A few more comments added to Matthew's observations: (01)
On Jun 26, 2015, at 12:35 AM, Matthew West <dr.matthew.west@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: (02)
> Dear Thomas,
> Are you trying to navigate the archive, or the copies you have received? I
>will answer for the latter.
> I don't seem to be able to navigate through threads. e.g. sometimes comments
>in a thread seem to be in chronological order, but at other times not. Does
>this actually happen? Are threads perhaps branching structures, not linear
>ones? (03)
They are indeed. A 'thread' is a set of messages with a common subject line,
basically, and this might branch and even reconverge in unpredictable ways. The
archiving software does its best to keep track of which message each was a
'reply' to, but some contributions will "reply" to several previous messages at
once. In some cases there is a pretty clear linear conversation involving two
or three people and lasting for a while, which can be tracked through the
archive by following 'reply' links, but even these often have side tracks or
comments inserted by others, which forces the archive to create branches. (04)
> [MW>] We each use our own email client, and they behave in different ways.
>Some differences are due to this. Other differences arise from writing styles.
>Most reply inline, though often deleting material not relevant to the reply (I
>sometimes do a <snip> when I do this). Others, like John are more creative,
>and pick out the quotes from the source email (or emails) and reorganises them
>to an order to support the points he wishes to make.
> Top posting (hitting reply and just answering in essentially a separate
>email) is frowned upon, because it forces the reader to read the email
>underneath to get the context. However, we all do it occasionally, but usually
>only with one liners.
> I don't know when to use Reply and when to use Reply All. Does Reply generate
>a comment that is visible only to the person being replied to?
> [MW>] Personally, I think you should only reply to the list. I know I don’t
>find it helpful to receive one copy directly and another from the list. (05)
I agree. I think most email clients will actually display the recipients of
your email before you send it, so you can check for duplications. (06)
> At the end of some comments (is "messages" the term for one contribution to a
>thread?), I see "show original message". I'm not sure what that shows me that
>wasn't on the screen before I clicked on that option.
> [MW>] This is your email client I think just trying to be tidy. I know Google
>mail does that sort of thing.
> Are there instructions anywhere for using the machinery of threads/comments
>in this forum?
> [MW>] As far as I am aware, custom and practice has just grown (though it is
>just good netiquette), and when people don’t pick up on it, someone says
>something. (07)
One point to remember is that a conversation might well drift in its actual
content while retaining the original subject line, so some threads seem to
wander from one topic to another. It is good netiquette to notice this and
introduce a new subject line, perhaps with a 'was:' link back to the previous
topic, but this is often forgotten in the heat of debate. (08)
Best wishes (09)
Pat Hayes (010)
> Regards
> Matthew West
> Member – Ontolog Board of Trustees
> http://ontolog-02.cim3.net/wiki/MatthewWest
> +44 750 338 5279
> Thanks.
> Tom
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