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Re: [ontology-summit] COSMO url

To: ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 10:04:58 -0500
Message-id: <52FCDF1A.8050709@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 2/13/14 9:18 AM, Uri Shani wrote:
Thanks for reminding us on that... yet "URL that denotes the document that describes the ontology" sounds like a browse-able resource that it is not, but rather the formal OWL ontology, that one need some tools to view and explore... as the second reference you gave.


Uri Shani, PhD
Research Staff Member
SPRINT(lead), DANSE (lead) Projects

Here is a breakdown of what I am saying:

1. <http://kingsley.idehen.net/describe/?url=""> -- this URI is and HTTP URI/URL that denotes a Web Document comprised of structured content (in this case HTML) that describes <http://micra.com/COSMO/COSMO.owl#> .

2. <http://micra.com/COSMO/COSMO.owl#> -- this URI is an HTTP URI that denotes the COSMOS ontology

3. <http://micra.com/COSMO/COSMO.owl> -- this URI is an HTTP URI/URL that denotes a Web Document comprised of structured content (in this case RDF/XML).

What I state above is represented in #1. The document states: it is About <http://micra.com/COSMO/COSMO.owl#> and indicates that it's presenting a description in the form of entity relations in which the entity denoted by <http://micra.com/COSMO/COSMO.owl#> plays the subject or object role.

I hope this is clearer.


Kingsley Idehen	      
Founder & CEO 
OpenLink Software     
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