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Re: [ontolog-forum] Thoughtful wishing vs. wishful thinking... ;-)

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: John F Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 10:50:24 -0500
Message-id: <52B70A40.8040601@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Hassan,    (01)

Your two slide shows are an excellent proposal for the future
development of the Semantic Web.  I strongly believe that your
thoughtful wishing provides a simpler, more general, and far
more efficient foundation for the goals of the SW than the
current tools.    (02)

Even more important, OSF (Order Sorted Features) and the tools
for CLP (Constraint Logic Programming) can interoperate with the
current tools.  Any OWL ontology can be mapped to the OSF sorts.
Anything represented in RDF and processed with any SW tools can
also be processed with the OSF tools.  The result would be a huge
improvement in simplicity, generality, and efficiency.    (03)

The short reason why OSF is more efficient than OWL is that every
proof in OSF is only proved *once*.  It is then "memoized" as
a sort that can be used immediately in any further inference.
The methods are explained in your second reference (copy below).    (04)

Furthermore, you can import the ontologies from Schema.org directly
into your system.  That means that users would have a much simpler
and more readable notation than the current tools.  But they can
move to the new tools in an orderly transition, while they continue
to use any software based on the current tools.    (05)

For those of us who are working on Common Logic, I suggest a mapping
from OSF to CL that would support interoperability with anything that
uses the current CL standard or the upcoming revised standard.    (06)

I also recommend the overview of the CEDAR project that you cited at the 
end of your first slides:  http://cedar.liris.cnrs.fr/    (07)

My only criticism is that anything presented in the last two weeks
of December is lost in the traveling, vacations, and celebrations.    (08)

Therefore, I suggest a new thread for January.  Those of us who
are convinced that OSF with CLP is an excellent, upward-compatible
direction for the future of ontology *and* the SW should restart
this discussion after the holidays.    (09)

John    (010)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ontolog-forum] Thoughtful wishing vs. wishful thinking... ;-)
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 05:53:58 -0800
From: Hassan Aït-Kaci <hassanaitkaci@xxxxxxxxx>
To: [ontolog-forum] <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>    (011)

Hi,    (012)

Thought the two presentations below might be of interest to a non-empty
subset of this community.    (013)

   * http://www.slideshare.net/HassanAitKaci/hak-intis2013    (014)

   * http://www.slideshare.net/HassanAitKaci/hak-ontoforum    (015)

The 1st one was a keynote at INTIS 2013
in beautiful Tangier, Morocco, Nov. 30, 2013 - it is mostly
non-technical, and more forest vs. trees.    (016)

The 2nd is more technical and was my (unfortunately hurried)
contribution as part of the Ontolog Forum's panel on Ontology, Rules,
and Logic Programming for Reasoning and Applications (RulesReasoningLP)
mini-series of virtual panel sessions - Nov. 21, 2013
(http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_11_21).    (017)

Wishing my best Season's Greetings to all! :-)    (018)

hak    (019)

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