OntologySummit2011: Panel Session-3 - "Applications and Case Studies - II" - Thu 2011_02_10 (2M7L)
Summit Theme: OntologySummit2011: Making the Case for Ontology (2M7K)
Session Title: Harvesting the Business Value of Ontologies - II: More Case Examples (2MW9)
Session Co-chairs: Mr. MillsDavis (Project10X) & Mr. MikeBennett (Hypercube) (2MWA)
Panelists: (2MWB)
- DaveMcComb (Semantic Arts) - "Ontologies at work for Sallie Mae, P&G and Lexis Nexis" [ slides ] (2MWC)
- RalphHodgson (TopQuadrant) - "Valuing the Harvest from using Ontologies" [ slides ] (2MWG)
- SanjivaNath (zAgile) - "Ontologies for Software Engineering" [ slides ] (2MWE)
- JimRhyne & ElisaKendall (Sandpiper Software) - "Semantic Technology in Rental Product Marketing" [ slides ] (2MZC)
- JansAasman (Franz) - "Ontologies and CRM for Telecoms -- Flexible Data Analytics at Scale" [ slides ] . [ more on Amdocs project ] (2MWD)
- CoryCasanave (Model Driven Solutions) - "Ontologies and Architecture" [ slides ] (2MWF)
- Archives: (2MWH)
- Abstract (2MWI)
- Agenda (2MWJ)
- Prepared presentation material (slides) can be accessed by clicking on each of the title links below: (2MWK)
- [ 1-McComb ] . [ 2-Hodgson ] . [ 3-Nath ] . [ 4-Rhyne+Kendall ] . [ 5-Aasman ] . [ 6-Casanave ] (2MWL)
- Audio recording of the session (2:19:39 ; mp3 ; 16.0 MB) (2MWM)
- transcript of the online chat during the session (2MWN)
- Additional Resources (2MWO)
Abstract: (2MXR)
OntologySummit2011 Theme: "Making the Case for Ontology" (2MXS)
- Track-1 Focus: "Ontology Application Framework" (2MXT)
- Session Title: Harvesting the Business Value of Ontologies - II: More Case Examples (2MXU)
This is our 6th Ontology Summit, a joint initiative by NIST, Ontolog, NCOR, NCBO, IAOA & NCO_NITRD. The theme adopted for this Ontology Summit is: "Making the Case for Ontology." (2MXV)
This year's Ontology Summit seeks to address the need to provide concrete evidence of successful deployment of ontologies by examining several application domains for such examples, and in better articulating where different "strengths" of ontological representation are best applied. To support that, the summit also aims to classify the categories of applications where ontology has been, and could be, successfully applied; to identify distinct types of metrics that might be used in evaluating the return on investment in an ontology application (cost, capability, performance, etc.); to lay out some strategies for articulating a case for ontological applications; and to identify remaining challenges and roadblocks to a wider deployment of such applications that represent promising application areas and research challenges for the future. The findings of the summit will be documented in the form of a communiqué intended for public consumption. (2MXW)
The Panel Session today is organized by our Track-2 co-champions, continues from the first panel session "Ontology Applications and Use Cases" track, and will be featuring more case examples that will illustrate different ways that ontologies are being used today to deliver value in real-world applications. (2MXX)
See developing details on this Summit series of events at: OntologySummit2011 (home page for this summit) (2MXY)
Agenda: (2MXZ)
Ontology Summit 2011 - Panel Session-3 (2MY0)
- Session Format: this is a virtual session conducted over an augmented conference call (2MY1)
- 1. Opening (co-chair) - MillsDavis / MikeBennett [5 min.] [ slides ] (2MY2)
- 2. Panelists presentations - DaveMcComb, JansAasman, SanjivaNath, CoryCasanave, RalphHodgson, JimRhyne+ElisaKendall [~15 min. each] (2MY3)
- 3. Q & A and open discussion [All: 20~30 min.] -- please refer to process above (2MY4)
- 4. Wrap-up / Announcements - (co-chair) (2MY5)
Proceedings: (2MY6)
Please refer to the above (2MY7)
IM Chat Transcript captured during the session: (2MY8)
see raw transcript here. (2MY9)
(for better clarity, the version below is a re-organized and lightly edited chat-transcript.) Participants are welcome to make light edits to their own contributions as they see fit. (2MYA)
-- begin in-session chat-transcript -- (2MYB)
PeterYim: . (2NAJ)
Welcome to the OntologySummit2011: Panel Session-2 - "Applications and Case Studies - II" - Thu 2011_02_10 (2NAK)
Summit Theme: OntologySummit2011: Making the Case for Ontology (2NAL)
Session Title: Harvesting the Business Value of Ontologies - II: More Case Examples (2NAM)
