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Re: [ontology-summit] founding members meeting' , ownership of 'open ont

To: "Ontology Summit 2008" <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Rex Brooks" <rexb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 2 May 2008 15:52:53 -0400
Message-id: <c09b00eb0805021252j5829ac0ci8d23fd0784bb8a60@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Deborah    (01)

all contributions to the Ontolog community todate, are under the
existing copyright policty, which includes 'right of attribution'  -
this means nobody can extrapolate knowlege propagated via the list
withouth duly referencing its source.    (02)

This include all discussions, papers and wiki entries relating to Open
Ontology, (from which the OOR stuff is derived) and Ontology Metadata,
for example (of which, incidentally I am the author)    (03)

Even if the names of the topics are shuffled around a bit, and the
content of the contribution is desperately being y morphed and
exploded into bigger picture using awkward linguisting convolutions,
it is obvious that the OOR  discussions, and  derived artifaces,
currently being discussed in a privale list, under a separate IPR
policy, to be
decided,  originated from those entries done on the list and on the
wiki, and reference existing copyrighted work (stuff that is not on
the ontolog list)    (04)

So while lack of reference in subsequent developments of this research
area is unethical (and puzzling) it is also a copyright infringement
(right of attribution). of pre- existing IPR    (05)

So I am afraid ' to be specified soon'  implies, by law,  in
accordance to existing IPR policies of the forum where the IPR was
generated in the first place    (06)

etc etc etc    (07)

pdm    (08)

IOn Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 10:46 AM, Deborah MacPherson <debmacp@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have in my notes here that the OOR was to be licensed under Creative
> Commons or opensource.org policy to be specified soon.
> Also, the last talk yesterday, includes an overview of MANY policies
> especially seen final portion by Mike Dean.
> Best Regards,
> Deborah
> On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 8:42 PM, <paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Greetings all
> >
> > It was a pleasure to finally meet everybody at the Summit, and thanks
> > again for efforts being put up. The forum is a great resource for all
> > of us, and as the community grows it is important that 'active
> > community members' take more responsiblity for its development.
> > I hope it continues to stay that way.
> >
> >  I was surprised to learn today about an 'open ontology founders
> > meeting' which took place in January
> >
> >
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OOR/ConferenceCall_2008_01_23#nid17D9
> >
> > because I found no reference in my inbox nor in the list archives, to
> > any invitation to participate in such meeting.
> > Can someone point me to any announcement about that meeting (before it
> > took place?)
> >
> > Specifically on that wiki page, ther is a reference to some not better
> > specified IPR being reserved, but no acknowledgment of prior
> > work and existing IPR, which is in contradiction of some of the
> > principles of our community and forum, and could possibly cause
> > conflict
> >
> > Being an early proponent of 'Open Ontology', both in terms of wording
> > and concepts (I have published papers on this forum and elsewhere
> > about this work) and having already extracted a set of metadata from
> > the framework, which our metadata champion Michael did not know of,
> > (while the rest of this community did, as we discussed it extensively
> > on this list)  I was particularly surprised to learn that the
> > participants to the 2008 summit have not been informed of the pre
> > existing , and prior work under the same heading, and related
> > pre-existing IPR.
> >
> > Issues such as 'ownership' and control of 'open ontology' concept and
> > derived artifacts should be addressed, before they can be claimed and
> > trademarked by related parties.
> >
> > I would thefore encourage clarification as required, as well as
> > acnkowledgment of prior IPR, in order to avoid potential conflicts,
> > and some information relating to such new lists where the OOR work is
> > being discussed where we can cross reference the contributions made to
> > date, so that they can be duly acknowledged by the body of knowledge
> > which is being generated.
> >
> > I would encourage such issues to be addressed and clarified before the
> > communique issued, as some of the statements therein contained may
> > constitue an infringement of existing copyright, and this forum
> > brought up to date on the new OOR list (where to join?) and other
> > developments
> >
> > I look forward to developments
> >
> > --
> > Paola Di Maio
> > School of IT
> > www.mfu.ac.th
> > *********************************************
> >
> >
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>    (09)

Paola Di Maio
School of IT
*********************************************    (010)

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