To: | "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> |
From: | Thomas Johnston <tmj44p@xxxxxxx> |
Date: | Sat, 14 Mar 2015 14:01:10 -0700 |
Message-id: | <1426366870.18295.YahooMailNeo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> |
3/24/15. To: Ontolog Discussion Group From: Tom Johnston (new member) I would like to comment on the current
discussion about SMEs and ontologies.
I will mention my experiences with SMEs
in meetings whose purpose was to clarify requirements for creating
new databases and applications, or for extending the scope and
functionality of existing ones. The development of ontologies other
than those whose purpose is to facilitate the semantic
interoperability of databases is outside the scope of these comments.
SME: subject matter expert.
A member of the business community (as
opposed to someone in the IT department) who engages with the objects
and events which will be represented in a new or an extended
database, and with the processes that populate that database with
instances of those objects or events.
Example: the objects customers and
invoices, the events of issuing invoices and processing payments. (note: in the upper-level ontology I
developed in my recent book “Bitemporal Data: Theory and Practice”
(Morgan-Kaufmann, 2014), objects and events divide the world between
them; they are exhaustive of what there is, and nothing is both an
object and an event. Objects come into existence, cease to exist and,
while they exist, change from one state to a successive state by
participating in events. I consider this the formalization of an
upper-level folk ontology which is the ontology common to all
relational databases. I relate this ontology to the mathematics of
relational databases, and associate it with a basic referential
semantics, in Chapters 3-6 of BDTP.) BA: business analyst.
Usually a member of the IT department,
but always someone familiar with the current infrastructure of
databases and applications, and someone who “speaks the language”
of data modelers, DBAs and programmers. It is the job of the BA to
transform the initial statement of requirements that led to the
creation of a specific IT project into a target set of requirements
for a new or extended database managed by a new or extended set of
applications, such that the SMEs agree that the resulting
database/applications meet their requirements.
During the JAD sessions (see below),
the initial statement of requirements will be transformed into a
different set of requirements that are not simply the initial
requirements stated in greater detail. The initial set of objects,
events and transformations will be similarly transformed as the BA
helps the SMEs realize (a) ambiguities inherent in their original
statement, (b) generalizations of their requirements that will do
what they require but also additional useful things; (c) restrictions
on their requirements because the current state of technology at the
enterprise would make their satisfaction unacceptably expensive; and
(d) a sorting of initial requirements into do-now and do-later
categories, based on dependencies among the requirements, and on the
need to keep the project on-time and under budget (so both the BA and
the SMEs, whose names are most directly attached to the project, will
look good to their bosses when the whole thing eventually moves into
production status). JAD: joint application development (a
somewhat outdated term). A series of meetings between the BA and
the SMEs in which the initial requirements for a project are
transformed into the final statement of requirements.
It is this: SMEs generally do not know
what they are talking about. To repeat: SMEs generally do not know
what they are talking about. I have reached this conclusion at the
end of a career in which I have worked for, contracted with, or
consulted for twenty-four different enterprises, over half of them
Fortune 500 companies and, during the latter half of my career, in
the role of business analyst and data modeler. In that role, I have
led hundreds of hours of JAD sessions, met with SMEs outside of JAD
sessions countless numbers of times, and exchanged volumes of emails
with SMEs, all designed to transform their requirements into
something that data modelers, DBAs and programmers could start to
work on. Examples: telecom engineers who could not define
what a circuit is. SMEs in all enterprises who could not
define what a customer is. SMEs in a manufacturing company who
could not distinguish between work in progress and finished goods. For anyone familiar with Plato's
Socratic dialogues (early and middle period dialogues), I can make my
point like this: SMEs (Gorgias, Meno, Protagoras, etc.) are the
protagonists of Socrates (the BA) in those dialogues. Those SMEs are
the ones who profess to know something – about knowledge, justice,
courage, etc. Socrates engages each of them in a dialog which always
ends with Socrates demonstrating, usually by eliciting a
contradiction from his protagonist, that the SME actually doesn't
know what he claims to know.
