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Re: [ontology-summit] first draft of the Ontology Summit 2007 Communique

To: olivier@xxxxxxxxxxx, Ontology Summit 2007 Forum <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Bill Andersen <andersen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 23:39:56 -0400
Message-id: <995086B6-3715-4A89-BC08-BE0454C608B9@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

By when is the final draft going to be decided upon?  I have a number of difficulties with this, as I suspect others will as well.  However, I have very little time to respond in the next day or two.

A second question - how will acceptance of the draft be adjudicated?  Is there a voting procedure?  If so, who gets a vote (and why)?  Without a known procedure, it's hard to decide how much effort to put into formulating a response since it would be impossible to predict what effect even the best of responses would have on the result.


On Apr 23, 2007, at 23:23 , Olivier Bodenreider wrote:

We just posted the first draft of the Communique on the Ontology Summit 
2007 wiki:

The draft will be discussed and refined tomorrow morning.
Please send your feedback to the list.

-- Olivier Bodenreider and Frank Olken

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Bill Andersen (andersen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

Chief Scientist

Ontology Works, Inc. (www.ontologyworks.com)

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