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Re: [ontology-summit] [ReusableContent] Partitioning the problem

To: ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 12:03:36 -0500
Message-id: <52ED28E8.8030500@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 2/1/14 7:11 AM, David Price wrote:
On 31 Jan 2014, at 20:41, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

On 1/31/14 12:37 PM, David Price wrote:
On 31 Jan 2014, at 16:37, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

On 1/31/14 9:43 AM, David Price wrote:
On 30 Jan 2014, at 14:20, Hans Teijgeler wrote:

Dear David and Matthew,
Using a non-humanreadable string for an ID has its merits, that are probably not the first thing you, both English speaking, would think of. If I refer to RDS45093 a person whose native language is not English can refer to a translation of the skos:prefLabel (in English) in his/her language, if provided by their standardization body or else. If we would start with IDs in English we would be in deep trouble in certain regions of the world.
Next to the ID you can have one skos:prefLabel per ID and as many skos:altLabels as you need.

Hi Hans,

For data, artificial URIs are fine.  For classes and properties in an ontology they are not. Even a non-English speaker will have better luck distinguishing PersonOrOrganization vs Organization rather than RDL94950595 vs RDL9459869 when reviewing an ontology or writing SPARQL. Adding properties as labels useful for presentation in a user interface does nothing wrt the issue I raise.


When describing a property, class, or individual, I use the following practice:

1. include an rdfs:label relation -- also look to skos:prefLabel when what's being described has many known labels (very common in our buzzword laden world)
2. include an rdfs:comments relation
3. include a dcterms:description relation -- if rdf:comments doesn't suffice in regards to what's being described in prose
4. where possible include a foaf:depiction relation.

Using Linked Data based structured data representation patterns: 1-4 enable HTTP URIs [1], HTTP URLs [2], and WebIDs [3] that denote whatever I am describing to remain opaque. Thus, if anyone needs to know what I am describing they simply de-refrence the identifiers.


[1] http://bit.ly/1edQEKp -- HTTP URI
[2] http://bit.ly/1bHGrQu -- HTTP URL
[3] http://bit.ly/1elKLcn -- WebID .

Hi Kingsley,

We use 1-3 regularly along with prefLabel, etc.. However, as I replied to Hans, that does not address the requirements wrt URIs and there's no reason to think what works for Linked *Data* works for ontology classes and properties that are part of an enterprise app.



Being able to de-reference what a term denotes is universally valuable. What's special about ontologies and the enterprise? There's nothing about looking-up definitions of terms via HTTP that's unique to ontologies or enterprises. It's just data :-)

Hi Kingsley,

Ontology classes and properties in an enterprise app are quite often *not* just data. As I've said several times, they are software artefacts that play a very similar role to Java classes. In these cases, they are an integral part of high-performance, high availability apps. The enterprise apps we are delivering have users sitting there waiting for things to happen in the U/I that performs complex functions, and from their point of view performance is never good enough. Dereferencing things for no good reason really means giving them reasonable performance is next to impossible. 

We have a very different perception of the notion of an enterprise.

In my world view, an enterprise is ultimately always trying to attain and sustain agility levels (relative to investors, employees, market opportunity, partners, and competitors) through data access, integration, and management.

An ontology is data that represents the description of entity types, relation types, entity relationships in a given domain, as perceived by the ontology designer. 

Ontologies exist for enterprise domains such:

Accounting, Business Development, Marketing, Support, Supply Chain Management etc..

It may be that most Ontolog folks are not delivering what I'm calling "enterprise apps" - apologies if I'm using that term differently from others.

Maybe, but do understand that a majority of Ontolog folks have many years of enterprise experience. This isn't a collection of academics for which the word "enterprise" is some mysterious terms for which experience is scant, at best.

These are not research projects or lightweight apps where people browse around Linked Data in a browser.

An HTTP user agent (e.g., a browser) is one mechanism for exploring an ontology (definition oriented entity relations) and instance data (entity relations) produced using terms from said ontology. A browser can easily enable you determine that one entity identifier in the Account System  and another in the Business Development system actually share a common referent: as a consequence, enabling you send one email rather than two+ when trying to dispatch relevant communication to that entity. Likewise, it can help you determine that coreference relations are missing etc..

In SAAS cases, these apps are provided with contractual service level agreements including things like financial penalties failing to meet 99 percent availability and performance monitoring. So, nothing is included in their architecture or development that adds risk, slows down performance, increases the cost of development, adds to the cost of maintenance, etc. 

Enterprises have used HTTP, CORBA, OLE, and many other protocols for eons to tackle issues that we see on the public Web today. The Web is the new kid on the block, not the fundamental concepts associated with Ontology, Distributed Computing, Distributed Objects etc... The Web technology stack just makes this more open (i.e., platform independent and extensible) thereby enabling data to flow more freely, subject to data access polices (ideally based on attribute based access controls).






Kingsley Idehen	      
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Kingsley Idehen	      
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