Session Co-chairs: Mr. MillsDavis (Project10X) & Mr. MikeBennett (Hypercube) (2NAN)
Panelists: (2NAO)
* Mr. DaveMcComb (Semantic Arts) - "Ontologies at work for Sallie Mae, P&G and Lexis Nexis" * Mr. RalphHodgson (TopQuadrant) - "Valuing the Harvest from using Ontologies" * Mr. SanjivaNath (zAgile) - "Ontologies for Software Engineering" * Dr. JimRhyne & Ms. ElisaKendall (Sandpiper Software) - "Semantic Technology in Rental Product Marketing" * Dr. JansAasman (Franz) - "Ontologies and CRM for Telecoms -- Flexible Data Analytics at Scale" * Mr. CoryCasanave (Model Driven Solutions) - "Ontologies and Architecture" (2NAP)
Please refer to details (agenda, slides, links, protocol, ...) on the session page at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2011_02_10 (2NAQ)
anonymous morphed into DanielSchwabe (2NAR)
anonymous1 morphed into TerryLongstreth (2NAS)
anonymous morphed into DaveMcComb (2NAT)
anonymous2 morphed into FabianNeuhaus (2NAU)
anonymous1 morphed into SarahGoldman (2NAV)
anonymous1 morphed into TroyBleeker (2NAW)
MikeRiben: anyone hearing the "echo" or distortion..I have a feeling it is a skype "feature" (2NAX)
YuLin: I am calling from phone, and I'm hearing the echo (2NAY)
MikeBennett: yes. this will go away when peter mutes, so please bear with us (2NAZ)
anonymous3 morphed into YuriyMilov (2NB0)
NicolaGuarino: Yes, I am indeed hearing another conversation in background (2NB1)
NicolaGuarino: It is not an echo, it is another conversation going on... (this is an answer to the question pending in the chatroom) (2NB2)
HasanSayani: yes, and distorted too! (2NB3)
FabianNeuhaus: @YuLin: the echo will go away as soon as Peter mutes everybody (except for the speaker, of course) (2NB4)
anonymous morphed into AhrenLehnert (2NB5)
anonymous6 morphed into Sanjiva (2NB6)
anonymous5 morphed into Dave Hau (NCI) (2NB7)
anonymous3 morphed into Susan Matney (2NB8)
anonymous1 morphed into Cathy Large (2NB9)
anonymous morphed into MikeRiben (2NBA)
MikeBennett: = DaveMcComb presenting now = (2NBB)
anonymous2 morphed into MichaelUschold (2NBC)
anonymous morphed into Mary Balboni (2NBD)
anonymous7 morphed into Carolyn Reiss (2NBE)
PeterYim: if you have trouble downloading DaveMcComb's slides, try refreshing your wiki session page first, and then try again (2NBF)
DanielSchwabe: Question: Can Dave elaborate a bit on the use of the SMW at P&G? In what aspects did the ontology part help, and what part does the Wiki aspect help? (2NBG)
PeterYim: = RalphHodgson presenting now = (2NBH)
BruceBray: any way to get these slides without having to sign up for scribd? (2NBI)
MikeBennett: @Bruce you can download the slides from the session page directly. (2NBJ)
PeterYim: @Bruce - click on the [2-Hodgson] link under: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2011_02_10#nid2MWK ... that should get you Ralph's slides (2NBK)
MichaelUschold: Ralph's slide 7. Most of these are technical items, not business value propositions (with exception of evolvability). What is the value of canonical data? what is value of triples? YOu can't call "go to triples soon" as a value proposition. (2NBL)
MikeBennett: @MichaelUschold - good point, I hope we can come to this point when do Q&As at the end, as we want to do justice to the different things people understand by ontology. (2NBM)
MikeBennett: Please can speakers say the slide # (2NBN)
anonymous1 morphed into JansAasman (2NBO)
anonymous2 morphed into PavithraKenjige (2NBP)
anonymous morphed into CraigNorvell (2NBQ)
MikeBennett: = SanjivaNath presenting now = (2NBR)
Brian Haugh: Can the speaker mention any case studies of application of this architecture? (2NBS)
MikeBennett: @SanjivaNath can you cover this in Q&A at the end of the session please if not covered in the slides? Anonymized is fine, also some idea of metrics, benefits if measured (2NBT)
MikeBennett: = JimRhyne & ElisaKendall presenting now = (2NBU)
PeterYim: for those who are here for the first time (and did not email me, to register your attendance), would you be kind enough to drop me a note (<peter.yim@cim3.com>) so we know who you are, and keep you informed on upcoming events. Kindly include your affiliation(s). (2NBV)
MikeBennett: = JansAasman presenting now = (2NBW)
PeterYim: one needs, again, to refresh your wiki session page to see JansAasman's slides ([5-Aasman]) under http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2011_02_10#nid2MWK (2NBX)
