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Re: [ontology-summit] HC-05 Ontology of Ontology Evaluation - Ontology U

To: Ontology Summit 2013 discussion <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Bob Smith <bobsmithttl@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2013 12:10:48 -0700
Message-id: <CAKisDd0ZmLRX=Oo1_NejdV34nr8bDdXycq7ioNqcRwHDPpgWDQ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Amanda - thanks for making this more explicit.

Ontology usage is complex, especially if you consider pre-ontology forms of k representations such as taxonomies and folksonomies. NIST has estimated very large amounts of money and time are wasted each year because of a lack of interoperability (i.e. information exchanges/ontology), especially in the capital construction market.

Thanks again,


-----/ You said:
One of our goals for the conceptual model (and formal ontology to follow) is to capture this decomposability and some of its dimensions, as well as the potential importance of each in determining the requirements that should be applied to ontology for some usage.  

To capture the specifics of *how* those usage elements contribute to requirements determination is beyond the ambition of this project. But have been aiming to capture a conceptual model that contributes to the ability to represent and understand such specific knowledge.

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 11:20 AM, Amanda Vizedom <amanda.vizedom@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I agree; what Noy describes is a common an important type of usage. It's also the case that this is only a partial specification of a usage, from on ontology evaluation and requirements perspective. 


Without addressing whether Noy's article incorporates such contributor analysis, I'll answer that (again, from an evaluation and requirements perspective) contributor and user characteristics can be quite important. If it is to guide identification of ontology requirements (and hence evaluation criteria, etc.), an intended or actual usage description should include information about the users. And a usage description may include, or may entail, requirements regarding the provenance of the ontology (potentially including the types and levels of expertise of contributors, their relationship to the subject matter, and so on. 


This came up today within the context of hackathon HC-05 http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2013_Hackathon_Clinics_OntologyOfOntologyEvaluation.  "Ontology Usage" is among the concepts we have in the conceptual model we worked on, covering important concepts related to ontology evaluation, rooted in the materials and discussions we have had over the course of the summit.  In this context, we are treating "Ontology Usage" as a complex thing that is important in determining ontology requirements. We are looking at ontology usage as decomposable in a variety of ways, including the analysis suggested in the Application Framework development done in the 2011 summit (http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2011_ApplicationFramework_Synthesis), and other analysis suggested by different speaker, methods, tools and approaches.  One of our goals for the conceptual model (and formal ontology to follow) is to capture this decomposability and some of its dimensions, as well as the potential importance of each in determining the requirements that should be applied to ontology for some usage.  To capture the specifics of *how* those usage elements contribute to requirements determination is beyond the ambition of this project. But have been aiming to capture a conceptual model that contributes to the ability to represent and understand such specific knowledge.


On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 1:41 PM, Bev Corwin <bevcorwin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Just curious: Is there a demographic analysis of the common group contributors?

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 12:28 PM, Pavithra <pavithra_kenjige@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


We have discussed about Ontology usage in the past in this forum.   However since we discussed it again today,  I like to open the floor for further discussion..

I have listed  a snippet from article written by Stanfords Natalya Noy ..  Why develop an Ontology.?
Those five things listed are the general basis for usage.  and the first indicates  "To share common understanding of the structure of information among people or software agents".   In an increasingly digitized world it is "one of the" practical reasons why we develop Ontology in modern days.   And I quote "one of the" and not one and only reason.  In generic sense, it is to organize information is a structured manner,  however  eventually it all gets digitized.
Thank you,

An ontology defines a common vocabulary for researchers who need to share information in a domain. It includes machine-interpretable definitions of basic concepts in the domain and relations among them.
Why would someone want to develop an ontology? Some of the reasons are:
         To share common understanding of the structure of information among people or software agents
         To enable reuse of domain knowledge
         To make domain assumptions explicit
         To separate domain knowledge from the operational knowledge
         To analyze domain knowledge
Sharing common understanding of the structure of information among people or software agents  is one of the more common goals in developing ontologies (Musen 1992; Gruber 1993). For example, suppose several different Web sites contain medical information or provide medical e-commerce services. If these Web sites share and publish the same underlying ontology of the terms they all use, then computer agents can extract and aggregate information from these different sites. The agents can use this aggregated information to answer user queries or as input data to other applications.

From: Amanda Vizedom <amanda.vizedom@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Ontology Summit 2013 discussion <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 8:42 AM
Subject: [ontology-summit] HC-05 Ontology of Ontology Evaluation

For those interested in the Ontology of Ontology Evaluation Hackathon:  Please add your name & info under "Participant Volunteers," near the top of our project wiki page at http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2013_Hackathon_Clinics_OntologyOfOntologyEvaluation
This page will be the go-to spot for updated information about the project, before and as it happens.  I will be adding details and logistical info throughout the day today. I may also contact participants today, by email or other preferred method, to coordinate as needed.
Since our primary hack day is tomorrow, we don't have a lot of time to coordinate in advance, or to make tool and process decisions based on everyones preferences. Now is a good time to communicate preferences, suggestions, limitations, etc.; feel free to do so using this wiki page and/or to me directly. That way I can work to have us ready for a quick start and smooth running tomorrow.
On Mar 28, 2013 9:30 PM, "Peter Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

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