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Re: [oor-forum] Solicitation for an OOR Logo

To: OpenOntologyRepository-discussion <oor-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Obrst, Leo J." <lobrst@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 6 May 2011 15:46:31 -0400
Message-id: <0111C34BD897FD41841D60396F2AD3D307B3B2929B@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Ali and I have an emerging proposal, not yet created, but shortly available.    (01)

Leo�     (02)

-----Original Message-----
From: oor-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:oor-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Peter Yim
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 3:41 PM
To: OpenOntologyRepository-discussion
Subject: Re: [oor-forum] Solicitation for an OOR Logo    (03)

Hi Everybody,    (04)

A big THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed (to AliHashemi,
especially, who accounted for about half of them) so far.    (05)

The energy and momentum that is building behind this effort is just
amazing! We have received over 20 candidate logos already (in graphics
and even in prose).
See what we have so far (in one place):
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OOR_Logo_Candidates    (06)

During the meeting this morning, we came to a consensus that the
following is how we are moving forward, between now and getting our
OOR Logo adopted:
- ref. 
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_05_06#nid2TAG    (07)

Here's the timeline and process:    (08)

* 2011.05.06 (today) - decided on following process and timeline. Each
task listed below begins immediately after the closure of the one
before it, and closes at the time-point indicated:    (2TIL)    (09)

* end-of-day 2011.05.12 - solicitation of logos extended ... send in
more candidates, especially if you feel you have one(s) that is better
than all the ones already received! After that, we will vote for on
all candidates    (2TIM)    (010)

* end-of-day 2011.05.19 - voting concludes and we pare down the
choices to 2 (two) final candidates (the top two that gets the most
votes). We then open those two designs for comments and "tweak"
suggestions.    (2TIN)    (011)

* end-of-day 2011.05.26 - comment period closes. The original artist
is then given a weak to update/modify/tweak the two final candidates.
  (2TIO)    (012)

* end-of-day 2011.06.02 - the final candidates are submitted; final
round of voting begins (voting will be open for ~1 week)    (2TIP)    (013)

* end-of-day 2011.06.09 - voting ends ... and we will have our OOR Logo!    (014)

Essentially, people still have a (little less than) week to come up
with more designs (i.e. candidate logos ... please submit via this
mail thread). We (everyone on this list is welcome) will then vote on
them, and the top two candidates will be shortlisted. Everyone will
then be invited to comment on them and provide suggestions on how they
(either one of the two) can be tweaked to be further improved.
However, these input will *only be suggestions* to the original
artist, who will have the final say on whether or not to adopt them.
The artists will have another week to prepare the design for a final
submission, and we will all participate in a final round of voting,
when the one with the higher number of votes will be selected as our
OOR Logo.    (015)

Regards.  =ppy
--    (016)

On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear OOR community members,
> A couple of meetings ago, it was suggested that we should have a logo
> for OOR. Guess this is something we should have done back around when
> we started (in 2008), but its never too late. Let's do it now.
> Please take this message as a solicitation for designs of the graphics
> that could give us a Logo (or Banner) that we will use as the icon to
> represent the Open Ontology Repository (OOR) Initiative.
> So, please send your proposals in, as responses to this thread, before
> the end of this month (i.e. we're closing as of end March 2011.)
> We will review what came through after that.
> Thanks in advance. �=ppy
> Peter Yim
> for the
> OOR Initiative
> --
>    (017)

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