NicolaGuarino: I have to go now, sorry I can't stay for the Q&A session... (2NBY)
PeterYim: thanks ... bye, Nicola! (2NBZ)
anonymous morphed into CoryCasanave (2NC0)
MikeBennett: Can we watch the time please, still 1 speaker to go +Q&A (2NC1)
MichaelUschold: JansAasman claims flexibility advantage because it would take too long to RDB schema. If you are avoiding need to use schema at all, as some do, then there is no business benefit for the ontology because there is no ontology, it is a benefit of triples. If you are building an ontology as the schema, why are you finding it faster to build than a traditional schema? (2NC2)
CoryCasanave: Mike: The RDMS schema fixes the structure, the RDF schema does not - it represents one interpretation of the data. It then also allows you to bridge schema for integration. (2NC3)
MikeBennett: It all adds to the richness of what people mean when they say they are using ontologies. I too would like to know how this relates to semantics as distinct from triples. (2NC4)
MikeBennett: = CoryCasanave presenting now = (2NC5)
anonymous morphed into JimDisbrow (2NC6)
YuLin: thanks! (2NC7)
MikeBennett: = Q&A = (2NC8)
PeterYim: can we do this in 10 minutes? (2NC9)
BobbinTeegarden: @CoryCasanave: in slide 18, where are the ontologies, and how do you access them? (2NCA)
MichaelUschold: ok hang on (2NCB)
DustinCote: Question to DaveMcComb: Page 19 of 1st presentation, what did the "Gist 2/3" box mean under the upper ontology box of "gist" ? (2NCC)
PeterYim: will everyone who wants to make a remark press on their "hand button" now ... so we can queue everyone up (2NCD)
BobbinTeegarden: Thanks, Cory. (2NCE)
TerryLongstreth: Several presentations have confidential/proprietary markings. Can we ask the authors to give us some shareable subsets or summaries of these? (2NCF)
CoryCasanave: Terry: You may reference and use our slides with attribution. (2NCG)
PeterYim: (given Jans and others' situation) I have added a caveat to the normal IPR policy - see: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2011_02_10#nid2MXM ... we definitely look forward to an additional "non-confidential" version of the slides that Jans has just promised. I'll post that alongside, when I get that from Jans. (2NCH)
JansAasman: Peter, can I have a second to point to our website? re a non-confidential version of the Amdocs slides and additional material (2NCI)
PeterYim: [this is added subsequently] I have swapped in the non-confidential version of JansAasman's slides now (2NCJ)
DaveMcComb: gist2/3 are extensions (still a bit experimental) to gist (2NCK)
MichaelUschold: I keep hitting *3, not working (2NCL)
MikeBennett: that happens w skype a lot (2NCM)
MichaelUschold: If someone can just read my question from the chat, that should be fine, if the audio is not working. (2NCN)
MikeBennett: ok. I'll do that (2NCO)
MichaelUschold: Here it is again: Jans claims flexibility advantage because it would take too long to RDB schema. If you are avoiding need to use schema at all, as some do, then there is no business benefit for the ontology because there is no ontology, it is a benefit of triples. If you are building an ontology as the schema, why are you finding it faster to build than a traditional schema? (2NCP)
RalphHodgson: would like to understand how this session has been of value (2NCQ)
RalphHodgson: what are we trying to do by being in this dialog? (2NCR)
RalphHodgson: Is it about getting a sense of what the industry is doing? Is it about figuring how a group like this can help the industry some how? (2NCS)
MikeBennett: @Ralph making the case for ontologies (2NCT)
BruceBray: I agree that these are very interesting presentation, but the focus on emerging applications of technology instead of explaining the Value Proposition (2NCU)
PeterYim: @BruceBray and All - the focus on Value proposition is coming up next week - come join us next Thursday - developing details at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2011_02_17 (2NCV)
MikeBennett: please feel free to type the uri here (2NCW)
MikeBennett: this chat log is made public (2NCX)
PeterYim: Jans - you might want to post your link(s) here with a note (2NCY)
PeterYim: @Ralph - your updated slides are already online ... please check: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2011_02_10#nid2MWK (2NCZ)
RalphHodgson: thanks Peter (2ND0)
