Dear Yuriy,
While I don't have an answer to your question (in the message below), I have a feeling that this conversation of your belongs more to the attempto (or maybe AceWiki) mailing list, and is out of scope for the [ontology-summit] list and the OntologySummit2013 Hackathon.
I suggest you try to first identify who might be in a position to address the kind of low level details you are dealing with now, and then consult with them offline, than to subject the 500+ people of this list to the conversation.
On Mar 11, 2013 4:51 AM, "Yuriy Milov" <ymilov@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Here is the OWL to CNL demo
> And here is CNL to OWL demo
> Some examples work in Protege 4.1 but some are not working.
> This working ontology has after converting
> in Owl-XML format ans werbalizing has the output with the bag description:
> /* BUG: axiom too complex: SubClassOf(ObjectOneOf([NamedIndividual(#Blends)]),ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(ObjectProperty(#smokes)),ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectProperty(#lives_in),ObjectUnionOf([ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectProperty(#left_of),ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(ObjectProperty(#lives_in)),ObjectHasValue(ObjectProperty(#owns),NamedIndividual(#cat)))),ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(ObjectProperty(#left_of)),ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(ObjectProperty(#lives_in)),ObjectHasValue(ObjectProperty(#owns),NamedIndividual(#cat))))])))) */
> Can anibody help me during the Hackathon event to get it working again
> after the back CNL-to-OWL converting?
> See the OWL-to-CNL conerting output below
> BTW There is a Zebra CNL example but it is not converting in a working OWL
> =================
> Every Beverage is something that is beer or that is coffee or that is milk or that is tea or that is water.
> Everything that is beer or that is coffee or that is milk or that is tea or that is water is a Beverage.
> Every Cigar is something that is Blends or that is Blue_Master or that is Dunhill or that is Pall_Mall or that is Prince.
> Everything that is Blends or that is Blue_Master or that is Dunhill or that is Pall_Mall or that is Prince is a Cigar.
> Every Color is something that is blue or that is green or that is red or that is white or that is yellow.
> Everything that is blue or that is green or that is red or that is white or that is yellow is a Color.
> Every House is something that is no-1 or that is no-2 or that is no-3 or that is no-4 or that is no-5.
> Everything that is no-1 or that is no-2 or that is no-3 or that is no-4 or that is no-5 is a House.
> Every Man is something that drinks a Beverage and that smokes a Cigar and that lives_in a House and that owns a Pet.
> Every Pet is owns by a Man.
> Blends is a Cigar.
> /* BUG: axiom too complex: SubClassOf(ObjectOneOf([NamedIndividual(#Blends)]),ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(ObjectProperty(#smokes)),ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectProperty(#lives_in),ObjectUnionOf([ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectProperty(#left_of),ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(ObjectProperty(#lives_in)),ObjectHasValue(ObjectProperty(#owns),NamedIndividual(#cat)))),ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(ObjectProperty(#left_of)),ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(ObjectProperty(#lives_in)),ObjectHasValue(ObjectProperty(#owns),NamedIndividual(#cat))))])))) */
> Blue_Master is a Cigar.
> Blue_Master is smokes by something that drinks beer.
> Brit is a Man.
> Brit lives_in something that has_color red.
> Dane is a Man.
> Dunhill is a Cigar.
> /* BUG: axiom too complex: SubClassOf(ObjectOneOf([NamedIndividual(#Dunhill)]),ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(ObjectProperty(#smokes)),ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectProperty(#lives_in),ObjectUnionOf([ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectProperty(#left_of),ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(ObjectProperty(#lives_in)),ObjectHasValue(ObjectProperty(#owns),NamedIndividual(#horse)))),ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(ObjectProperty(#left_of)),ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(ObjectProperty(#lives_in)),ObjectHasValue(ObjectProperty(#owns),NamedIndividual(#horse))))])))) */
> Dunhill is smokes by something that lives_in something that has_color yellow.
> German is a Man.
