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Re: [oor-forum] OOR Logo Poll (first round) - Results: TwoFinalistsEmerg

To: OpenOntologyRepository-discussion <oor-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Ali Hashemi <ali@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2011 10:10:05 -0400
Message-id: <CADr70E1gDLCNNinVd=3P7AYKz2WwdZ4BtGYTGG0pch6HSD7peQ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
I have yet to resend the B&W version...
Summer + traveling + camping = little opportunity for computing :D.

Will send the final BW submission tonight.


On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 8:45 AM, Yuriy Milov <qdone@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi All,

I was out of the Inernet for a while, and now need to focus on urgent
Do we have the logo already chosed?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
To: "Ali Hashemi" <ali@xxxxxxxxx>; "Yuriy Milov" <qdone@xxxxxxxxxx>;
"OpenOntologyRepository-discussion" <oor-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 2:04 PM
Subject: Re: [oor-forum] OOR Logo Poll (first round) - Results:

I am (re)starting to process this for the community's final selection now

Responding to you (Ali) inline below ...

On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 3:06 PM, Ali Hashemi <ali@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> [AH]  Hi Peter,
> Sure, it can be one design. Good point about the spacing, I bit the bullet
> and just stretched the text instead of trying to mess around with the
> kerning.

[ppy]  great!

> [AH]  As for colour, I am indifferent, leaning to Green, Blue or
> White/Blue.
> As can be seen in the attached picture that is not a logo, most web logos
> are situated in the Blue and Red hues, very few are in the Green. So it
> would definitely be a unique choice.
> Green is more vibrant, lifelike and associated with the environment and
> earth. Blue in my mind is associated with stability, authority and
> calmness.
> I think either would be a good choice for OOR.

[ppy]  since YuriyMilov made his final submission in only one color,
maybe we (as a community) can do it in two steps - choose the graphic
design first, and then deliberate on the color(s).

> [AH] The rationale behind the icon is that it is a Hasse diagram for a
> Boolean lattice. It is an easily recognizable figure and reflects to some
> degree the structure of how ontologies are stored in OOR and hints at the
> lattice of theories. Imo, it speaks to users of the OOR.
> In terms of font, I went with something that was more techie, namely
> Agency
> FB. It might not be the most immediately recognizable choice, but it is
> unique and looks (to my eye) a bit futuristic. I am not particularly happy
> with any of the fonts though... I would be happy to change it if someone
> feels strongly about this point.

[ppy]  great! ... this makes good prose to go with your final design

> [AH]  I`m not sure what is meant by "line art" so I have not included
> that.
> Attached, please find Green, Blue and Grey-scale versions of the acronym
> and
> the logo.

[ppy]  I am referring to a design that is rendered in 1-bit color
depth (say, just black-and-white, no greyscale even).

> [AH]  (If I've understood correctly then, all three comprise one design?)
> Best,
> Ali

[ppy]  Indeed!  Since Yuri's final submission is in line art, if you
can also send a line art version of your final design submission, we
can (maybe) vote on the graphics without color first (as I suggested
above). That said, this is totally your call as to what you decide to
finally send in.

... in parallel, I will work on posting your final submissions to the
wiki page ( http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OOR_Logo_Candidates
) and put together the online form (on surveymonkey) for folks to make
their choices with.

Thanks & regards.  =ppy

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(•`'·.¸(`'·.¸(•)¸.·'´)¸.·'´•) .,.,

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