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[uos-convene] Technical feasibility of Interrelating upper ontologies

To: "'Upper Ontology Summit convention'" <uos-convene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Schoening, James R C-E LCMC CIO/G6" <James.Schoening@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 17:11:39 -0500
Message-id: <5F6E70D8ED5D274F9D9A721485C0A4620D5919BF@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


        Are we going to discuss the technical feasibility of interrelating multiple upper ontologies?    To issue a communique, we'll need a good handle on whether we believe this is technically feasible and will enable semantic interoperability. 

James R. Schoening             
C-E LCMC CIO/G6 Office 
Voice: DSN 992-5812 or (732) 532-5812  
Fax: DSN 992-7551 or (732) 532-7551    
Email: James.Schoening@xxxxxxxxxxx

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