Shared-screen support (VNC session), if applicable, will be started 5 minutes before the call at: http://vnc2.cim3.net:5800/ ... view-only password: "ontolog" (4B6E)
- if you plan to be logging into this shared-screen option (which the speaker may be navigating), and you are not familiar with the process, please try to call in 5 minutes before the start of the session so that we can work out the connection logistics. Help on this will generally not be available once the presentation starts. (4B6F)
- people behind corporate firewalls may have difficulty accessing this. If that is the case, please download the slides above (where applicable) and running them locally. The speaker(s) will prompt you to advance the slides during the talk. (4B6G)
- In-session chat-room url: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/summit_20140403 (4B6H)
- instructions: once you got access to the page, click on the "settings" button, and identify yourself (by modifying the Name field from "anonymous" to your real name, like "JaneDoe"). (4B6I)
- You can indicate that you want to ask a question verbally by clicking on the "hand" button, and wait for the moderator to call on you; or, type and send your question into the chat window at the bottom of the screen. (4B6J)
- thanks to the soaphub.org folks, one can now use a jabber/xmpp client (e.g. Digsby or Adium) to join this chatroom. Just add the room as a buddy - (in our case here) summit_20140403@soaphub.org ... Handy for mobile devices! (4B6K)
- Discussions and Q & A: (4B6L)
- Nominally, when a presentation is in progress, the moderator will mute everyone, except for the speaker. (4B6M)
- To un-mute, press "*7" ... To mute, press "*6" (please mute your phone, especially if you are in a noisy surrounding, or if you are introducing noise, echoes, etc. into the conference line.) (4B6N)
- we will usually save all questions and discussions till after all presentations are through. You are encouraged to jot down questions onto the chat-area in the mean time (that way, they get documented; and you might even get some answers in the interim, through the chat.) (4B6O)
- During the Q&A / discussion segment (when everyone is muted), If you want to speak or have questions or remarks to make, please raise your hand (virtually) by clicking on the "hand button" (lower right) on the chat session page. You may speak when acknowledged by the session moderator (again, press "*7" on your phone to un-mute). Test your voice and introduce yourself first before proceeding with your remarks, please. (Please remember to click on the "hand button" again (to lower your hand) and press "*6" on your phone to mute yourself after you are done speaking.) (4B6P)
- Please review our Virtual Session Tips and Ground Rules - see: VirtualSpeakerSessionTips (4B6Q)
- RSVP to peter.yim@cim3.com with your affiliation, ... or simply just by adding yourself to the "Expected Attendees" list below (if you are already a member of the community.) (4B6R)
- This session, like all other Ontolog events, is open to the public. Information relating to this session is shared on this wiki page: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_04_03 (4B6S)
- Please note that this session may be recorded, and if so, the audio archive is expected to be made available as open content, along with the proceedings of the call to our community membership and the public at-large under our prevailing open IPR policy. (4B6T)
Attendees (4B17)
- Attended: (including all registrants) (4B18)
- MichaelGruninger (co-chair) (4B6V)
- LeoObrst (co-chair) (4B6U)
- AndreaWesterinen (4B96)
- GaryBergCross (4B97)
- ChristophLange (4B98)
- MatthewWest (4B9C)
- AnneThessen (4B9E)
- AnatolyLevenchuk (4B9F)
- FrancescaQuattri (4B5V)
- PeterYim (4B6W)
- KenBaclawski (on chat only) (4B19)
- AleksandraSojic (4BFL)
- AlexShkotin (4BFM)
- AmandaVizedom (4BFN)
- BobbinTeegarden (4BFO)
- CalvinLiu (4BFP)
- CarmenChui (4BFQ)
- ChristiKapp (4BFR)
- ConradBeaulieu (4BFS)
- DennisPierson (4BFT)
- DominiqueMariko (4BFU)
- EdBernot (4BFV)
- FrancescaQuattri (4BFW)
- FrankOlken (4BFX)
- HaroldBoley (4BFY)
- JackRing (4BFZ)
- JoanneLuciano (4BG0)
- LamarHenderson (4BG1)
- LesMorgan (4BG2)
- LianaKiff (4BG3)
- MarcelaVegetti (4BG4)
- MariaHerrero (4BG5)
- MarkLinehan (4BG6)
- MartinDavtyan (4BG7)
- MikeDean (4BG8)
- MikeRiben (4BG9)
- NancyWiegand (4BGA)
- PavithraKenjige (on voice only) (4BGB)
- RamSriram (4BGC)
- RichardMartin (4BGD)
- SiewLam (4BGE)
- SimonSpero (4BGF)
- SundayOjo (4BGG)
- TerryLongstreth (4BGH)
- TillMossakowski (4BGI)
- TorstenHahmann (4BGJ)
- VictorAgroskin (4BGK)
- SusanHojnacki (4BGL)
- Expecting: (4B1A)
- ... (4BEN)
- (please add yourself to the list if you are a member of the Ontolog or OntologySummit community, or, rsvp to <peter.yim@cim3.com>) (4B9H)
- Regrets: (4B1C)
- AlanRector (traveling) (4B99)
- ToddSchneider (4B1D)
- KrzysztofJanowicz (teaching schedule conflict) (4B9A)
- KenBaclawski (schedule conflict) (4B9D)
- MikeBennett (4B95)
- NaicongLi (4BDM)
- PascalHitzler (4B9B)
- DanBrickley (4B9G)
- ... (4B1E)