Hi Peter
I'm RSVPing for this Thursday's seminar.
a (01)
On 10/14/2013 7:15 PM, Peter Yim wrote:
> Re: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_10_17
> You are cordially invited to join us this Thursday (Oct-17) at the
> Ontology-based Standards mini-series panel session-5. We will be
> focusing on "Ontologies for Geospatial Standards."
> = Ontology-based Standards mini-series session-5 - Thu 2013-10-17 =
> Session Co-chairs: Dr. Gary Berg-Cross & Dr. Tara Athan
> Topic: Developing Ontologies for Geospatial Standards: Progress and Issues
> Panelists / Briefings:
> * Dr. LuisBermudez (OGC) - "Geospatial Standards and the Semantic Web"
> * Dr. SimonCox (CSIRO, Australia) - "Abstract on Observations and
> Measures (O&M)"
> * Dr. CoryHenson (Kno.e.sis) ' _tbd_ "
> * Dr. TorstenHahmann (U of Toronto) - "Driving the next generation of
> spatial standards - examples from hydro ontology"
> == Abstract ==
> As with last week's session-4 (The Case for a "Quantities and Units of
> Measure" Ontology Standard) this is a continuation of the
> OntologyBasedStandards mini-series that was started in late 2012 as a
> joint venture of OASIS, OMG, various ISO working groups, IAOA, OOR
> and ONTOLOG. This session, is part of a program of 8 topics which are
> planned to be held over the remaining time in 2013, and partly in
> 2014.
> We are over 10 years from Smith and Mark’s Geographical Categories: An
> Ontological Investigation – one of top 10 cited articles in the
> geospatial (GS) field. Many technical geospatial standards exist and
> there is increasing intersection of the GS technical community and the
> ontological and semantic technology communities. Still many geospatial
> data & web feature services have standardized terms but lack adequate
> semantics. Some of the concepts in need of improved semantics, such as
> quantity and observation, are not specific to the GS domain. This
> session explores some efforts to reduce the ambiguities in GS
> definitions, as well as the interrelationships of concepts across GS
> and related domains. The session builds on work coming out of
> standards bodies like the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), but also
> looks to progress on ontologies such as started on the W3C Geospatial
> Incubator Group which defined seven categories of Geospatial
> Ontologies:
> * Geospatial Feature Ontology
> * Feature Type Ontology
> * Spatial Relationship Ontology
> * Toponym (Place name) Ontology
> * Coordinate Reference / Spatial Grid Ontology
> * Geospatial Metadata Ontology
> * (Geospatial) Web Services Ontology
> Notable also was the benchmark survey of the GS ontology landscape (=
> Geospatial Ontology Trade Study) conducted in 2007 which reviewed
> spatial conceptualization in foundational and upper level ontologies
> but also concepts in domain and commercial standards (e.g. the
> Geography Markup Language GML) as well as spatial ontologies that are
> embedded in other ontologies such as SWEET. Several of the GS
> ontologies discussed in the trade study have been made available in
> the SOCoP OOR as part of NSF’s funding of the SOCoP INTEROP effort.
> Another notable development has been the formalization of GeoSPARQL
> which was presented previously in the SOCoP Virtual Workshop on
> Semantics in Geospatial and Other Architectures: Design and
> Implementation (2013-05-07).
> For our session today, we have invited presentations by people
> involved in the geospatial arena and with standards. Following a very
> brief overview, they will each present for about 20 minutes on their
> areas of work and interest. This will be followed by Q & A and an open
> discussion of issues.
> Please also refer to the "Ontology-based Standards" mini-series
> homepage at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologyBasedStandards
> See developing details on the session page at:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_10_17
> RSVP now! (ref. details below.)
> Regards. =ppy
> For the Session Co-chairs
> Gary Berg-Cross & Tara Athan
> ... along with other co-champions of
> the Ontology-based Standards mini-series (02)
Anne E. Thessen, Ph.D.
School of Life Sciences
Arizona State University (03)
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