BruceBray: This was very helpful. Looking forward to further discussion of Value / ROI issues. (2ND1)
PeterYim: That would be next Thursday - see you all then - ref. developing details at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2011_02_17 (2ND2)
PavithraKenjige: thank you (2ND3)
MikeBennett: = session ends = (2ND4)
PeterYim: bye everyone ... thanks you all for participating! (2ND5)
MikeBennett: Thanks Peter, much appreciated! (2ND6)
PeterYim: - session ended: 12:06pm PST - (2ND7)
-- end of in-session chat-transcript -- (2MYC)
- Further Question & Remarks - please post them to the [ ontology-summit ] listserv (2MYD)
- all subscribers to the previous summit discussion, and all who responded to today's call will automatically be subscribed to the [ ontology-summit ] listserv (2MYE)
- if you are already subscribed, post to <ontology-summit [at] ontolog.cim3.net> (2MYF)
- (if you are not yet subscribed) you may subscribe yourself to the [ ontology-summit ] listserv, by sending a blank email to <ontology-summit-join [at] ontolog.cim3.net> from your subscribing email address, and then follow the instructions you receive back from the mailing list system. (2MYG)
- please email <peter.yim@cim3.com> if you have any question. (2MYH)
Audio Recording of this Session (2MYI)
- To download the recording of the session, click here (2MYJ)
- the playback of the audio files require the proper setup, and an MP3 compatible player on your computer. (2MYK)
- Conference Date and Time: 10-Feb-2011 9:38am~12:06am PST (2MYL)
- Duration of Recording: 2 Hour 20 Minutes (2MYM)
- Recording File Size: 16.0 MB (in mp3 format) (2MYN)
- suggestions: (2MYO)
- its best that you listen to the session while having the respective presentations opened in front of you. You'll be prompted to advance slides by the speaker. (2MYP)
- Take a look, also, at the rich body of knowledge that this community has built together, over the years, by going through the archives of noteworthy past Ontolog events. (References on how to subscribe to our podcast can also be found there.) (2MYQ)
Additional Resources: (2MYR)
- Homepage of OntologySummit2011 (2MYS)
- Ontology Summit 2011 Launch Event - ConferenceCall_2011_01_20 (2MYT)
- "Ontology Application Framework" session - ConferenceCall_2011_02_03 (2MYU)
- "Ontology Applications & Use Cases - I" - ConferenceCall_2011_01_27 (2MYV)
- [ontology-summit] mailing list archives - http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontology-summit/ (2MYW)
- to subscribe to this discussion list: send a blank message from your subscribing email address to <ontology-summit-join@ontolog.cim3.net> or visit http://ontolog.cim3.net/mailman/listinfo/ontology-summit/ and subscribe yourself there (2MYX)
- Homepage of this annual Summit series - see: OntologySummit (2MYY)
For the record ... (2MYZ)
How To Join (while the session is in progress) (2MZ0)
- 1. Dial in with a phone: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2011_02_10#nid2MWT (2MZ1)
- 2. Open chat in a new browser window: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/ontolog_20110210 (2MZ2)
- 3. Download presentations for each speaker here: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2011_02_10#nid2MWK (2MZ3)
- or, 3.1 (access our shared-screen vnc server, if you are not behind a corporate firewall) (2MZ4)
Conference Call Details (2MWP)
- Date: Thursday 10-Feb-2011 (2M7M)
- Start Time: 9:30am PST / 12:30pm EST / 6:30pm CET / 5:30pm GMT / 17:30 UTC (2M7N)
- see world clock for other time zones (2MWQ)
- do note that this is 1 hour earlier than the usual 1:30 EST Ontolog event time! (2MWR)
- Expected Call Duration: 2.0~2.5 hours (2MWS)
- Dial-in Number: (2MWT)
- Shared-screen support (VNC session), if applicable, will be started 5 minutes before the call at: http://vnc2.cim3.net:5800/ (2MX7)
- view-only password: "ontolog" (2MX8)
- if you plan to be logging into this shared-screen option (which the speaker may be navigating), and you are not familiar with the process, please try to call in 5 minutes before the start of the session so that we can work out the connection logistics. Help on this will generally not be available once the presentation starts. (2MX9)
- people behind corporate firewalls may have difficulty accessing this. If that is the case, please download the slides above and running them locally. The speaker(s) will prompt you to advance the slides during the talk. (2MXA)
