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Re: [ontolog-forum] Motivated Cognition

To: "'[ontolog-forum] '" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Hans Polzer" <hpolzer@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 18:04:41 -0400
Message-id: <01cb01cfd6b1$3632d450$a2987cf0$@verizon.net>
John,    (01)

Bringing this back to the topic of ontologies and motivated cognition,
groups of these various types (and scope)  also create local frames of
reference, such as calendars, time zones,  units of measure, postal codes,
naming conventions,  passport numbers, policy numbers, and, of course,
languages. When two different groups attempt to interoperate, it's not
enough to agree on language or some standard translation subset between two
or more languages. One must also agree/communicate regarding which frames of
reference are being used by the various parties.     (02)

That probably should include - but rarely does - the ethical and cultural
perspectives of the parties involved. I happen to believe that is one of the
reasons there are so many complaints from both (multiple?) sides of the
political spectrum regarding media bias. The other side of the complaint has
difficulty even seeing any bias because of their ethical/cultural frame of
reference.    (03)

Hans    (04)

-----Original Message-----
From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of John F Sowa
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 5:14 PM
To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Motivated Cognition    (05)

Rich,    (06)

I agree that families, extended families, and tribes have been fundamental
to animal behavior since time immemorial.  You'll find them in ants, wolves,
and chimpanzees.  As they say, "Birds of a feather flock together."    (07)

When I said that political parties are ad hoc, I should have qualified the
point to say that they are less fundamental than those more basic groups.    (08)

> There is no known solution to this problem, which has been around 
> since the nation began, possibly since tribes began from families.    (09)

If you recognize loyalty to a group as natural, the issue is not which
political party, but which kind of group and why.    (010)

If you go to countries like Afghanistan, the tribal leaders are still in
charge, and political parties are weak.  In countries like the USA, they are
somewhat stronger, but note that the fastest growing party in the US is
"independent".    (011)

But there are many other kinds of groups to which people have a strong
loyalty.  They include schools, clubs, and sports teams.  A common language
or even a common dialect can be the basis for a strong group affiliation.
Religious affiliation can be strong enough to cause families to break apart.    (012)

A common profession -- science, engineering, music, farming, or even
employment at the same company -- can create strong loyalties and common
ways of thinking.    (013)

When people belong to multiple groups, serious crises can occur when two
groups to which they have strong loyalties come into conflict.    (014)

And when people become estranged from a group to which they had strong
loyalties, they can undergo a serious crisis -- even suicide or violence
inflicted on people who caused them to be ostracized.
Note the school violence by students who feel left out -- or "bullied."    (015)

John    (016)

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