Hello Pat, (01)
On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 12:48:48PM -0800, Peter Yim wrote:
> I will concede that the inference patterns
> aaa subProperty bbb .
> bbb domain//range ccc .
> |=
> aaa domain//range ccc .
> are a reasonably intuitive idea which could be added as axioms,
> although I can see ways in which it would be found puzzling by some
> users (those who are used to thinking of domains and ranges as
> attached to a class rather than to its extension.) But I have never
> come across any application that needed it, and AFAIK it has never
> been requested or even suggested by any RDF user. (02)
My tool RDF2RDB http://www.netestate.de/De/Loesungen/RDF2RDB produces this
entailment on TBox level and also implements transitivity of subClassOf and
subPropertyOf. The entailment that a property has a certain domain or range
actually makes a difference to this application: Facts are copied
into less tables if the corresponding property has known domains/ranges and
the entailment may produce those domains/ranges. (03)
For example if we know that foaf:knows has domain foaf:person and we know
that x a foaf:person and x a whatever:livingthing, the fact that
x foaf:knows y is not needed in the context of whatever:livingthing
(aka in the tables corresponding to whatever:livingthing). (04)
RDF2RDB is not a clean RDFS reasoner anyway as it also picks some properties
and entailments from OWL. (05)
But when developing RDF2RDB, I assumed that the entailments above are mandated
by RDFS and I had read the RDF 1.0 semantics document before - apparently
not close enough. Section 7.3.1 and section 4.1 are quite clear. (06)
So if this stuff is missing in RDF 1.1, maybe some prominent warning about
what is not entailed should be there. (07)
Regards, (08)
Michael Brunnbauer (09)
++ Michael Brunnbauer
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