But there is one difference between
Socrates and today's BAs. Socrates is content (pleased, in fact, his
protestations to the contrary) to show that his protagonists don't
know what they claim to know. Today's BAs, however, cannot afford
that luxury. Today's BAs must somehow guide her SMEs from ignorance
to knowledge, from vague, ambiguous, incomplete or otherwise inchoate
initial statements of what they want to a final statement which will
mediate between them and the developers who will implement their
requirements. One conclusion from all this is that
the (ontologically-adept) BA must take a very active role in
eliciting and clarifying definitions of the objects and events of
concern to the enterprise. Her role must not be tidying up around the
edges of what the SMEs initial come up with as a requirements
statement. She must not use a light touch. She must challenge her
SMEs as aggressively as Socrates challenged the self-proclaimed
experts he engaged with. Is there any additional guidance I can
suggest, other than these very general comments? There is. I would like to suggest that
before we begin eliciting ontological commitments from SMEs, we
should clarify (a) what we are defining, and (b) what a definition
is. (3) What are we defining when we ask
SMEs for definitions? Let's take Customer as an example. In
any enterprise, in any JAD session, with any group of SMEs, when we
ask “What is a customer?” (the same “What is X?” question
form as Aristotle's most basic ontological question, ti esti?),
surely we must be asking for something besides a dictionary
We don't need SMEs to formulate general
definitions, whether they are do-it-yourself dictionary definitions,
or definitions defining nodes in a taxonomy whose linearly parent
nodes, up to the root node, have already been defined. We are asking
our SMEs what a customer of our enterprise is, that is, what a
customer of our enterprise in fact is, not what the SMEs think a
customer of our enterprise ideally should be. And when SMEs tell us
what they think a customer of our enterprise actually is, you can be
assured that their definition will be, at best, a gloss on the real
definition, and a gloss that will be incomplete, vague, ambiguous,
and replete with other semantic anomalies. We should all be familiar with the
distinction between Aristotelian definitions and Wittgensteinian
definitions, the former often referred to as definitions by genus and
specific difference, and the latter often referred to as “family
resemblance” definitions. John Sowa's “knowledge soup” is
replete with Wittgensteinian definitions. But what we want are
Aristotelian definitions. And so, what are they? And why do we want
them and not Wittgensteinian definitions? The “Why” is the easier question.
The reason we want Aristotelian definitions is that they are the kind
of definitions needed to support the Semantic Web with formal
ontologies. They are the kind of definitions needed to enable
machine-mediated semantic interoperability across different
In short, we want software that is
querying customer data in two different databases to “understand”
the differences involved, to understand what counts as a customer in
one of those databases that does not in the other, and vice versa.
And this means, not what differences exist in the ordinary language
definitions provided by SMEs, the definitions I have called “glosses”
on the real definitions. It means the differences that exist in the
definitions of the sets known as relational tables of customer data
in those databases. Family resemblance definitions will not
do, at least not until such definitions are formalized in some kind
of fuzzy logic. So what are these Aristotelian definitions, these
definitions by genus and specific difference, that we need to
formulate instead? I will assume that the notions of set
and set member, as used in naive set theory, are understood. In those
terms, an Aristotelian genus is a set, and an Aristotelian specific
difference is a rule (a set membership criterion), which picks out
the members of a subset of that set.
In any relationship of a set and its
immediate superset, the immediate superset defines a universe of
discourse from which the members of the set are chosen by means of
that rule. For example, the set Customer will have (whether
represented as such in a database or not) as an immediate superset
the set Party, which we can think of as being the set of all those
individuals or organizations with which our organization engages in
some way.
This immediately excludes from the
universe of discourse for Customer such things as dogs, cars, and
also any persons or groups not able to enter into a legal agreement
(which a customer relationship is). Now, to define what a customer of
our enterprise is, all we need to do is to state the rule which picks
out a subset from that universe of discourse. How do we discover this rule and, for
that matter, this universe of discourse? Do we ask the SMEs? Well,
the best of them may be able to point us in the right general
direction. But there is a two-tiered source of precise information.
