On 23 Apr, at 10:23 , Olivier Bodenreider wrote:
> We just posted the first draft of the Communique on the Ontology
> Summit
> 2007 wiki:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2007_Communique
> The draft will be discussed and refined tomorrow morning.
> Please send your feedback to the list. (01)
Couple of quick comments re: (02)
Thus a simple taxonomy, e.g., a tree, may be encoded in RDF,
a description logic language such as OWL-DL, or first order
logic, e.g., Common Logic. (03)
"RDF" there should probably be "RDFS", as a standard taxonomy
requires the RDFS constructs "rdfs:Class" and "rdfs:subClassOf" that
are not available in RDF. (04)
Second, while I hope the reference to Common Logic remains :-) the
'e.g.' there isn't quite accurate. While most users only avail
themselves of the first-order fragment of CL, full CL includes
"sequence markers" (more or less the sequence variables of KIF, but
with a more rigorous semantics), which bump its expressiveness up to
that of a weak infinitary logic. (05)
Finally, I notice that a few paragraphs down from the paragraph
containing the quote above first-order logic is referred to regally
as "First Order Logic", in contrast to the humbler "first order
logic" above. Much as I think the regal label is appropriate and
well-deserved :-) I think the humbler moniker is grammatically more
correct. (Also, I myself prefer to hyphenate 'first-order', but I
don't think there is any sort of consensus on that.) (06)
-chris (07)
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