Ontolog Forum Panel Discussion Preparation Page (FR4)
Thursday 20 October 2005 (FR5)
(previously scheduled for 2005.10.27, this event has since been rescheduled to 2005.10.20) (FR6)
- Topic: "Semantic Web Service Ontology Standard" (FR7)
- Moderator: NicolasRouquette (FR8)
- Organizing Team: NicolasRouquette, JohnDomingue, EMichaelMaximilien (FR9)
- Panelists: (FRA)
- JohnDomingue (WSMO), MichaelGruninger (SWSF / FLOWS), AmitSheth of U of Georgia (WSDL-S), and DavidMartin of SRI (OWL-S) (FRB)
Proposed discussion agenda (GCT)
- Welcome & introduction: different perspectives on WebServices (10 minutes) (GCU)
- (GCV)
- (1) Modeling web services (tool support for modeling, editing, describing, visualizing) (GCW)
- (2) Doing stuff w/ web services (tool support for composition, coordination, orchestration - ignoring issues of distribution for now) (GCX)
- (3) Web services in the semantic web (tool support for handling distribution issues: coordination/orchestration vs. transaction, service registration/discovery) (GCY)
- (4) Web services as a business infrastructure (tool support for trust, security, authentification, price/resource/service negotiation) (GCZ)
- (5) Web services as a formal model of workflow computation (process semantics, AI-style planning, schedulability analysis) (GD0)
- An ontology of Web Services technologies (5 minutes) (GD1)
A brief overview of languages/tools/techniques in terms of how they relate to the above pespectives/concerns. Details on specifics deferred to short presentations. (GD2)
TODO: use DavidMartin's slide #4 from SWANS presentation. (GFP)
TODO: Provide URLs. (GD3)
- 4 x Short presentations (10 minutes overview + 10 minutes Q/A) (GDA)
- (GDP)
- To provide continuity and allow comparisons across presentations, illustrate each approach using a common example w/ optional variation points. (GDQ)
- Points of variation: # of services/participants, location/distribution transparency (GDR)
- Complex issues: service mismatch (e.g., side effects that may induce coordination/orchestration problems) (GDS)
Focus on (1), (2), (5) (GFN)
- (GDE)
- JohnDomingue: WSMO (GDF)
Focus on (1), (2), (3) (GDG)
- (GDH)
- RamaAkkiraju, AmitSheth: WSDL-S / METEOR-S (GG5)
Focus on (1), (2) (GDJ)
- (GDB)
- MikeGrunninger: SWSF (GDC)
Focus on (5), (2), (5) (GDD)
Legacy,plans,etc... relevant for (1), (3) & (4) (GFO)
- Total: 1 hour 40 minutes (GDN)
Pertinent Discussions so far (FRC)
- 2005.06.23 Discussion leading to this program (FRD)
- WSMO (Web Service Modeling Ontology), and possibly also, SWSF (Semantic Web Services Framework) - as proposed by DuaneNickull / NicolasRouquette / PeterBrown - ref. thread that started with http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum//ontolog-forum/2005-06/msg00017.html T (FRE)
- candidate panelists: T (FRF)
- John Domingue of the Knowledge Media Institute at the Open University in the UK, who presented in Innsbruck - suggested by PeterBrown - http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum//ontolog-forum/2005-06/msg00039.html T (FRG)
- reference: John Domingue's slides from the presentation at the recent W3C workshop on frameworks for semantics in web services, available at: http://www.w3.org/2005/04/FSWS/Submissions/1/wsmo_v10.pdf T (FRH)
- WSMO WG website - http://www.wsmo.org T (FRI)
- SDK cluster - 3 fairly large EU-based project T (FRJ)
- currently lots of funding in Europe for semantic web work (and funding in US has just ended), therefore expecting new work to come from Europe T (FRK)
- three different viewpoints now - OWL/S, SWSI - FLOWS, and WSMO viewpoints - probably a bit early to talk about standardization T (FRL)