> Norwegian is a Man.
> /* BUG: axiom too complex: SubClassOf(ObjectOneOf([NamedIndividual(#Norwegian)]),ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectProperty(#lives_in),ObjectUnionOf([ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectProperty(#left_of),ObjectHasValue(ObjectProperty(#has_color),NamedIndividual(#blue))),ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(ObjectProperty(#left_of)),ObjectHasValue(ObjectProperty(#has_color),NamedIndividual(#blue)))]))) */
> Pall_Mall is a Cigar.
> Pall_Mall is smokes by something that owns bird.
> Prince is a Cigar.
> Swede is a Man.
> beer is a Beverage.
> bird is a Pet.
> blue is a Color.
> cat is a Pet.
> coffee is a Beverage.
> coffee is drinks by something that lives_in something that has_color green.
> dog is a Pet.
> fish is a Pet.
> green is a Color.
> green is has_color by something that left_of something that has_color white.
> horse is a Pet.
> milk is a Beverage.
> milk is drinks by something that lives_in no-3.
> no-1 is a House.
> Everything that left_of no-1 is something that is not something.
> no-2 is a House.
> no-3 is a House.
> no-4 is a House.
> no-5 is a House.
> Everything that is left_of by no-5 is something that is not something.
> red is a Color.
> tea is a Beverage.
> water is a Beverage.
> white is a Color.
> yellow is a Color.
> /* unsupported: DifferentIndividuals([NamedIndividual(#Blends),NamedIndividual(#Blue_Master),NamedIndividual(#Brit),NamedIndividual(#Dane),NamedIndividual(#Dunhill),NamedIndividual(#German),NamedIndividual(#Norwegian),NamedIndividual(#Pall_Mall),NamedIndividual(#Prince),NamedIndividual(#Swede),NamedIndividual(#beer),NamedIndividual(#bird),NamedIndividual(#blue),NamedIndividual(#cat),NamedIndividual(#coffee),NamedIndividual(#dog),NamedIndividual(#fish),NamedIndividual(#green),NamedIndividual(#horse),NamedIndividual(#milk),NamedIndividual(#no-1),NamedIndividual(#no-2),NamedIndividual(#no-3),NamedIndividual(#no-4),NamedIndividual(#no-5),NamedIndividual(#red),NamedIndividual(#tea),NamedIndividual(#water),NamedIndividual(#white),NamedIndividual(#yellow)]) */
> Dane drinks tea.
> German smokes Prince.
> Norwegian lives_in no-1.
> Swede owns dog.
> no-1 left_of no-2.
> no-2 left_of no-3.
> no-3 left_of no-4.
> no-4 left_of no-5.
> Everything drinks at most 1 thing.
> Everything has_color at most 1 thing.
> Everything left_of at most 1 thing.
> Everything lives_in at most 1 thing.
> Everything owns at most 1 thing.
> Everything right_to at most 1 thing.
> Everything smokes at most 1 thing.
> Everything is drinks by at most 1 thing.
> Everything is has_color by at most 1 thing.
> Everything is left_of by at most 1 thing.
> Everything is lives_in by at most 1 thing.
> Everything is owns by at most 1 thing.
> Everything is right_to by at most 1 thing.
> Everything is smokes by at most 1 thing.
> Everything that drinks something is a Man.
> Everything that has_color something is a House.
> Everything that left_of something is a House.
> Everything that lives_in something is a Man.
> Everything that owns something is a Man.
> Everything that right_to something is a House.
> Everything that smokes something is a Man.
> Everything that is drinks by something is a Beverage.
> Everything that is has_color by something is a Color.
> Everything that is left_of by something is a House.
> Everything that is lives_in by something is a House.
> Everything that is owns by something is a Pet.
> Everything that is right_to by something is a House.
> Everything that is smokes by something is a Cigar.
> --
> Regards,
> Yuriy Milov
> 1-647-765-4386
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