- Discussions and Q & A: (2MXB)
- (Unless the conference host has already muted everyone) Please mute your phone, by pressing "*2" on your phone keypad, when a presentation is in progress. To un-mute, press "*3" (2MXC)
- You can type in your questions or comments through the browser based chat session by: (2MXD)
- pointing a separate browser tab (or window) to http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room and enter: Room="ontolog_20110210" and My Name="Your Own Name" (e.g. "JaneDoe") (2MXE)
- or point your browser to: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/ontolog_20110210 (2MXF)
- instructions: once you got access to the page, click on the "settings" button, and identify yourself (by modifying the Name field). You can indicate that you want to ask a question verbally by clicking on the "hand" button, and wait for the moderator to call on you; or, type and send your question into the chat window at the bottom of the screen. (2MXG)
- (when everyone is muted) If you want to speak or have questions or remarks to make, 'please "raise your hand (virtually)" by click on the "hand button" (lower right) on the chat session page. You may speak when acknowledged by the speaker or the session moderator (again, press "*3" on your phone to unmute). Test your voice and introduce yourself first before proceeding with your remarks, please.'' (Please remember to click on the "hand button" again (to lower your hand) and press "*2" on your phone to mute yourself after you are done speaking.) (2MXH)
- thanks to the soaphub.org folks, one can now use a jabber/xmpp client (e.g. gtalk) to join this chatroom. Just add the room as a buddy - (in our case here) ontolog_20110210@soaphub.org ... Handy for mobile devices! (2MXI)
- Please review our Virtual Session Tips and Ground Rules - see: VirtualSpeakerSessionTips (2MXJ)
- RSVP to peter.yim@cim3.com appreciated. (2MXK)
- This session, like all other Ontolog events, is open to the public. Information relating to this session is shared on this wiki page: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2011_02_10 (2MXL)
- Please note that this session will be recorded, and the audio archive is expected to be made available as open content to our community membership and the public at-large under our prevailing open IPR policy. (2MXM)
- Caveat: to allow us to share, as well, the latest in commercial deployment of ontology-based technology, this session will be featured under a special waiver to our commercial vendors on the Ontolog IPR Policy. They are welcome to talk about their proprietary (non-open) technologies if they so desire (on the condition that proprietary portions of their presentation are to be specifically stated as such). However, (despite the waiver) do note that we will (as usual) be making available the entire proceedings, including all slides, recorded audio, etc., of the session to the community and the public at large from this Ontolog site. (2N6K)
Attendees: (2M7U)
- Attended: (2M7V)
- MillsDavis (2M7Y)
- MikeBennett (2M7Z)
- DaveMcComb (2MXN)
- JansAasman (2MXO)
- SanjivaNath (2MXP)
- CoryCasanave (2MXQ)
- RalphHodgson (2MZD)
- JimRhyne (2MZE)
- ElisaKendall (2MZF)
- NicolaGuarino (2M81)
- PeterYim (2M82)
- LeoObrst (2M7W)
- JohnYunker (2N2Q)
- AmandaVizedom (2N2S)
- KathleenEllis (2N2U)
- GeraldRadack (2N2V)
- NancyWiegand (2N2Y)
- PavithraKenjige (2N2Z)
- MiguelMirandaDeMattos (2N30)
- BruceBray (2M83)
- DanielSchwabe (2N36)
- YuriyMilov (2N37)
- DustinCote (2N6G)
- DeborahMacPherson (2N6H)
- TerryLongstreth (2N6I)
- RexBrooks (2N6J)
- AhrenLehnert (2N9Q)
- BartGajderowicz (2N9R)
- BobbinTeegarden (2N9S)
- BrandNiemann (2N9T)
- Carolyn Reiss (2N9U)
- Cathy Large (2N9V)
- CraigNorvell (2NAH)
- Dave Hau (NCI) (2N9W)
- ErnieLucier (2N9X)
- FabianNeuhaus (2N9Y)
- HasanSayani (2N9Z)
- JimDisbrow (2NAI)
- Mary Balboni (Raytheon) (2NA0)
- MichaelUschold (2NA1)
- MichaelGruninger (2NA2)
- MikeRiben (2NA3)
- SarahGoldman (2NA4)
- SusanMatney (2NA5)
- Troy Bleeker (2NA6)
- YuLin (2NA7)
- Expecting: (2M7X)
- (all registered attendees were present) (2NA8)
- ... if you are coming to the session, please add your name above (plus your affiliation, if you aren't already a member of the community) above; or e-mail <peter.yim@cim3.com> so that we can reserve enough resources to support everyone's participation. ... (2M84)
- Regrets: (2M85)