- let's work with John Domingue toward a Oct 2005 panel discussion, with the 3 above viewpoints represented T (FRM)
- 2005.06.30 Discussion Session: ref. our 2005.06.30 discussion session, MichaelGruninger (who has been working on FLOWS and SWSF) indicated that this will be a session he will like to participate in too. T (FRO)
- 2005.07.21 suggest NicolasRouquette to be our moderator for this session T (FRP)
- 2005.08.04 call - Date and Moderator confirmed: (FRQ)
- Oct. 27 2005 - Discussion on OWL/S, SWSI - FLOWS, and WSMO ... (need proper title) - Moderator: NicolasRouquette T (FRR)
- Peter and Nicolas will work offline to setup a new page for preparing this session T (FRS)
- Michael: note also WSDL-S, try Amit Sheth (of Univ. of Georgia) or someone from IBM (contact Michael) T (FRT)
- candidate panelists: JohnDomingue, MichaelGruninger, ..., NicolasRouquette (moderator) T (FRU)
- 2005.09.01 call - http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-forum/2005-09/msg00002.html#nid05 (FRV)
- date of this event re-scheduled to Thursday, Oct. 20, 2005 (FRW)
- EMichaelMaximilien agreed to join NicolasRouquette in helping organize this event (FRX)
- 2005.09.05 post from EMichaelMaximilien: ¨hoping to get folks from the OWL-S side of things to join us, e.g., Katia Sycara (CMU) and David Martin (SRI).¨ (FRY)
- 2005.09.09 / NicolasRouquette's input: (GBR)
- I have looked at John Domingue's presentation. It is certainly helpful to understand what WSMO is conceptually.
From a practical point of view however, there are big differences in the way OWL-S, SWSF and WSMO
are described in various documents, presentations, etc... These differences mean that it is difficult for a practioner to
understand how these 3 models relate to one another. (GAX)
- Ideally, it would be great to have a metamodel mapping similar to the ODM that Elisa presented yesterday for OWL-S, SWSF and WSMO. In practice, we need to scale back this mapping down to the core concepts that are important across models of web services. So, I propose to focus on 2 groups of concepts: (GAY)
- Group1: describing how a web service actually works in terms of a computational model for executing it (GAZ)
- Group2: describing what a web service does for the purpose advertisement, matching, etc... (GB3)
- For WSMO, we could easily get the relevant materials from [1] and [2]. (GB7)
- For SWSF, I only know of [3] and [4] (GBA)
- In many respects, both SWSO and WSMO subsume OWL-S and as noted in SWSO and WSMO, these two approaches seem to be conflicting views but can be in fact interpreted as complimentary to one another. (GBD)
- Using a common example from, e.g., [5] ([5] http://www.mindswap.org/2004/owl-s/services.shtml), I would like to have
a discussion where we use both WSMO and FLOWS/ROWS to
emphasize how we could improve that example w.r.t. two criteria: (GBE)
- Criteria 1) Clarifying the semantics of service specification (GBF)
- Criteria 2) Clarifying the semantics of service execution (GBL)
- b) WSMO's approach for process representation & execution w/ abstract state machines [9] & SWSF's approach with FLOWS and ROWS as translated into SWSL-Rules [10] (GBM)
- WSMO's edge over SWSF is, currently, in the extent of tool support available. SWSF's edge over WSMO is in the semantic continuity that FLOWS & ROWS bring across service specifications, descriptions and executions compared to WSMO's multiple languages. (GBP)
- So, to better understand the practical relevance of both approaches, it would be helpful to understand how these two approaches can complement each other. (GBQ)
- I have looked at John Domingue's presentation. It is certainly helpful to understand what WSMO is conceptually.
