While I'm at it, here's yet another gem of thought on scientific
research by a great scientist (Freeman Dyson) worth pondering:
http://www.ams.org/notices/200902/rtx090200212p.pdf ... Birds and frogs
have always debated and will always go on debating ... Some of us chirp
as birds high up in the sky, a few others among us croak as frogs low
down in the swamps ... and most of us are a swarm of flies just buzzing
around in a busy cloud in mid-air to be quickly swallowed by birds and
frogs alike! :-) (01)
-hak (02)
On 12/13/2012 6:54 PM, Hassan Aït-Kaci wrote:
> This debate brought back to my mind thoughts of a great philosopher as
> (yet again) much about scientific pursuits that has been analyzed in
> depth much before this age of reinvention of the square wheel ought to
> be (at least) acknowledged. What I'm quoting below is just a glimpse.
> The entire work is more than worth the reading - very much relevant to
> the essence and evolution of scientific knowledge; what is truth today
> may be very well derided as ignorance tomorrow ...
> « En effet, si l'être en soi est un principe qui se communique à
> l'esprit - tout de même qu'un point matériel entre en relation
> avec l'espace par un champ d'action - il ne saurait être le
> symbole d'une unité. Il conviendrait donc de fonder une ontologie
> du complémentaire moins âprement dialectique que la métaphysique
> du contradictoire. »
> Gaston Bachelard, « Le Nouvel Esprit Scientifique », (1934)
> ---
> "Indeed, if being in itself is a principle that is transmitted to
> mind - just as a material point relates to space through a field of
> action - it could in no way be the symbol of a unique instance. It
> would thence be more appropriate to found an ontology of
> complementation, less bitterly dialectic than the metaphysics of
> contradiction."
> Gaston Bachelard, "The New Scientific Mind", (1934)
> [hak's translation]
> ---
> In other words, scientific knowledge gains from the flexibility of
> "depends on the situation" rather than "it is this and ain't that".
> -hak
> (03)
http://www.hassan-ait-kaci.net/contactme.html (04)
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