John -- (01)
Great presentation, as usual. (02)
Early in the presentation, you observe: (03)
"Human language is based on the way people think about everything they
see, hear, feel, and do." (Slide 4 of "Natural Logic ....") (04)
I would add that human language is also based on: (05)
1. The nature of our sound-producing organs, including lung capacity and
normal breathing cycles, and our hearing/listening capabilities under
normal circumstances. (06)
2. The production of a single linear stream of sound. (Most of us don't
normally produce multiple simultaneous streams of speech. However, we
seem to be able to understand, at least to some limited degree,
simultaneous speech and music.) By contrast, we clearly think about
multiple activities simultaneously. Visual records of speech, however,
make simultaneity possible in many cases. (07)
3. "Normal" or typical constraints of memory for spoken words and the
sentences into which they are combined. Writing language down changes
that constraint, at least in some ways. (08)
You probably assume these basics -- and you address some of these points
indirectly in later slides -- but I think it is important to address
them explicitly. (09)
More recently, some computer-based representations of meaningful
communications enable people to reference subsets of prior
communications explicitly, unambiguously, and dynamically. This is not a
normal characteristic of speech or sign language, of course, but it is a
new characteristic that should be taken into account when we need to
represent "knowledge." (Yes, you can do this on paper in a limited way,
but as the complexity of a communication grows beyond very simple
descriptions, paper-based methods quickly become unusable.) (010)
Thanks again, (011)
Phil Murray (012)
John F Sowa wrote:
> For the past week or so, I've been traveling, going to meetings,
> making slides, and presenting a tutorial on natural logic at
> the Smart Data Conference in San Jose.
> For the slides, see
> The continuations are in natlog2.pdf, natlog3.pdf, and natlog4.pdf.
> As a result, I have not been able to comment on various threads
> in Ontolog Forum. But I'll send some comments later and relate
> them to various issues in those slides.
> John
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