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[ontology-summit] Scope of OntologySummit2009 [was - Re: Slight amendmen

To: Ontology Summit 2009 <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 23:07:31 -0400
Message-id: <af8f58ac0904062007j1b634f5cg5fcd653406479f2b@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hello Pavithra,    (01)

Thank you for the suggestion, and for joining us today - catching the
last two days of the three-months' activities we call
"OntologySummit2009".    (02)

You might note that the theme for this year's summit is "Toward
Ontology-based Standards."    (03)

It might be useful for one to check out the details documented at the
summit homepage -
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2009 -- try
looking through our description and goals, check out some of the
earlier exchanges (like:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-forum/2009-02/msg00149.html )
and the conference call sessions (particularly the virtual panel
sessions of Mar-12, 19 & 26) --  one will probably find that our goal
(today) is less about "discovering what would be a good ontology
project" but rather, about "what could be used to articulate the power
of synergizing the ontology and standards communities in the form of a
communique that will help bring this promising technical area to the
attention of others."    (04)

Regards.  =ppy    (05)

P.S. I believe Steve's message was directed to the champions of the
projects that were discussed today. Unfortunately, solicitation of
project ideas came and went a little while ago. =ppy
--    (06)

On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 10:25 PM, Pavithra <pavithra_kenjige@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> Thank you for a well organized workshop on Ontology.
> I asked couple of basic questions,  just to feel the orientation of Ontology
> in the scope of semantic web again!
> In 2003/2004  Tim Berner Lee had developed a " Layerd Cake "  Semantic Web
> Architecture model.   This included  XMl, XML Schema, RDF Syntax, RDF
> Schema, Ontology support, logic etc..  with an explanation that XML is an
> enabling factor for interoperability.
> And at that time, roadmap guided us to explore more about RDF and Ontology
> area..
> In 2006 - Dr.LeoObrst's presentation provided more details to the semantic
> web architecture, which included more details about Ontology..
> In general, all these topics are part of information architecture of
> Enterprise architecture.   ( During the workshop people were talking about
> business architecture..)    Of course, with an explanation that  information
> architecture, should represent the information model that is used for the
> business, in the business architecture.
> Today's discussion was a follow up of ontology development for different
> domain area ( Unit,  Finance etc..) and standard development.
> With this background  ( or big picture ) in mind,  are we looking at scoping
> out what needs to be done this year only?  The 9 project listed does
> represent our discussion.
> However, I would like to suggest to include
>  -  Health, Energy ( or global warming / green energy ??) and Education,
> infrastructure  domains along with financial and other projects listed.
> All the bailout talk  in US and in the rest of the world addresses these
> domains.  So we may have to work on these areas anyways!
> No Offense to anyone, just a practical suggestion, to align with the current
> market projections.
> Regards,
> Pavithra  Kenjige    (07)

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  • [ontology-summit] Scope of OntologySummit2009 [was - Re: Slight amendment to Gerry's request, plus a synopsis request], Peter Yim <=