On 2/18/15 12:35 PM, John F Sowa wrote:
> KI
>> >Our challenge remains getting narrative control back from buzzwords
> Yes. I was not complaining about the useful systems, but about
> the metalevel verbiage used to describe them. Since every digital
> computer is a logic machine, every term that describes what it
> does can be defined in logic. (01)
Yes, I agree totally. (02)
> KI
>> >Tables to RDF Property/Predicate graphs aren't about forced
>> >conversions, implicitly.
> Yes, many DB vendors support both SQL and SPARQL access to
> the same data in real time. That supports interoperability,
> which may continue indefinitely for mission-critical data. (03)
Yes! (04)
> But some people have promoted the one-way mapping of RDB2RDF,
> and some unhappy users were subjected to a forced conversion.
> John
> (05)
Yes, and I dislike that very much! (06)
Regards, (07)
Kingsley Idehen
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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