From a practical point of view however, there are big differences in the way OWL-S, SWSF and WSMO
are described in various documents, presentations, etc... These differences mean that it is difficult for a practioner to
understand how these 3 models relate to one another. (GAX)
- 2005.09.10 / EMichaelMaximilien's Input: (ref: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-forum/2005-09/msg00017.html) (GBS)
- As I suggested in my previous post, we should also include the WSDL-S effort. This has potential for significant traction in the SWS space since it takes a very pragmatic and lightweight approach to adding semantics to Web services. There are various communities already using the specification and it was submitted to the W3C. Here are some references: (GBT)
- [A] Web Services Semantics - WSDL-S: http://www.w3.org/2005/04/FSWS/Submissions/17/WSDL-S.htm (GBU)
- [B] http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/wssem (GBV)
- There are also tools available for the Eclipse platform and others: (GBW)
- [a] METEOR-S tool from the University of Georgia: http://lsdis.cs.uga.edu/projects/meteor-s/ (GBX)
- [b] Semantic tools for Web services from IBM's alphaWorks: http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/wssem (GBY)
- Others are on the works. I have lined up the two point researchers from both University of Georgia and IBM Research (and teams) to participate in the call. (GBZ)
- Secondly, who are we inviting for the OWL-S side of the world? (GC0)
- As I suggested in my previous post, we should also include the WSDL-S effort. This has potential for significant traction in the SWS space since it takes a very pragmatic and lightweight approach to adding semantics to Web services. There are various communities already using the specification and it was submitted to the W3C. Here are some references: (GBT)
- 2005.09.29 Ontolog Conference call discussion - Panelists situation: (GFU)
- (GFV)
- John has also appraoched DieterFensel, Dieter cannot be with us this time; but we definitely look forward to having him talk to the Ontolog Forum at some other time. Thanks, John. (GDW)
- EMichaelMaximilien: Amit Sheth (University of Georgia and Semagix) will also be joining us (GDX)
- EMichaelMaximilien: ...(other sugestions ... please add here) ... (GEK)
- Nicolas will write to SRI to try to get a candidate to represent the OWL-S view (GDY)
- MonicaMartin: in view of the focus of this discussion, maybe we should leave BPEL4WS out, because it calls for a slightly different discussion (more application oriented, and not anchored on ontological standards) (GEL)
- Both EMichaelMaximilien & Brand recommends David Martin from SRI (GFB)
- JohnDomingue: project SUPER, Director Frank Leymann, at Univ of Stuggart (IBM architecture team), got 12 million Euro funding. John could write and invite him to participate. Maybe Frank can talk a bit about their vision from the floor. (GEN)
- Brand also suggested looking over: http://www.brainstorm-group.com (GFC)
- (GFV)
- 2005.10.13: Official Announcement of the Session relased - http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum//ontolog-forum/2005-10/msg00018.html (GV9)
- 2005.10.14: change in one of the panelists (as advised by EMichaelMaximilien) - AmitSheth will be presenting on the WSDL-S perspective, instead of RamaAkkiraju (GVA)
Outstanding Issues 2005.09.29 (GC9)
- is JohnDomingue arranging for some more participants / panelists from Europe (as previously discussed)? - see above 2005.09.29 discussion (GCA)
- EMichaelMaximilien: who are we inviting for the OWL-S side of the world? - see above 2005.09.29 discussion (GCB)
- tie down the list of panelists - see above 2005.09.29 discussion (GCC)
- what are we expecting from each panelist (5/10 minute openning? ... etc.) - see above "Proposed Discussion Agenda" (by Nicolas/2005.09.28) (GCR)
- format/plan for the entire session - see above "Proposed Discussion Agenda" (by Nicolas/2005.09.28) (GCS)
- put together an abstract for the wiki session page - Nicolas will handle (GCD)
- drawn up a list of questions as "issues to be explored" - Nicolas will handle (use Nicolas' framework as a basis and compile from there.) (GCE)
- we need the Bio's from RamaAkkiraju, AmitSheth, probably also DavidMartin - EMichaelMaximilien & NicolasRouquette, please request from your respective invitee(s) (GFY)
Key items for transfer to the main session page: (GC1)
along with Date, Title, Moderator and List of Panelists (GC2)
Abstract (GC3)
(please draft) (GC4)
Pertinent Questions for Discussion (GC5)
(please draft and list) (GC6)