John B and Kingsley, (01)
As I have said many times, my primary goal since the 1970s has been
to bring AI technology into the mainstream. That was the theme of
my first publication about conceptual graphs in 1976: (02)
Conceptual graphs for a database interface (03)
My greatest frustration is that the AI community keeps shooting
themselves in the foot every time they have a chance to crawl out
of their niche. In 2000, I thought that the Semantic Web was
finally going to make a breakthrough into the mainstream. (04)
Tim B-L's proposal of 2000 was very promising, but the academic
community found a way to destroy that opportunity. (05)
> Their [MSFT's] projections for 2020 is about 1/2 $T for Internet embedded
> systems. The database system for MS Embedded 8 products is MS SQL.
> There was no mention of taxonomies or ontologies. (06)
> I agree with your core insights and key message. That said, I would like
> to add that "Big Data" and "Data Scientists" are buzzwords *primarily*
> conjured up by marketeers who lack profound understanding of the fundamental
> challenges that have dogged data since the inception of modern computing. (07)
I agree that their web pages have a high percentage of hype. But it
is about the same percentage as the hype generated by the SemWebbers. (08)
The main difference is that they Big Data people know how to talk to
IT professionals and their managers. Meanwhile, the SW hype machine
focuses on academic pursuits that have no connection with reality.
Their biggest blunder was to make decidability their primary slogan. (09)
> I think we might as well add the moniker "Data Artist" to the mix. (010)
That term will not attract the people who have money to spend, and
without funds, you can't build industrial-strength systems. (011)
John (012)
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