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Re: [ontology-summit] An Intro to ISO 15926

To: "'Ontology Summit 2012 discussion'" <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "'Denno, Peter O.'" <peter.denno@xxxxxxxx>, "'Russell.H.Adams'" <russell.h.adams@xxxxxxxxx>, cragg@xxxxxxxxxxx
From: "Anatoly Levenchuk" <ailev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 21:24:08 +0400
Message-id: <01de01cd9ff9$912b0080$b3810180$@asmp.msk.su>
As I had promised to you all half a year ago, yesterday we have published
software that realizes our approach of fusing general (not logical)
programming language with ontology.    (01)

.15926 Editor v1.0 is a freeware for ISO 15926 reference data (ontology)
exploration and creation. The Editor is intended to become for ISO 15926 4D
engineering ontology data what Protégé became for OWL data – a primary
freeware tool. This software supports exploratory (i.e. interactive
text-based, not point-and-click type) ontology-related programming. It has
Python REPL console in its user interface. It also provides recognition and
visualization of ontology patterns (short description is here:
http://levenchuk.com/2012/10/01/148/).    (02)

Download link for freeware .15926 Editor v1.0 software and English
documentation: http://techinvestlab.ru/dot15926Editor    (03)

It is a good tool to work with engineering ontology "JORD reference data
library" (about 2.7mln triples,
http://rds.posccaesar.org/downloads/PCA-RDL.owl.zip) in native ISO 15926
representation. Try it.    (04)

Best regards,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anatoly Levenchuk [mailto:ailev@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2012 12:34 AM
> To: 'Ontology Summit 2012 discussion'
> Cc: 'Russell.H.Adams'; 'Denno, Peter O.'; 'cragg@xxxxxxxxxxx'
> Subject: RE: [ontology-summit] An Intro to ISO 15926
> >  What else is needed to achieve deployment in commercial products that
> > are  effective for plug and play interoperablility with new
> > engineering and  supplier partners, ....without needing special
> > consultants and runtime  negotiations with each new partner?
> >
> >  --Mark Palmer
> 1. ISO 15926 is only half an ontology engineering for systems engineering
> project. Another half is market forces. Current main goal is federation of
> CAD/PLM systems. All owner-operators companies want ISO 15926 based
> federation. All CAD/PLM vendors against it (I spend many hours in
> negotiations of owners-operators with vendors. Vendors usually not
> provides with ISO 15926 even proclaimed in their documentation and press
> releases). It is not about technology, it is about business models of
> companies. There is several owner-operator initiatives for tools and
> reference data development (iringug.org, JORD). And several small
> companies that developing toolchain (e.g. TechInvestLab). We already have
> .15926 Editor. Now we plan to publish our ontology-based mapping
> methodology (conversion of tables with engineering data to ISO 15926 valid
> OWL files) next week. We will have our full mapping pipline tool in the
> middle 2012. iRING have it now. XMpLant is not free like previous two and
> represent a previous generation of ISO 15926 approach but it have multiple
> industry installations. There are several another tools but this is work
> big software vendors that not interested in vendor-neutral
> 2. We developed mentioned in my previous letter of this thread "readchain"
> only in November 2011. Nobody understood: why logic-based ontology is
> better for mapping then usual OOP point-to-point adapters? Thread of this
> Ontology Summit about SysML/UML touch the same topic: paradigm shift.
> We find that book of Chris Partridge have answers for most of the
> beguinner's questions. They start to understand why they need to use
> something like add and even ISO 15926 when deal with object-oriented
> databases (CAD/CAM/PLM systems). Now we have 3day courses for people
> who have no time to read 1500+pages of books. After 3 day of training
> engineers can support talk about their need in ISO 15926 and plan their
> possible activity. Now we have methodologies+tools+curriculum. In 2011
> there was no ready to use methodologies and convenient tools and proven
> curriculum :-) Now we starting actively teach people at owner-operator
> companies. Situation will be completely different to the end of 2012.
> Now we have 90 subscribers for Russian Language blog of TechInvestLab
> .15926 software development project -- http://dot15926.livejournal.com.
> 15926 community in LinkedIn have 7% of members from Russian Federation.
> 3. ISO 15926 is far from finished. JORD addressing RDL federation problem
> now. Semantic network was first level of language, templates was second,
> OIMs (part knowledge base that relate to specific object, e.g. "what you
> know about pump") is third. We at TechInvestLab actively in development of
> work with OIMs now. It is pure research, there are no implementations yet.
> Gellish, IDEAS, HQDM used experience of ISO 15926 development and ISO
> 15926 community thinks how to absorb this new work to old "legacy" of a
> Standard. Project of ISO 15926 formal semantic development starting this
> days. I think that is take a couple of a years before you will have
> play interoperability.
> 4. But still you will have problems that I mention in my presentations at
> Summit (http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OntologySummit2012/2012-03-
> 01_Ontology-for-Systems-Federation-n-
> Integration/OntologSummit2012_Ontology-based-Systems-Federation--
> AnatolyLevenchuk_20120301.pdf,
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OntologySummit2012/2012-01-
> 26_OntologySummit2012-ProblemSpace/OntologySummit2012_Ontology-
> Engineering-for-Systems-Engineering--AnatolyLevenchuk_20120126.pdf,
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OntologySummit2012/2012-02-
> 02_OntologySummit2012-SolutionOpportunities/OntologySummit2012_Low-
> Hanging-Fruits--PLM-Data-Models--AnatolyLevenchuck_20120202.pdf). Not
> all of these problems are due to usage of ISO 15926 framework. Most of
> them is show stopper for all other initiatives of ontology-based systems
> federation.
> Best regards,
> Anatoly Levenchuk    (05)

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