I am looking for a best or good practice on a process to build a domain ontology and tools to use in each step if it is helpful.
I have seen a process that comprises of the following process steps:
1. Specification - in this step one would acquire knowledge about the domain, describe them, specify goals and scope, and most important is to describe motivating scenarios and competence questions to query of the ontology. Tool: one may use use case specification, text base for this process and it would be suffice.
2. Conceptualization. In this step the domain conceptual model is designed. The desired end product of this step is a set of terms and concepts; and identification of classes, relations, and attributes. A concept classification tree can be constructed for knowledge organization. Tool: I don't know if there is tool for this.
3. Implementation: in this step the conceptual model will be implemented using different ontology editing tools.
4. Publishing. I am encouraged by the site such as NCBO BioPortal where ontologies are deposit, for public to query and comments on.
The above process is the only one process that I know. I'm soliciting for other good practice processes (and tools) that anyone might have used to build a domain ontology. Any comments, directions to paper, or advice are greatly appreciated.
My Coyne
(cel): 301-399-6351