The first tier are the enterprise's policy manuals defining what must
be the case before we will accept a person or organization as a
customer. The second tier is the actual code which implements those
policy statements. To accept a person or organization as a
customer is to add a row to the enterprise's Customer table
representing that person or organization. If we wish to support the
software-mediated (without human supplementation) interpretation of
the similarities and differences between two sets of customer data
stored in the databases of two different organizations, then this is
what it must be. This is what a customer of our enterprise is
– a subtype of a Party with whom we have entered into a customer
relationship, a relationship subject to conditions stated in our
policy manuals and implemented in our code. But relational tables are a special
kind of set. They are time-varying sets. Over time, new members of
the set may be added, as new persons and organizations enter into a
customer relationship with us. Over time, existing members of the set
may be removed, as they cease to satisfy the criteria for remaining
customers of ours. Nonetheless, relational tables are
well-defined sets, defined on a universe of discourse represented by
their immediate supersets, and picked out of that universe by means
of criteria for becoming members of those sets, for remaining members
of those sets, and for ceasing to remain members of those sets. This
is the formal _expression_, in relational databases, of the
Aristotelian definition of ontological types, and in which rows in
those tables represent instances of the types represented by their
tables. Finding these definitions – which
clearly can be done – is doing something a lot more concrete than
talking to a group of SMEs with the objective of obtaining consensus
definitions of such key terms as “customer”. It is against these
real and set-theoretically precise definitions than the verbal
definitions of SMEs are no more than glosses. And it is these real
and set-theoretically precise definitions, not those verbal consensus
definitions, that are the only kind of definitions that will be
accessible to software which mediates the differences among different
definitions associated with different databases, thus realizing the
semantic interoperability promise of the Semantic Web. So we have steered away from the dragon
of Wittgensteinian definitions, and reached the safe fortress of
Aristotelian definitions. To wit: the category Customer (of
enterprise X) is represented by a relational table (hopefully named
Customer, or something like it). A relational table is a set. A set
is a collection of set members drawn from a universe of discourse
such that the members of the set satisfy a specific set membership
criterion. That membership criterion is expressed in policy manuals,
and in the rules expressed in code that determine whether or not
someone will be added to the Customer table. Often, the universe of discourse is not
defined, in which case it effectively defaults to “everything there
is”. If, following Aristotle, we called that universe of discourse
ousia, then the taxonomy we will construct over these
sets/types/kinds/concepts will be very, very flat and very, very
wide. But if that is the fact of the matter, for that enterprise, at
that point in time, then so be it. The ontology implicated in the
databases of that enterprise will in fact be very, very flat and
very, very wide. To summarize: I have been arguing that
semantic interoperability is facilitated by a formal ontology (or at
least taxonomy) which is a descriptive ontology, not a prescriptive
ontology. And in most discussions of ontologies, especially
discussions related to ontologies to facilitate semantic
interoperability, I think the distinction between a descriptive
ontology and a prescriptive one has been lost. I propose that we
recover it, and begin to treat as a subject worthy of serious
attention, the ways and means for developing descriptive ontologies. Prescriptive ontologies come into play,
on my view, when our objective is to construct higher-level
ontologies, for example industry-level ontologies. For these
higher-level ontologies to play the role of facilitating semantic
interoperability across those industries, each enterprise subscribing
to the industry-level ontology must realize that their responsibility
is not to simply play lip service to the industry ontology. It is to
begin the difficult work of adjusting their de facto ontologies,
including the set membership rules for the sets represented as tables
in their databases, so that those lower-level ontological categories
– the ones corresponding one-to-one with their database tables, are
consistent extensions of those higher-level ontologies. This is the basic, boots-on-the-ground
work that is required to make prescriptive ontologies a reality. But
the foundation from which we must begin is what ontological
commitments are in fact, right now, in place in individual databases.
The prescriptive work of integrating these de facto low-level
ontologies, however, is not simply a bottom-up process of supertyping
the types we begin with. It is a process of working with a
well-developed upper-level ontology as well as a set of de facto
low-level ontologies, combining top-down guidance towards an ideal
goal with real-world realizations of ontological categories that have
been proven, over time, to actually work. Perhaps this is something of a
Manifesto – a description of a research and a development program
of work guided by strong theoretical commitments and also a
commitment to objects and processes that are time-tested in the real
world. I don't like the term “Manifesto”, simply because of its
creaky 19th century feel. But I am proposing that we
clearly distinguish descriptive from prescriptive ontologies, clearly
recognize the importance of descriptive ontologies, and begin to
formalize them in the manner described above. Comments? _________________________________________________________________ Message Archives: Config Subscr: Unsubscribe: mailto:ontolog-forum-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Shared Files: Community Wiki: To join: (01) |
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