>From another news group ([Cognitive Neuroscience Forum]) comes this clip:
"In learning a new motor task, there appear to be two processes
happening at once," says Reza Shadmehr, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of
Biomedical Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. "One
is the learning of the motor commands in the task, and the other is critiquing
the learning, much the way a 'coach' behaves. Learning the next similar task
goes faster, because the coach knows which errors are most worthy of attention.
In effect, this second process leaves a memory of the errors that were
experienced during the training, so the re-experience of those errors makes the
learning go faster."
This argues for the approach I described earlier, i.e., one search for
evidence-for facts and rules to consider in the context analysis, and another
search for evidence-against facts and rules to consider in the anti-context
analysis. (01)
Disagreement heartily appreciated,
-Rich (02)
Rich Cooper
Rich AT EnglishLogicKernel DOT com
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